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Nissan Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Problem: Economic downfall has made buying new cars not as appealing as using used cars. Objective: To develop a common theme between all cars and campaigns in order to gain more customers who are willing to buy new cars. Service Strategy: Advertising will prove that Nissan dealer’s have the ability to match your personality to a car that will fit you for life, indicating that Nissan knows you and your wants and needs. Support will be a friendly service and comfortable feeling you detect when you walk into a Nissan dealer. Tone is warm, friendly, understanding, stress-free. Image Strategy: Advertising will convince ages 17-30 years that Nissan is a cool and stylish ride at an affordable price. Support will be the color options, safety features, and its good gas mileage. Tone is hip, cool, stylish that catches the eyes of a younger audience. Opportunities: Reasonable prices for a quality car, the all electric Leaf is good for the environment. Target Audience Demographics: Males and females ages 17-30 years, middle class, global Psychographics- New car users Key Purpose: We want people to have an emotional connection to their car and see how it fits into their life style. Competitors: Toyota, Honda, Kia, Ford, Volvo, Volkswagon Creatives Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Pandora Ads Online-banners Direct Marketing Publicity and PR for event Incentives and Sales Promotions Billboard in 5 main cities emphasis on Leaf -earth friendly different ads appealing to younger drivers IMC Events surrounding a fund raiser or a race car event. Incentives- GPS, AUX Cords, Blue Tooth Nissan we know you.


Transcript: 1935 model The Datsun was able to make a large impact on the U.S. market during the 1950s when first imported due to their unique style. Drive a Datsun then decide Datsun saves Nobody demands more from a Datsun, than Datsun. We are driven! Datsun we are driven! Major motion, from Nissan Datsun logo 1935 Another popular method of advertising the Datsun was to show the product on flyers and magazines in order to spread the news of the Datsun at a faster rate. History 1943-Due to World War 2 progressing, the product of cars and trucks at the Yokohama plant has come to a complete halt. Datsun/Nissan Slogans Datsum Type 15 Roadster Posters 1935-The first Datsun to be manufactured by a fully integrated assembly system now rolls off the line at the Yokohama Plant. 1934- The company name has now changed to Nissan and the first models of Datsuns are shipped out of Asia, into both Central and South America totaling 44 units. In order to show superiority of the product, Nissan would show that there cars are capable of both being inexpensive and reliable. Articles Problems with Marketing Advertising Stratagies Flyers/Magazines The company was first founded by Yoshisuke Aikawa. It wasn't until 1934 that the company name was officially changed to Nissan. The first Nissan automobile was manufactured in 1914 at the Yokohama Plant. Do to Nissan having very little experience with exporting to foreign consumers, the company chose to change their name to Datsun in order to avoid ruining the company's reputation. A cheap form of advertising products to the public. In 1933, Jidosha Seizo Co., who is predecessor of Nissan Motor Co., is established in Yokohama. Yoshisuke Aikawa is named the new company's president. From Datsun to Nissan

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