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Next Steps Powerpoint Template

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TEMPLATE Discovery Findings & Next Steps

Transcript: 1 2 PRACTICE NAME JOURNEY 3 5 6 4 Clarity Street conducted a discovery session to uncover in detail the current state of play with regard to people, processes and systems. Overall Practice Name has very strong foundations and direction for the future, communication with staff on this is also clear and consistent. This will ensure that the change in systems and processes during the course of this engagement will have smoother adoption. The areas for key improvement are systems and processes, this will enable staff to deliver a great service for clients efficiently, therefore allowing growth through offering more services and the capacity and opportunity to grow. 1. DISCOVERY DISCOVERY Practice Name's people want to deliver for clients and operate efficiently as a team. There have been a lot of changes recently for the team causing some culture shock and uncertainty. However, there is genuine desire from all to improve this and to better operate as a team. The Practice Name Team's positive attitude will go a long way to improving systems and processes in this engagement, it's important that this is maintained through support and leadership. 2. PEOPLE PEOPLE Action Items Our key recommendations to assist with rebuilding staff confidence and culture are: Regular team building events Broadcasting Practice Name's core values and solidifying in everything the team does, have them somewhere visible so the team start living and breathing these values Ensure regular training for both accountants and administration Put in place a framework to reward staff for efforts, whether that be promotion or share schemes ACTION ITEMS Practice Name's processes require some immediate attention. Some of the current process challenges are due to the nature of software being utilised, others are due to lack of knowledge, or, in some cases an absence entirely of process. Our key take away for Practice Name regarding processes is to spend time as a team over the course of this engagement and agree on a Practice Name way of doing things. Standardisation will allow the Practice Name team to operate efficiently together. PROCESSES 3. PROCESSES Action Items Our key recommendations regarding processes: Creation of Onboarding & Offboarding client process checklist Take your client allocation to the next level by adding a work schedule month to proactively plan and action client work Remove double handling within compliance process by leveraging the right tools and setting correct expectations with clients Streamline interaction with clients to move to proactive approach, send engagements earlier in the process, leverage tools for easier communication with clients ACTION ITEMS Practice Name's current App Stack is disconnected and causing high duplication of effort across the process. Understandably this is causing frustration amongst staff and resulting in ad hoc solutions being implemented to meet immediate needs without consideration of broader requirements. Currently Practice Name's App Stack consists of: HowNow (DM, Reportance & Workpapers) XPM Trello Google Sheets ATO Mate Spotlight B-Star Office SYSTEMS 4. SYSTEMS Recommendation Practice Name will be streamlining their App Stack by removing a number of these duplicate processes, the fundamental change will be adopting FYI and removing HowNow. FYI will not only be your document management solution it will also allow you to manage workflow and internal tasks in a streamlined manner, syncing back to XPM and maintaining your data. Removing the need for spreadsheets and Trello, accessible anytime anywhere to stay on top of workflow and move to proactively engaging with clients. XPM is your source of truth for all client information, this is your database and must be configured correctly to optimise your eco system as well as populated and maintained on a regular basis. 80-90% of Practice Name's client base use Xero Blue, as such significant duplication can be eradicated by leveraging Xero Reports and integration with Xero Tax, removing Reportance from the equation. RECOMMENDATION We will start your journey with a health check on configurations and data within your source of truth, from here we will implement, train and refine processes with the team. ACTION PLAN ACTION PLAN 1. DATABASE HEALTH CHECK Consisting of: Cleanup of current WIP and jobs – including XPM system changes and specific report creation/deletion where requested. Cleanup and population of missing information for your client database; Clean up of recurring jobs and single jobs that house multiple returns. Cleanup of aged receivables – including XPM invoice process changes and implementing a debtor management process internally. Cleanup up of the relevant tasks, jobs, staff members, business settings and ensure full connection and integration between Xero and Practice Ignition (if applicable); Provide advice on relevant “job” metrics with XPM; Team training is required along with departmental training. XPM HEALTH CHECK 2. XERO 3.

Next Steps

Transcript: Share Keep the Community in Community Colleges “Restricting students’ ability to repeat state-subsidized courses in physical education and other classes will help all of us focus on the priorities of providing basic skills in English and mathematics, certificate and degree attainment and transfer preparation,” Chancellor Jack Scott said. “It used to be we could be all things to all people. Those days are gone, and now we have to focus on those with the greatest need." In November 2012, voters passed Proposition 30, signifying statewide taxpayer support for maintaining access to high- quality educational programs. If there ever were a reason for these regulations, it has passed! In July 2012, in the context of rationing education, statewide regulations were adopted by the California Community College’s Board of Governors to limit repeatability. Educate Share Connect Connect with your community and colleagues across the state: talk to your community groups, contact members of the Faculty Senate or Student Senate at other community colleges, sign the petition to Keep the Community in Community Colleges, and contact your local representatives to support higher education - including the creation of the California Higher Education Endowment Corporation, funded by an Oil Severance Tax (SB1017). Resources Connect Petition: FAQ Sheet: SB1017 Information: Educate Repeatability Talking Points Share stories about repeatability restrictions and the effect they've had on you, your friends and neighbors, and your community.

Next Steps

Transcript: WEBSITE CERTIFICATION Technology OEM G Data OpenCloud Customers may license G Data Cloud Services for Files and URLs Cloud or even other G Data Online Services Interesting for ISPs and Hardware Vendors Thank You as AddOn-Engine, already asked for Documentation must get professional Linux has to be supported Playing with our technologies Desktop Retail Roadmap JS AGENT, FRAUD DETECTION Collaboration with a Düsseldorfer Security Company We will certify Websites with our name and brand External check of Websites for malicious or exploitable contents, i.e. by outdated CMS-Addons or intruders Checking network connection if taken over by a BOT OEM Opportunities with bigger advertising providers Next Steps Strong Encryption on user's content in "normal“ Cloudsystems, like DropBox, GoogleDrive, SkyDrive, … Platform independent (Windows, Android, iOS, ...) Fully encrypted filesystem inside a Cloudsystem with encrypted directorynames and filenames, as well as an encrypted access system Selectable degree of safety for key creation and interchange Licensing: Recurring 1 year licenses Target group: Consumer G Data OpenClient - one main release (LineUp) per year, normally in April - new key features, attractive for marketing, every year - beta phase with feature freeze in November - up to 2 special editions a year for marketing activities - We will fork the TextSecure Project - replace the user interface with our own - add hooks to tap into our own premium app - add call-filter, hidden contacts and phishing-protection Featureset will include: - Encrypted SMS & Chat Messages with other TextSecure users - Full SMS Client interface as replacement for Google Hangouts - sending attachments like Images/Video/Voice encrypted over chat When combined with INTERNET SECURITY FOR ANDROID: - SMS-Filter - Hidden Contacts - Phishing Protection for Messages Roadmaps CLOUD SECURITY JS-Agent is a java script running in wide spread browsers Delivered by website owner JS-Agent reports back to a website owner if his site was manipulated after downloading the original Interesting as Fraud-Detection for banks First talks with a bank already started We deliver a complete framework, including connection to the BKA New Products CloseGap - Engine OEM Business Roadmap OneSource for B2C and B2B Desktop Clients Open ClientManagement Interface Customers shall include our AV solution in own applications and solutions Things that must be done! JS Agent Infrastructure Layout Retail Mobile Roadmap - small releases during the year - new key features attractive for marketing - next key feature "own (SMS) chat client" - since 25.3 own scanner re-included - since V13 longer release cycles, up to 2 years - intermediate updates inside of these release cycles - current version V13, released in Februar 2014 - next main release of V14 planned for end of 2015 TextSecure For more Opportunities

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Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

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