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Lgbt Powerpoint Template

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A New Corporate PowerPoint Template

Transcript: Photos Reusable assets A New Corporate PowerPoint Template Ante molestie mattis arcu gravida viverra adipiscing volutpat. Ultrices eget viverra eu lectus ullamcorper. Consequat dictum tristique lectus augue felis nascetur amet non. Velit sit placerat tincidunt integer amet massa justo risus netus. Ornare sagittis malesuada varius cursus ipsum erat libero metus eget. Colors Assets Developing Brand-Aligned Slide Designs 04 01 02 03 Title Aa Aa Subtitle S M W T T S F Paragraph Aa Aa Embedding Techniques Consistency Across Slides Importance of Branding Ensure the logo appears on every slide in the same manner to reinforce brand identity. Consistency in color, size, and position not only enhances professionalism but also aids audience recall. Use embedding techniques that ensure the logo remains intact across different devices and formats. Save the logo in high-quality formats such as PNG for transparent backgrounds, or SVG for scalability without loss of quality. Branding plays a crucial role in how an organization is perceived. Consistent use of visual elements, like the company logo and theme colors, fosters recognition and trust among clients and stakeholders. Slide Design Options Purpose of the Template Title Slide Design Logo Placement Guidelines Overview of Design Elements Visual Impact of the Logo This section covers essential elements for creating engaging slide designs that adhere to corporate branding. Each component plays a pivotal role in maintaining visual consistency and enhancing audience engagement. The primary purpose of the PowerPoint template is to standardize presentations across the company. By establishing a uniform design, each presentation contributes to a cohesive company image that aligns with our core values and mission. Position the logo in the top left corner of each slide for immediate visibility. Maintain sufficient padding around it to avoid visual clutter, ensuring it stands out while complementing the overall design. The title slide sets the tone for the presentation. Incorporate the corporate logo prominently for brand recognition, and use bold, legible fonts. Essential elements include the presentation title, subtitle, and date, ensuring clarity and professionalism without cluttering the slide. The logo acts as a visual anchor in presentations, enhancing brand awareness. A well-placed logo increases viewer trust and recognition, contributing to an effective communication strategy. The template integrates essential design elements such as a clear color palette, consistent typography, and appropriate use of imagery. Each element works in harmony to enhance readability and visual appeal, reinforcing brand identity. Examples of Best Practices Implementation and Feedback Utilizing Theme Colors Best practices include utilizing consistent fonts, aligning images and text uniformly, and adhering to brand colors. These practices not only enhance visual quality but also reinforce brand identity in presentations. Goals for Future Work Implementing a new corporate PowerPoint template requires strategic planning and open communication. Gathering team feedback is crucial for continuous improvement and ensuring that the template meets the needs of all users. Content Slide Variations Theme colors should reflect the brand’s identity. Use the primary colors such as red, blue, orange, green, and yellow consistently throughout the slides, ensuring that critical information stands out, especially in titles and headings. The aim is to continuously refine the PowerPoint template to meet evolving corporate needs. By incorporating feedback and including innovative design practices, the template will remain relevant and effective for all future presentations. Content slides should vary in layout to maintain audience interest. Utilize templates that allow for bullet points, graphics, or video inserts. Consistency in font, color, and logo placement across all content slides enhances the overall cohesive look. Rollout Strategy Continuous Improvement Collecting Team Feedback Image and Text Alignment The rollout strategy involves a phased implementation where team leads receive training first. This ensures that they can assist their teams effectively, maximizing the template's potential across the organization. Logo Integration Introduction to the Template Establishing feedback channels through surveys and meetings allows team members to share their experiences using the template. This direct input can guide future iterations and adjustments to enhance usability. Continuous improvement is key; analyze collected feedback and implement necessary changes to the template. Regular updates help maintain relevance and ensure the template evolves with the organization’s needs. Correct alignment between images and text is vital for readability and aesthetic appeal. Images should complement the text and not overwhelm it; maintaining balance helps convey the message effectively without distractions. This section


Transcript: There are many barriers to optimal health care Ex) Lack of culturally appropriate prevention services for many of the risk factors LGBT members face Young adults are at less risk than older LGBT members Social acceptance A form of Heterosexism, but much more radical. It is the system of negative discrimination against homosexuality and those who identify themselves as members of the LGBT community. Important Dates In todays society LGBT population is increasing significantly Because of the increasing population, society and the way of life is changing For instance: Recently, California has become the first state to mandate gay history into their curriculum. A disproportionately large portion of the LGBT community places a priority on spirituality Many churches have become accepting of LGBT members over time 164 in Virginia listed officially as LGBT friendly In the United States, Homosexuality was considered a sickness, sin, and criminal. Homosexuality was not even a term in American society until 1868. “Sodomy” was the term homosexual behavior fell under. Laws against “sodomy” came from England and could be punished by whipping, banishment, fines, and death. Family’s Role (Positive) Interviewee #2 LGBT Households Grew up lower-middle class with a large family. Currently middle class. Education was emphasized during her youth; graduated from high school, college, and currently in a masters program Religion was an extremely important aspect of her family life. Currently affiliated with no religion. Experienced little discrimination over the course of her life Education was extremely important to his parents Was expected to be the very best. Always get As, go to an ivy league school Graduated from high school, college with a double major, and graduate school Personally holds education in high regard Roman Catholic upbringing, went to Catholic school Religion was the way of life, did not even think of an other option Removed herself from religion as she experimented with her sexual identity Currently not affiliated with any religion, does not consider herself spiritual Discrimination in the Current Era (Wilcox, 2003),(Ritter & O’Neill, 1989),(Couch, Mulcare, Pitts, Smith, and Mitchell, 2008), (Henrickson, 2007) Stonewall Riots The LGBT population is extremely diverse. Members of the community come from all walks of life, including people of all races, ethnicities, ages, socioeconomic status, and location Sexual orientation has been associated with multiple health threats LGBT members have unique health care needs Ex) The HIV/AIDS epidemic Fairly secular upbringing. Parents let them experience religion to ultimately choose for themselves. Became very religious in hopes prayer would cure him of his sexual orrientation Formation of his sexual identity made him anti-religion Realized he was discriminating against religion like others discriminated against the LGBT community Currently is a practicing budhist; he feels Budhism gives him "a set of tools to move to greater happiness" Estimated 4% of the U.S. Population Identifies with the LGBTQ lifestyle, That is nearly 9 Million people. Bisexuals make up 1.8% of the 4%, and are most commonly women. Number isn’t entirely accurate because there are probably many more out there who don’t know they are LGBTQ, haven’t come out, or are scared to come out. So the number is a rough estimate. Family’s Role (Negative) Discrimination #1 Interviewee #2 U.S. History Interviewee #2 (Rispel, Metcalf, Colete, Moorman, Reddy, 2011), (Hellman & Klein, 2004) (CDC, 2011), (Mayer, Bradford, Makadon, Stall, Goldhamer, Landers, 2008). Services Available Stonewall Riots seen as start of the LGBT Movement June 28, 1969 Riot Broke out in front of the Stonewall Inn, a popular gay bar in Greenwich Village. The Next night the angry patrons and crowd returned in greater numbers. Interviewee #1 The family serves as the immediate social network for people who are LGBT, and therefore families may, if not absolutely will have most effect on LGBT People who identify themselves as LGBT almost always hesitate to tell their parents of their sexual orientation, out of fear that they will not accept it An Australian Study showed that out of 1500 people who identified themselves as either gay or lesbian, 80 percent chose not to reveal their sexual orientation to their parents Parents often do not know how to respond to their child’s coming out, and are left confused, angered, and saddened as a result. Families can take one of two roles towards their LGBT children: positive or negative. #2 Pride Week, National Coming Out Day, Day of Silence, and Trans Day of Remembrance are all very important holidays to him Interviewee #1 They both have festivals and parades, Although they might be different themed. LGBT might have a Gay Pride festival or a Gay Pride Parade LGBT and main stream Americans will have the same themed parades as well like a thanksgiving


Transcript: LGBT 1924 The earliest gay rights organization was formed in Chicago, known as The Society for Human Rights In 1948, Alfred Kinsey published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, revealing that homosexuality is more prevelant than previously believed. It wasn't until 1962 that Illinois became the first state in the US to decriminalize homosexual acts between consenting adults in private. The American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its official list of mental disorders in 1973. On November 27, 1978, Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone were assassinated by Dan White, another San Francisco city supervisor, who had recently resigned and wanted his job back. Social Contribution to Society people are people, no matter who they love equality should be extended to all The gay rights movement works towards creating a more just society where everyone is treated equally under the law, receiving equal benefits, like marriage, health care, and more Legal Contribution to Society In 1993, the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy was instituted, permitting gays to serve in the military but banning homosexual activity Gay Marriage is now legal in 6 states and in Washington D.C Challenges The current ban on gay and lesbian marriages is an example of how the United States is legally discriminating against homosexuals upon the basis of a religious union that is also happens to be legally recognized by the government, and this very much seems to violate the divide between church and state. All couples that wish to “get married” should have to apply for a civil license or some form of legal status as partners regardless of whether or not a couple is heterosexual or homosexual. This legal status should be separate from any form of religious union, and then however religious institutions want to classify the aforementioned union between the individuals may be determined by them. Homosexual and heterosexual “marriages” should definitely have an equal status with heterosexual “marriages”, but religious institutions are very divided in regards to the homosexual marriage. My personal experience... During the 1800s, people who went to pubs were required to wear at least three pieces of gender-appropriate clothing. 1965 First Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS) in America performed at Johns Hopkins University In Europe there had been some procedures in the 30s and 40s, of varying success. Backlash against transgendered persons in the 1970s: Johns Hopkins replaced Dr. Joel Elkes with Dr. Paul McHugh – •Dr. John Meyer releases report of 50 transsexuals, declares surgery provides no benefits. •JHU SRS program shut down in 1979 1980 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd edition) first includes transsexualism as a medical condition – which makes it much easier to obtain treatment. (Changed to gender identity disorder for DSM IV) 2007 – gender identity language taken out of ENDA to make it more appealing – still fails. Clashes within the LGBT Community Transgenderism historically a part of the gay rights movement 1950s – Johns Hopkins – idea of them being “created” Chryss Cada vs. Shannon Minter quotes “Sexual orientation” vs. “Gender identity” ACLU forced to define 1990s – more open dialogue, transgender and gay advocacy groups Minter’s reverse-umbrella theory Classism/Racism and Homosexuality 1920s-30s, white, middle class gay males vs. “the rest” 1950s-60s, professional, “femme” lesbians vs. blue-collar, “butch” lesbians Bisexuality--1982 Journal of Homosexuality – four possible causes of bisexuality: Real and natural Transitory (will return to original orientation) Transitional (will end up at opposite orientation) Homosexual denial Action Plan people are people. love them. Educate Yourself [Factionalism] Gay Pride Parades Personal Tell Your Story (Educate others) Correct derogatory language Gay Rights Buttons! National Harvey Milk QSU Events It Gets Better Campaign/Ally Lists Embracing, not just Accepting Lobbying Community Petitions

Islamic Style PowerPoint Template Design

Transcript: Importance of Natural Light Natural light is not only valued for its aesthetic appeal but also for its spiritual significance. In Islamic architecture, elements like large windows and skylights are designed to invite sunlight and promote a sense of tranquility and connection with nature. Types of Lighting Fixtures Decorative Lighting Techniques Techniques such as using colored glass, intricate wood carvings, and patterned screens create captivating lighting effects in Islamic interiors. These techniques soften light and enhance the beauty of the architectural features, creating a unique ambiance. Islamic interiors utilize a variety of lighting fixtures, such as lanterns, sconces, and chandeliers. These fixtures often showcase intricate designs, featuring geometric patterns and calligraphy, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of Islamic architecture. Geometry and Symmetry Patterns and Motifs Traditional Color Schemes Common Materials Used Patterns in Textiles Geometry in Islamic architecture plays a pivotal role, symbolizing the infinite nature of the universe. Symmetry is employed to create balance and harmony, often seen in mosque layouts and decorative elements, enhancing the spiritual experience for visitors. Islamic design traditionally uses rich jewel tones such as emerald green, deep blue, and ruby red, often contrasted with gold and white accents. These colors are deeply rooted in cultural and religious significance, symbolizing peace, spirituality, and nature. Islamic patterns and motifs serve both decorative and symbolic purposes, representing unity, eternity, and the divine. These designs are characterized by intricate repetitions and are commonly found on tiles, walls, and textiles, creating a mesmerizing visual experience. Spatial Layout and Functionality Calligraphy Islamic interiors often feature textiles made from natural fibers such as cotton, silk, and wool. These materials are not only durable but also contribute to a warm, inviting atmosphere. Additionally, the use of intricate embroidery and embellishments adds depth and visual interest to the fabrics employed in these designs. Multi-functional Areas Psychological Effects of Color Islamic textiles are characterized by geometric patterns, floral motifs, and intricate designs that symbolize paradise and spirituality. The repetitive nature of these patterns reinforces the harmony in Islamic art and can be used to create a sense of rhythm within a space, making the interiors dynamic and engaging. The spatial layout in Islamic interior design reflects cultural values and enhances functionality. A balance between open and closed spaces facilitates movement and interaction while offering privacy. Color Palettes in Islamic Design Designing multi-functional spaces allows for versatility, adapting to various guest needs. Features like convertible furniture or flexible layouts can transform a lounge into a conference area, enhancing usability and maximizing space. Lighting in Islamic Interiors Colors influence mood and behavior significantly. In Islamic design, green evokes tranquility and harmony, while red can represent power and passion, enhancing the overall experience in resort hotels by creating specific atmospheres. Calligraphy is a revered art form in Islamic culture, used to convey sacred texts and enhance architectural beauty. The use of Arabic script embellishes walls and spaces, merging art with spirituality and serving as both decoration and communication of faith. Color plays a significant role in Islamic design, invoking cultural meanings and enhancing the aesthetics of interior spaces. The application of traditional color schemes influences emotional responses and creates a unique ambiance in resort hotels. Key Elements of Islamic Architecture Open vs. Closed Spaces Flow and Movement Open spaces promote community and foster interaction among guests, suitable for lobbies and communal areas. Closed spaces, such as private suites, offer tranquility and personal retreat while maintaining a connection to the overall design theme. A well-designed spatial layout ensures seamless flow, guiding guests naturally through the space. Consider integrating pathways that connect different areas, enhancing the guest experience by facilitating ease of movement without congestion. Color Combinations Islamic architecture is characterized by its intricate use of geometric patterns, symmetry, and elegant calligraphy, forming a unique aesthetic that reflects spiritual beliefs and cultural identity. Understanding these key elements is essential to appreciate the depth and beauty of Islamic design in contemporary settings. Incorporating Fabrics into Design Effective color combinations in Islamic design often include complementary and analogous schemes. For instance, combining turquoise with warm beige creates a serene yet inviting space, essential for resort hotel aesthetics. Fabrics can be strategically integrated into Islamic interior spaces through

Office PowerPoint Template Guide

Transcript: Designing Effective Templates Color Schemes and Fonts Choose a color palette that aligns with your brand identity while ensuring legibility. Pair fonts effectively by selecting a readable typeface for body text and a complementary font for headings, limiting to two or three fonts. Layout and Structure An effective layout organizes content logically, improving comprehension. Use a grid system for alignment, prioritize key information through hierarchy, and maintain consistency across slides for a unified look. Incorporating Branding Office PowerPoint Template Guide Integrating brand elements like logos, colors, and fonts creates professional consistency. Ensure that all slides reflect your organization's identity and values to reinforce recognition and trust with your audience. Designing Effective Templates Creating a well-designed PowerPoint template can significantly enhance the effectiveness of presentations. Focusing on layout, color schemes, and branding ensures clarity and promotes engagement. Content Creation Strategies Visuals that Engage Effective presentations incorporate visuals that complement the message. Use charts to illustrate data trends, and images to evoke emotions. For example, a before-and-after image can powerfully highlight the success of a project. Structuring Information Captivating Headlines Organizing content logically guides the audience through your presentation. Use bullet points for quick insights, and follow a clear progression from introduction to conclusion. This helps maintain audience focus and enhances retention. Headlines should grab attention and summarize key points. Using action verbs and clear language helps create intrigue. For instance, instead of "Company Performance," use "Driving Growth: Our 2023 Performance Highlights" to stimulate interest. Content Creation Strategies Creating compelling presentations requires effective content strategies that enhance clarity and engagement. Focusing on headlines, visuals, and structured information can significantly elevate the impact of your presentation. Creating Effective Presentations for the Workplace Mastering Presentation Techniques Mastering Presentation Techniques Effective presentation skills are crucial for conveying messages and engaging audiences. Proper rehearsal, audience interaction, and adept handling of questions can elevate the success of any presentation. Handling Questions and Feedback Rehearsing Your Presentation Encourage questions at appropriate times, fostering an open dialogue. Acknowledging feedback shows receptiveness and can enhance audience connection, along with providing valuable insights for future presentations. Rehearsal is essential for ensuring clarity and confidence. Practicing multiple times enables presenters to polish their delivery, address timing, and refine transitions, leading to a smoother presentation experience. Engaging Your Audience Engagement can be fostered through relatable content and interactive elements such as polls or questions. Connecting personally through storytelling increases audience investment and interest in the presentation's objectives. Introduction to Office PowerPoint Templates Benefits of Using Templates Templates save time and resources by minimizing the design process. They enhance brand consistency and improve audience engagement through polished visuals, allowing presenters to focus on content delivery without getting bogged down by format issues. Purpose of Templates Types of Office Templates The primary purpose of Office PowerPoint templates is to provide a structured framework for presentations. Templates help standardize visual elements, ensuring that all slides maintain a cohesive look and feel, which is critical for effective communication in professional settings. There are various types of Office templates including general presentation templates, specialized templates for reports, charts, and infographics, as well as industry-specific templates. Each template type serves different needs, facilitating tailored presentations for diverse audiences. Introduction to Office PowerPoint Templates Office PowerPoint templates streamline the creation of professional presentations, ensuring consistency and visual appeal. By utilizing templates, users can focus on content while saving time on design elements, making them indispensable in the workplace.

Now you can make any subject more engaging and memorable