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Nominations Presentation Template

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Presidential Nominations

Transcript: First, each party picks their candidate at their respective National Conventions in the late summer of election years. The people who actually choose these nominee's are the delegates. The Caucus The Direct Primary It was originally a private meeting with few people who come together to select the candidates they will support in an upcoming election. The Covention Presidential Nominations Petition About the delegates Total number of Delegates: 2,066 Pledged: 1,907 Unpledged: 159 Unpledged Delegates are seated automatically, based on their status as current or former (Democratic only) party leaders and elected officials. This is the oldest form of the nomination process. A person who wants to run for office simply announces that fact. Self Announcement This form of nomination is held within a party to pick their own candidates for the election. By Shannon Belsher 4th Hour Total number of Delegates: 4,339 Pledged: 3,537 Unpledged: 802 A pledged delegate is is someone who speaks or acts on behalf of an organization at a meeting or conference between organizations of the same level. Since voters don't directly select presidential nominee's they are chosen by delegates from their states who attend the national party convention. Delegates are people who are authorized to represent others, in particular an elected representative sent to a conference. The last nomination process is by petition. By this, candidates for public office are nominated by means of petition signed by qualified voters in their election district. Republican Delegates Democratic Delegates Work Cited


Transcript: Self-Nomination introduction Introduction I am glad to introduce myself, Arbab R. Khan of Class 11th CB of Udyam House, to the Director and the SMTs of the school. I am thankful to the Sanskaar community for giving me a chance to run for the student council. Nominations I would like to give my name for these nominations:- Head Boy Sports Captain Cultural Captain House Captain (Udhyam) Nominations Why i am Worthy Why should you vote for me I have been in this school from the begining of my school life, i chose to tell this so that you are aware about my relationship that i have with my teachers and students. With that in perspective, i shall take in considerations from all the sides and become an effective bridge between the school faculty and the students with the help of my leadership quality. I am very well equiped to handle the complex situations that often arise as i am quite familiar with the school's enviroment and I have observed the capabilities with which my teachers handle such situations. Achievements Sports FOOTBALL AND SCHOOL Sports Representation (CRICKET)- Represented school in under 12 Cricket competition for 3 year. (2014-2016) Led the under 12 tennis ball Cricket team for 3 years. (2014-2016) Played under 14 IPSC Cricket competition for 5 years in which led the team for 4 years. (2014-2018) Played under 17 IPSC Cricket competition for 3 years and led the team for 2 years. (2016-2018) Played under 19 IPSC Cricket competition for 2 years and led the team for 2 years. (2017-2018) Led the under 14 Cricket team in IBSO Cricket competition. (2018) Led the under 17 Cricket team in IBSO Cricket competition. (2018) Led the under 19 Cricket team in IBSO Cricket competition. (2018) Represented school in under 14 Skoda cup. (2018) Won 2 interhouse competition in cricket. I also won 6 medals in the sports week in prangan and sopan Continued Played Netlink cricket competition under 14 for 2 years and led the team too. (2017-2018) Played Netlink Cricket competetion under 17 for 2 years and led the team for 1 year. (2017-2018) Played Rajiv Gandhi Tournament.(2018) Played IES Public School competition for 2 years and led the team.(2016-2017) Played SGFI competetion under 14 for 3 years. (2016-2018) Played SGFI State competition under 14 for 3 years.(2016-2018) Played SGFI Nationals under 14 for 2 years. (2017,2018) Played IBSO Nationals for a year.(2018) Played under 17 SGFI state. (2018) L FOOTBALL- Played Subroto cup for 2 years(2016-2017) Played Subroto state cup for 1 year(2017) Represented school for under 12 football league Bhopal (2016) Played inter school competition in BBHS (2017) SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT I had been awarded school colour for 3 years.(2016-2019) AWARDS Awards WON THE IBSO UNDER 14 1ST PLACE IN CRICKET. I WAS GIVEN BEST BATSMN IN IT. I WAS THE BEST PLAYER OF THE SERIES. I WON 3 MAN OF THE MATCH AWARD AND 1 MAN OF THE FINAL AWARD. I WAS GIVEN THE BEST BATSMAN IN NETLINK CRICKET TOURNAMENT I WAS ALSO AWARDED THE BEST PLAYER OF THE SERIES IN RAJIV GANDHI TOURNAMENT I WAS AWARDED A MAN OF THE MATCH IN IPSC 2017 DISPITE AUR TEAM'S LOSS. I WAS GIVEN A MAN OF THE MATCH IN THE SGFI STATE COMPETITION I WAS ALSO AWARDED A MAN OF THE MATCH IN SGFI NATIONALS I WAS AWARDED WITH THE BEST ALL ROUNDER AWARD IN THE IES PUBLIC CRICKET COMPITITION WE ALSO WON THE SUBROTOO FOOTBALL COMPETITION WE QUALIFIED FOR THE SEMI-FINALS IN THE UNDER 12 FOOTBALL INTER SCHOOL COMPETITION WE ALSO QUALIFIED FOR THE FINALLS IN SUBROTO AND WERE THE FIRST RUNNER UPS. CULTURAL Cultural & Academic I HAVE PLAYED A PART IN EACH FOUNDER SINCE 2017 MOSTLY IN DRAMA. I HAVE PERFORMED IN MANAV SANGRALAY TWICE. I HAVE SUCESSFULLY COMPLEATED MY DIPLOMA OF 5 YEARS IN SARVA BHARTI EXAMINATIONS AND SCORED AN A+ GRADE IN IT. I HAVE PERFORMED DRAME IN THE BSSS SCHOOL TOO. ACADEMICS I HAVE SECURED A 89.2% IN THE 10TH ICSE BOARD EXAMINATION I ALSO TOOK PART IN 5 OLYMPIADS THROUGH OUT. I ALSO HAVE TAKEN PART IN INTERHOUSE SPEAKING COMPETITION IN SOPAN. Conclusion Closing I hope you all take a well assessed decision and consider my abilities and potential. Thank You. -Arbab R. Khan

Presidential Nominations

Transcript: Presidential Nomination Process Matching Funds Spending Limits Campaign Finances of Candidates In 1960, John F. Kennedy entered only seven primaries. After winning them all, he then used his showing to convince state party leaders for his electability. - Elected delegates may be chosen via caucuses or primaries, depending on the state. - With super delegates officials, senators, and representatives within the party are made automatic delegates. - The two parties differ though on who are considered "superdelegates" within their party. - FECA set up a system of Federal subsidies to presidential nomination contenders. - A candidate had to demonstrate some minimum level of support, by raising $5,000 in contributions of $250 or less in 20 states. - After, every contribution of $250 or less would recieve an equal amount of money in matching funds, public moneys paid out of the federal treasury. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Nomination Process Primary Election Example - The Caucus process is rather complex and done by fewer states. - Voters must show up at a designated location at a specific time. - After some preliminaries, assembled voters break off into small groups. - Depending of the size of these "sub caucuses," they elect from their number a certain amount of delegates. - Because larger groups can elect more delegates, often a fair amount of arguing and debating goes on as each group tries to persuade and win over undecided voters. - Taking hours long, the caucus produces a final list of delegates. - These delegates do not automatically get to go to the national convention. The must repeat at a county level and a state level. - If a delegate proceeds through all three levels he or she advances to the national convention. Democrats Evolution of the Nomination Process Graph of Democratic Presidential Nomination 2008 Contribution Limits Financing Nomination Campaigns Disclosure Requirements Unfortunately, Nixon Won - Democrats use a proportional system. - If a candidates receives two-thirds votes, he or she receives two-thirds of the delegates and the other candidate or candidates receive the remaining one-third. In reaction to the Watergate Scandals, Congress rewrote the laws governing how money could be raised and spent in Federal election campaigns. Prior to the passage of the Federal Election Campaign Act amendments of 1974, the financing of presidential campaigns was almost completely unregulated. Contributors could give as much money as they wanted and candidate spent everything they could raise. The law required candidates to disclose basic finance information, but this law was rarely ever enforced. FECA was made to change such flaws by using five main components. - The constitution does not specifically say how candidates for office are to be nominated. - Dominant understanding first stated primarily that the Electoral college would decide. - After President Washington had declared not to run for a third presidency, the two parties at the time (Federalist and Democratic Republicans) had decided to nominate a presidential candidate before the members of the Electoral College were selected. - Thus the trend of of how party presidential nominations had started. - Though the trend had been set into motion, a mechanism had been set up for nominating the candidates which were the congressional caucus's. Example The Candidates of the '68 Election - Though excepted, the mechanism received scrutiny and revision. - This system was major between 1796 and 1824. - Some critics felt that involving Congress violated the Constitutionally prescribed separation of powers. - Others felt the procedure was undemocratic, especially as it meant that any district that elected a congressman from the other party was unrepresented in caucus deliberations. - By the 1840's, National conventions were the accepted and more common process. - Primaries work like other elections. - Voters appear at the polls on a particular day and vote. - After, the votes are totaled the party official use them to allocate national convention delegates. - Each party uses the votes differently. - The contemporary process is now 40 years old and is under constant evaluation every election and nomination by political scientists. - The contemporary process allows more original party voters to participate more than any Democratic party. - Total turnout in the primaries has increased due to the process. - Critics though have stated that ordinary voters have no business in nominations as baseball fans making key choices and decision for their team. - The system is well is often criticized for simply taking too long. - Candidates must dedicate two years to the endeavors. - Candidates as well who make the race are not able to properly focus on their government roles and fulfill them properly. Contemporary Nomination Process Caucuses Final Controversy Republicans - Republicans use a winner take-all system. - 51 percent of the vote gets a candidate 100 percent


Transcript: I have been a dedicated member of the Chemistry Club since my freshman year. I have been the SOSUSC Representative, Secretary, and Vice President. These past positions have helped me develop into a stronger leader and communicator. As President I plan to make sure that we have more involvement in the club. We have great events like Celebrate Science and the Regatta; to get more people to participate, we need to market our events more widely to School of Science students. I plan to have a more structured notebook selling schedule to make sure that we are selling at high volume hours and that students are aware of when we are selling notebooks. Lastly, I think that we should look into more collaboration with other clubs. This is the first year that we are having the School of Science participate in Relay for Life with science clubs rotating. Setting up collaborations will give students time to enjoy other parts of the Relay and to be able to participate with multiple clubs. Let’s go for the gold with ACS! During my freshman year, I was just a general member. I had gone to several of the club meetings. I also participated in the Chemistry (Academic) Quiz Bowl in the spring 2014 semester. Participating in that event inspired me to want to help in planning events like the quiz bowl so as to stimulate more IUPUI campus involvement as well as more STEM interest in high school students. As a result of my freshman year experience, I applied for the Public Relations position, which I am currently serving. Through this position I have been able to help in advertising the Chemistry Club member meetings and volunteer events (such as Celebrate Science Indiana), buying food for the Exam Jams, and even helping out students during Exam Jams as a Chemistry C-105 PLTL Leader. I will also help to advertise and recruit more members for the School of Science Relay for Life Team. I am applying for the position as Vice President because I would like to see the Chemistry Club grow more as an organization and see further involvement from our IUPUI campus. In particular, I would like for the Chemistry Club to give opportunities for our members to explore their professional interests, with a particular focus on chemistry related careers and research. While the Chemistry Club does have a few meetings with faculty/academic professors that talk about their research as well as seminars, I feel that attendance and student interest could be improved. If offered the Vice President position, I would seek to work with the executive board to help possibly develop a monthly workshop/professional series that would focus on a particular research or career opportunity and would include a panel of different speakers, a presentation of current related research or internship opportunities, and a student led discussion. The student led discussion would involve students sharing their current experiences with the career/research being discussed and questions that students have about potential careers would be addressed as well. As a current Life Health Sciences Internship Program (LHSI) intern, I am connected to the program director and I would love to be able to use that connection to have LHSI representatives come speak during the beginning of the spring semester to discuss the program and even have past/current interns speak about their experiences and generate interest. I also have a connection with the Pre-Med Mentoring Program at IUPUI, and this is a program that seeks to pair undergraduate pre-medicine students with third and fourth medical students from the Indianapolis campus IU School of Medicine Medical Undergraduate Mentoring Program (MUMPS). I would love to be able to use this connection to help develop a pre-professional tract/pre-medicine focused workshop series that invites current medical school students to speak about their experiences in medical school, their application process, as well as tips for interviewing. As many of the members in the chemistry club have some pre-professional field interest such as Pre-Medicine, I believe many student members would be interested in participating at such workshops. Additionally, I would like the Chemistry Club to help develop more initiatives to stimulate STEM (and chemistry) career field interest in high school students. For example, if possible I would like to help in the grant writing process to get funding to host another academic chemistry quiz bowl with different high schools. Additionally, as a School of Science Ambassador myself, I would like to partner with the School of Science Ambassador Leadership Team to help host tours for potential chemistry majors (high school juniors and seniors) that may be interested in coming to IUPUI for college. Furthermore, I would like to help find more volunteer opportunities like Celebrate Science Indiana to help generate interest in STEM fields within younger children and high school students. Participating in the Chemistry Club at IUPUI has been a

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