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Mango Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Mango India produced half of the world production (10.8 million) followed by China (3.5 million tons) Mexico (1.5 million tons) Thailand (1.7 million tons) The aggregated production of ten countries is responsible for roughly 80% of their entire world mango production. There are over 1000 diferent varieties of Mango grown all over the world. Ataulfo Haden Tommy Atkins Kent Keitt Originated in Southeast Asia where it has been grown for over 4,000 years and over the years was also grown in other parts of the world in sub-tropical and tropical climates, because mango trees need a warm tropical climate to thrive Several countries are major producers of the fruit, including India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, Israel, Egypt and the Philippines. In the United States, Florida and Hawaii have productive mango industries. Most of the Mangos sold in the United States are imported from Mexico, Haiti, the Caribbean and South America The United States is the world's largest consumer of mango's. There are many pests that attack mangos. Mangos cost around $2.00 or more each in most supermarkets. How to grow a mango tree An easy way to grow a mango tree, is to start by simply buying a mango, taking it home, washing it, and carefully prying the husk open. Once the husk is cracked open, remove the lima bean shapped seed. Fill a six inch pot with potting soil, or just plant the seed in a decsent farming area. Before planting the seed, make sure the soil is moist. Plant the seed in the soil with the curved edges up, and the rounded hump just above the surface, covering the seed, leaving the very tip of the hump visible. Keeping the soil moist, but soggy, place the seed in a sunny location, with temperatures around 80. Work Cited Thrips Mango Weevil Fruit Flies Scale Insects Mango Shoot Caterpillar Spider Mites

Office PowerPoint Template Guide

Transcript: Designing Effective Templates Color Schemes and Fonts Choose a color palette that aligns with your brand identity while ensuring legibility. Pair fonts effectively by selecting a readable typeface for body text and a complementary font for headings, limiting to two or three fonts. Layout and Structure An effective layout organizes content logically, improving comprehension. Use a grid system for alignment, prioritize key information through hierarchy, and maintain consistency across slides for a unified look. Incorporating Branding Office PowerPoint Template Guide Integrating brand elements like logos, colors, and fonts creates professional consistency. Ensure that all slides reflect your organization's identity and values to reinforce recognition and trust with your audience. Designing Effective Templates Creating a well-designed PowerPoint template can significantly enhance the effectiveness of presentations. Focusing on layout, color schemes, and branding ensures clarity and promotes engagement. Content Creation Strategies Visuals that Engage Effective presentations incorporate visuals that complement the message. Use charts to illustrate data trends, and images to evoke emotions. For example, a before-and-after image can powerfully highlight the success of a project. Structuring Information Captivating Headlines Organizing content logically guides the audience through your presentation. Use bullet points for quick insights, and follow a clear progression from introduction to conclusion. This helps maintain audience focus and enhances retention. Headlines should grab attention and summarize key points. Using action verbs and clear language helps create intrigue. For instance, instead of "Company Performance," use "Driving Growth: Our 2023 Performance Highlights" to stimulate interest. Content Creation Strategies Creating compelling presentations requires effective content strategies that enhance clarity and engagement. Focusing on headlines, visuals, and structured information can significantly elevate the impact of your presentation. Creating Effective Presentations for the Workplace Mastering Presentation Techniques Mastering Presentation Techniques Effective presentation skills are crucial for conveying messages and engaging audiences. Proper rehearsal, audience interaction, and adept handling of questions can elevate the success of any presentation. Handling Questions and Feedback Rehearsing Your Presentation Encourage questions at appropriate times, fostering an open dialogue. Acknowledging feedback shows receptiveness and can enhance audience connection, along with providing valuable insights for future presentations. Rehearsal is essential for ensuring clarity and confidence. Practicing multiple times enables presenters to polish their delivery, address timing, and refine transitions, leading to a smoother presentation experience. Engaging Your Audience Engagement can be fostered through relatable content and interactive elements such as polls or questions. Connecting personally through storytelling increases audience investment and interest in the presentation's objectives. Introduction to Office PowerPoint Templates Benefits of Using Templates Templates save time and resources by minimizing the design process. They enhance brand consistency and improve audience engagement through polished visuals, allowing presenters to focus on content delivery without getting bogged down by format issues. Purpose of Templates Types of Office Templates The primary purpose of Office PowerPoint templates is to provide a structured framework for presentations. Templates help standardize visual elements, ensuring that all slides maintain a cohesive look and feel, which is critical for effective communication in professional settings. There are various types of Office templates including general presentation templates, specialized templates for reports, charts, and infographics, as well as industry-specific templates. Each template type serves different needs, facilitating tailored presentations for diverse audiences. Introduction to Office PowerPoint Templates Office PowerPoint templates streamline the creation of professional presentations, ensuring consistency and visual appeal. By utilizing templates, users can focus on content while saving time on design elements, making them indispensable in the workplace.


Transcript: Climate Diffusion R2E2 released in 1991 Matures in a couple of weeks after being cultivated long shelf life Widely accepted throughout regions in Australia Ethical Concerns Naturally adapted to tropical lowlands between 25°N and 25°S of the equator Up to elevations of 3000 feet IMPACT ON LOCAL ECONOMY Persian traders carried mango seeds with them to the middle east Portuguese Africa Brazil Mexico North America Krissia Pocasangre Celeste Castillo GROWTH CYCLE MANGO Uses Originated in Northeast India First stages of domestication resulted in fibrous and small fruits. Mughals and Portuguese selected and grew mangos which over centuries became larger, with more flesh and rid of fibers. Used to treat diabetes can be eaten raw or processed into jams, juices, nectars and preserves In india, flour is made from mango seeds timber from mango tree is used for boats, flooring, furniture, etc. Considered a sacred fruit in India "the king of asiatic fruits" DOMESTICATION Mexico, Philippines, Brazil, Pakistan, Thailand and China The United States is the leading importer 1. Seedling - period from sprout until the plant is one year old. In this stage the plant needs more nitrogen fertilizer and water than at any other stage because growth in this stage is essential. 2. Vegetative - In the 2nd and 5th years, the plant produces its general form and scaffold. 3. Reproductive - At about ten years of age, mango trees are able to flower and fruit each year. ( It takes 100-150 days from flower to fruit). From age 1-20, a tree may produce 200 to 300 fruits per year.

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