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Medieval Style Powerpoint Template

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medieval style

Transcript: ! medieval style medeivalness medieval times my prezi slide show will be about the medieval life, the main topics i will be focusing on are how the people entertained themselfs back when technology wasnt a thing, another topic is on their clothing styles as you probably know they dressesd way diffrent and for sure had amazing style.they did not where the same thing sas we do today, my last topic will be on what they ate like compare what we eat today to what thye ate then it could be diffrent or some of what they ate could be similar to now. medieval clothing medieval clothing examples of clothing here are some examples of what the people would have worn everything back then was different from what we wear now examples of the clothing men's clothing womans's clothing who wore what? and was it comfortable who wore what, was it cofortable? the clothing the people in the medieval times wore varied depending on their statace on the social hieracry, the clothes from people higher up on the social hiercahy probably wasnt very comfortable they were trying to look expenisze and look good so peasents know who they are. and the clothes the peasents wore were probably not comfortable at all as the mideival ages says "Peasant men wore stockings or tunics, while women wore long gowns with sleeveless tunics and wimples to cover their hair. Sheepskin cloaks and woolen hats and mittens were worn in winter for protection from the cold and rain. Leather boots were covered with wooden patens to keep the feet dry." they had to stay warm all season round. medieval entertainment medieval entertainment Text Text as you probably know the medieval games and entertainmet was very diffrent fron what our games our now as medieval entertainment says These included archery, jousting, hammer-throwing, and wrestling. In some areas they played early versions of football (soccer), cricket, bowling, or golf. Monks often sung in Medieval churches. They would chant in a single key without any instruments. they had a very diffrent way of entertaining them selves Picture Picture medieval foods medieval foods medieval food did not come in pre packaged plastic bags and you probably did not get food from a store like now we get our food from stores prepackaged and cold, as a history of shops says In the Middle Ages, there were few permanent shops but every town had a market. Often if you wanted to buy or sell anything you went to the local market. Many towns also had annual fairs , as you can see they barley had any stores they had markets where farmers and other people could sell their goods. what did they eat? what did they eat? the medivals diet contained of many vegetables as medieval cuisine says While grains were the primary constituent of most meals, vegetables such as cabbage, chard, onions, garlic and carrots were common foodstuffs. Many of these were eaten daily by peasants and workers and were less prestigious than meat. as you can see only they only ate meats and more fancier foods on rare occasions or because of fancy dinners with fancy people. who ate what? who ate what the medieval people ate many difffrent things as the medieval diet says Peasants tended to keep cows, so their diets consisted largely of dairy produce such as buttermilk, cheese, or curds and whey. Rich and poor alike ate a dish called pottage, a thick soup containing meat, vegetables, or bran. they ate depending on how high they were on the hiearchy, the mor epower you had the better you would eat extra pictures extra pictures

Medieval powerpoint

Transcript: Kings Life Styles and culture Some of the greatest art came from this time period. The black death swept across Europe killing approximately 1/3 of its population. archery By: Danny Galli Jobs/skills Apothecary Major events Chess Honorable class of soldier in the ranks of midieval military. Usually heavily armored and skilled. Swore to the code of chivalry. In other words, defend the weak, be loyal to their king, and serve God at all times. They were part of the upper class. Supreme ruler of a kingdom. Had highest authority. A kingdom is passed on from king to son upon the kings' death. Checkers Blacksmith Knights The middle ages Most middle age cuisine consisted of the basics like bread, potatos and other home grown products. For the rich, they had more exquisite food like roast pork and elaborate desserts. Most people drank ale, mead and cider, but the rich drank many different wines. Peasants Cuisine Lots of gambling Considered the most painful form of medieval torture, the rack stretches its victims to extremes as it slowly pulls on the victims upper and lower body. Art competitions Law and order >An important occupation in a medieval society. The blacksmith makes the weapons and armor for military use. >The apothecary also played an important role in a kingdom. They helped cure the sick with natural herbs and remedies. Punishments for crimes were extreme in medieval times. They would use torture to intimidate and strike fear into the people of the kingdom. Recreation The life of a peasant in the middle ages was a harsh and enduring one. They worked most of the day and contracted many illnesses due to poor living conditions. The average life expectancy was approximately 35 years.

Style Template & Storyboard

Transcript: Impacts in the Workplace Here is where I will wrap up my presentation. I will likely close with a brief summary of topics discussed, a personal anecdote and a short question and answer session if the setting allows. Thank the audience for their time, and step down. Closing Personal Anecdote Impacts in a School Environment If attached to an school or organization, I would include a handout or pamphlet outlining my presentation as well as some contact information for various resources. Workplace Solutions Style Template & Storyboard This is where I detail the difference in technology usage between the generations. Using some derived stats from my resources if needed, I will show how many people are moving with this change as those who are not. Identification of the Generational Gap Here I will offer solutions for school settings. This is mostly tapping resources that the school may offer, as well as how to handle some other more abstract issues like those of cyber bullying and the like. General Style and Presentation This is where I introduce myself, and give a light outline of my speech that I am giving. This will ideally open with a greeting and a smile. I'll make brief eye contact and acknowledgement of those who respond to my greeting before moving on. This is a pivotal point where I will need to grab my audience and ring them in so presentation is key here. Professional Dressed, Clean cut appearance Standing upright, with good posture Smiling and making eye contact Gesturing with hands for better expression Reduce the usage of notes to a minimum I explain the impact of this phenomena in the workplace here. Using the generational management heirarchy as a primary example, and how its held back many businesses should paint a good picture for them to understand the need for these skills. I will cover a few cons to this argument for the sake of fairness, but keep it mostly positive. Explanation of Tech Usage Between Generations Speech Sequence and Composition Pamphlet/Handout This where I explain the general details of the generational gap with technology usage. This is to be handled with a bit of tact, as experience tells me this can be a rather sensitive topic with people that are identified like this. The less people I offend with this portion, the better. The ideal environment for this presentation is A classroom, conference room, or similar area where a group would meet to hear a speech or lecture. This is where I tell a short story of my experiences on the job with my coworkers and their skill gap with technology. This serves as a point for both connecting to the audience, and illustrating the point of the difference in tech usage that exists between the generations. I make a transition from workplace tech usage to school tech usage, likely through the mention of taking classes to learn tech. I tap my resources to mention the pros and cons of school tech usage, but aim for a more positive beat to keep the interest in learning. Setting Solutions for School Introduction I offer solutions for learning to use more modern technology here. This is mostly through classes and community programs, but I will also suggest independent exploration and discovery as well for learning resources.

Transportations - MEDIEVAL STYLE!!

Transcript: TRANSPORT MEDIEVAL STYLE Hison 8GY Transport was quite definetly one of the most important parts of medieval life But how they traveled relied solely on their class Types of Tranport On Foot Horseback Wagon Litter Caravel Walking Walking was the sole basis of transport in the Medieval times. Everyone could do this so it could be used by every class, although people of higher classes have alternate primary sources. Peasants and low class citizens resort to this without enough money for alternatives. However walking was considered one of the best ways of transport in those times. The medieval streets supported this being a little rough, difficult for travellers on horseback or other ways unable to adapt to the terrain. Horseback This was the primary source of transport for middle classed people and higher. They rode atop their horses with greater speed and did not require them to do much. People took advantage of the horse's build and equipped items onto them to create an alternative way to transport and work. People added a couch between two side by side horses for comfortability purposes. This also goes for wagons and litters as well. Horses were so handy that they were used in war, sports, and farming. In war, they had speed and power to plow down enemies In sports, the horses added speed and power in jousting, plowing down enemies In farming, the horses promoted speed and power, plowing down GRASS. Wagon Wagons were equipped onto horses witch pulled things along. This included others and baggage. Basically, the wagon is clipped onto the back of the horse or horses. The passengers in the back of the wagon were usually peasants or low classed people that have the chance to ride and not walk. They sort of looked like this, like hitch-hikers in the back of a truck in the countryside.. Just more happier... Litters Litters would be used by rich people and high classed people, usually tired af riding. It was first used in the ancient times, carried around by beefy chaps. It has horses on both ends, front and back carrying a litter in the middle. Caravels Caravels are unique durable ships. Small, highly manuverable, distinctive shape with a gently sloping and a single stern castle. It was so greatly designed that nowadays, it has been used for voyages and expeditions in Portugal and Spain. Vikings also used a ship called a longship. It was strong and streamline. It stacked shields along the sides of the ship and a dragon head at the front. It was adaptable to the weather because it could be rowed and the wind could take it, enabling speed against other ships. So... As you have seen, how people took transportation in the medieval times depended on their class and how much money they have Low Class Walk Wagon Middle Class Walk Wagon Horseback High Class Walk Wagon Horseback Litter Caravel THANKS FOR WATCHING O c Bibliography I ~ BEEFY CHAP Y I O L I BEEFY CHAP BEEFY CHAP BEEFY CHAP I . T BEEFY CHAP . L BEEFY CHAP BEEFY CHAP BEEFY CHAP D I c

Style curriculum template

Transcript: EXPERIÊNCIA "Só se pode alcançar um grande êxito quando nos mantemos fiéis a nós mesmos". Friedrich Nietzsche ORGANIZAÇÃO: HABILIDADES SALVE A DATA: 28/10 CUSTO: R$ 5,00 SESSÕES: 16:00 FACILITADORA LETÍCIA DOMINGOS 18:00 FACILITADOR MOISÉS PINHEIRO EDUCAÇÃO VAGAS LIMITADAS INSCRIÇÕES LATTES WORKSHOP CONTATO EXPERIENCE 2017-2015 2017-2015 Job / position title here Company Name Here Main activities and responsibilities: Name and address of the employer: 2015-2011 2015-2011 Job / position title here Company Name Here Main activities and responsibilities: Name and address of the employer: 2010-2001 2010-2001 Job / position title here Company Name Here Main activities and responsibilities: Name and address of the employer: EDUCATION ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Address of the institution: Institution Name here HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Address of the institution: Institution Name here BACHELOR'S DEGREE Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Address of the institution: Institution Name here MASTER'S DEGREE Institution Name here Address of the institution: Master's Degree in: Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: PH.D. Institution Name here Address of the institution: PH.D. in: Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: SKILLS MANAGERIAL Language Skills Mother tongue (s) Language 1 Language 2 Other language (s) Language 1 Language 2 Language 3 Other Skills Name your Skills Skills description: Skills proficiency: Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 TECHNICAL Name your Skills Skills description: Skills proficiency: Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 COMPUTER Name your Skills Skills description: ARTISTIC address line: ADDRESS Your Street Name / House Nr. / etc. here Name of Your City / Town / Place here Name of Your State / Province here Your Zip Code here 001 664 123 4567 001 664 123 4567 CITY / TOWN STATE ZIP CODE PHONE NR. MOBILE CONTACT Paste the link of your LinkedIn profile here Paste the link of your Facebook profile here Paste the link of your Twitter profile here Paste the link of your own or other website

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