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Metals And Nonmetals Powerpoint Template

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Metals And Nonmetals

Transcript: What are metals? A metal is a solid material either an element, compound, or alloy. They are: • They usually have 1-3 electrons in their outer shell. • Lose their valence electrons easily. • Form oxides that are basic. • Are good reducing agents. Metals are often extracted from the Earth by means of mining Solid at room temperature Metals can be classified as: They are: • Poor conductors of heat and electricity. • Brittle - if a solid. • Nonductile. • Solids, liquids or gases at room temperature. • Usually have 4-8 electrons in their outer shell. • Gain or share valence electrons easily. • Form oxides that are acidic. • Are good oxidizing agents. Noble Metal Ductile - can be streched into wire What are nonmetals? In chemistry, the term base metal is used informally to refer to a metal that oxidizes or corrodes relatively easily. In alchemy, an ancient practice, base metal was a common and inexpensive metal, as opposed to precious metals, mainly gold and silver. There is no rigorous definition of a nonmetal. It is a chemical element which mostly lacks metallic attributes Precious metal In the periodic table, you can see a stair-stepped line starting at Boron (B), , and going all the way down to Polonium (Po), Except for Germanium (Ge) and Antimony (Sb), all the elements to the left of that line can be classified as metals. good conductors of heat and electricity The term "ferrous" is derived from the Latin word meaning "containing iron". This can include pure iron, such as wrought iron, or an alloy such as steel. Ferrous metals are often magnetic, but not exclusively. Base Metal Metals And Nonmetals A precious metal is a rare metallic chemical element of high economic value. malleable- can be beaten into thin sheets good conductors of heat and electricity Ferrous Metal Noble metals are metals that are resistant to corrosion or oxidation, unlike most base metals. They tend to be precious metals, often due to perceived rarity. Examples include gold, platinum, silver and rhodium.

Metals and Nonmetals

Transcript: Non-Metals include elements such as Oxygen, Fluorine, and Sulfur. Non-Metals also include Metalloids, which share properties of both Metals, and non-metals, such as Arsenic, Silicon, and Germanium. Chemical Properties include the ability to gain or "lose" electrons in a process called "Bonding," have 4-8 electrons on their outer shell, and create Acidic oxidized agents. Non-Metals have higher electronegativities and are good reducing agents. Non-Metals can take on any shape or definition, depending on the temperature, and what element it is. They are brittle if solid, poor conductors, not ductile, and are transparent. Metals consist of elements like Iron, Lead, and Aluminum. Metals usually have 1-2 valence electrons in their outer shells. They react with nonmetals and create basic oxidized agents. They are good conductors and have a low electronegativity. All metals are solid at room temperature, except for Hg. Physical properties include the ability to conduct electricity, Malleable, Ductile, and Opaque like a sheet. Gerald E. Greiner III Hribek 7th 4-9-13 METAL METAL Non-Metals are found on the right side of the periodic table, along with the metalloids. The most reactive and Non-reactive group is called the Noble Gasses, which only react with themselves, and no other element. These elements can be very, very dense, and are grouped together again, by how they react, and act. Metals and Non-metals are located on the Periodic table and have varying electrons, protons, neutrons which put them in groups, and families, depending on how they react with one another, and what they do on their own. Metals are located on the left side of the periodic table, and their most reactive group is called the Alkali Metals. These metals react violently with other elements, and can be very unstable. METAL NONMETAL Metals and Non-Metals NONMETAL

Metals and Nonmetals

Transcript: Camila Galindo Metals & Nonmetals Project Chosen Elements Chosen Elements Metal: Gallium Nonmetal: Iodine General Information General Information Gallium Gallium TIME Family: Boron Group: 13 Period: 4 Chemical Symbol: Ga Atomic Number: 31 Atomic Mass: 69.723 u ± 0.001 u Iodine Family: Halogen Group: 17 Period: 5 Chemical Symbol: I Atomic Number: 53 Atomic Mass: 126.90447 u Iodine Name Background Name Background Origin Place: The name was proposed by Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Language: Latin Meaning: France Gallium Gallium Origin Place: The name was proposed by Bernard Courtois. Language: Greek Meaning: Violet Iodine Iodine Uses Uses Pressure Sensors Blu-Ray Technology Thermometers Gallium Gallium Printing Inks Treatment of Cancerous Thyroid Glands Table Salt Iodine Iodine Interesting Facts Interesting Facts Gallium Gallium Gallium is a by-product found during the processing of the ores of other metals. Iodine Iodine Iodine is a necessary nutrient that has to be taken in miniscule amounts. If it's taken in large amounts it could cause poisoning. Physical Properties Physical Properties Soft Silvery-White Metally Gallium Gallium Black Shiny Cristalline Iodine Iodine Chemical Reactions Chemical Reactions Chalcogen Compounds Gallium reacts to air and water in high temperatures and creates gallium oxide Aqueous Chemistry Strong acids dissolve gallium and create gallium salts Gallium Gallium Poly Iodine Compounds Strong acids dissolve iodine and create a magnetic solution Organoiodine Compounds Carbon-iodine compounds that form part of organic chemistry Iodine Iodine

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