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Lgbt Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Gay teens are 8.4 times more likely to report having attempted suicide and 5.9 times more likely to report high levels of depression compared with peers from families that reported no or low levels of family rejection Half of gay males experience a negative parental reaction when they come out and in 26% of those cases the youth was thrown out of the home Reliable estimates indicate that between 4 and 10% of the population is gay, which means in a public school system of more than one million, like New York City's, there are at least 40,000 to 100,000 gay students Educate yourself and be proactive LGBT The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. Social workers should target LGBT bullying. they need to be aware of the social and psychological effects and affects of this; in particular, the effects and affects on the transgender community. They are all still struggling for acceptance. They are struggling for equality and equal rights. transgendered people are often people of hate crimes. They can still be fired or denied rent to hotels, apartments, and houses. It is important that social workers educate themselves on the issues within this community. You can do this by attending workshops, forums, and having a discourse with transgendered individuals. Know that everyone has a unique experience. Go out of your comfort zone and open your eyes to their experience. LGBT refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people. This organization started back in the 1990s. What can you do to help? What is LGBT? Each state has a PFLAG chapter. PFLAG stands for parents, families, and friends of lesbians and gays. love is love, no matter what both services are national nonprofit organizations and are free to anyone needing help Trying to figure out who you are? The center is a youth group that meets on a weekly basis, ages between 12-21 where they can meet together in a safe place for fun and activities where kids can come and be themselves. Silence = death The source for health care providers, health and wellness, mental health care, legal services, and youth resources.


Transcript: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual What a teacher candidate should know Sikhism Two Spirits Buddhism Christianity Has the school environment been a safe place for you? How did you feel about the school environment and your sexuality, sexual identity, and sexual orientation? Comments, concerns, and questions? stopping the worst before it happens Homosexual All areas of study include consideration of gender and equity through Core Curriculum Components and Initiatives Change towards a brighter future Transsexual “ The Government of Saskatchewan is committed to ensuring that all students are taught respect for other individuals, and for their rights.” Anonymous Bisexual Two Spirits: having two identities within one being Native Spirituality The Trevor Project "I think the public school schools do need to have more lgbt groups or people you can talk to about questions you may have. I didn't know that I could talk to anyone, I felt alone and mad all the time" so I think the public school system is becoming a lot more supportive of exploring sexuality but it is just the people/students/some teachers that make it difficult Asexual "They would never want to talk to us about it; they would change the subject on us if we asked. I felt as though I was lost with confusion" Personal and Philisophical: students are looking inward and focusing on self-image and self-esteem. They reflect on self and life, on their beliefs and values and those of society. United States of America I think sexuality should be explored in earlier years, but more on the terms of accepting others in the LGBT community and not out casting it Suicide Prevention Don't Ask, Don't Tell " ... the biggest problem is that in school there was just no one to talk to other than the counsellor, even then I felt odd trying to explain the way I was feeling to someone who hears peoples problems all day, when I didn't think it was a problem. It felt like I was at the wrong place. You need to change that in school" The Social Experience—Beyond Personal Goals Canada—Diverse Voices Recollection—A Journey Back Equality—Pain and Pride Challenges—Opportunities and Obstacles Pansexual Schools should educate students in acceptance, rather than tolerance Youth Helplines Middle Years - High School "During high school I was confused for a really long time but I didn’t come out because I didn’t wanna deal with the school environment and what comes with all that" Honourable Andrew Thomson Saskatchewan Minister of Learning March 20, 2004 "I think that the system is changing but its not doing a lot to help them[students] understand about the subject [other forms of sexuality]." Spirituality and Religion Sikhs believe that Guru Nanak's emphasis on universal equality and brotherhood is fundamentally in support of gay rights. Elementary years Raelyne Bird & Trenton Gervais Don't be ignorant. All areas of study include consideration of gender and equity through Core Curriculum Components and Initiatives Heterosexual


Transcript: People who are ignorant and scared usually persecute homosexuals as well. People, especially in big cities, are getting a lot more tolerant and accepting about gays and lesbians. Awareness There are parades in big cities that show support for LGBT. There are lots of new T. V. shows that feature gay couples like The New Normal, Glee, and Modern Family, as well as Partners. Many groups are coming into being for the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders. Gay guys are fashionistas Everyone who has AIDS is gay They don't like make up and never wear any Want monkeys as pets. Pathetic guys are called "gay" because they are not as manly as every other guy Gay guys are flamboyant How the Community Reacts Must have been abused to be a lesbian More conservative states are anti gay marriage because of the political views. One state has banned gay marriage. Stereotypes of LGBT Shaving armpits and legs is frowned upon, they also don't like bras All homosexuals are transsexual (they want to be the other gender) Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender As a society, we are warming up to them, even though some remain stuck in their old fashioned ways, or because of their religion. 6 states have made gay marriage legal. Most Middle School and High School students have been bi curious at one point in their lives They are vegetarians Many more people are coming out of the closet with the acceptance they have found in their community. THE END They are over emotional and very dramatic Career choices includes: PE teacher, basketball player, softball player, or professional golfer Our school has a gay-straight alliance, which adds awareness in our own community Christians persecute LGBT because they believe it is wrong. In the bible, it says that being gay or lesbian is wrong. Lesbian women are a lot more manly than straight women Lesbian women wear men's clothing and are very sports oriented President Obama said that he supports Gay marriage, which has given him the support of a whole new group of people. The media also doesn't help the way society looks at gays. It creates stereotypes that are not necessarily true. Gay men are superficial Many actors have come out of the closet as well, like Neil Patrick Harris. Conservative Republicans are very against LGBT as well, also because they are usually Christian. Gay guys have a specific "gay" way of talking with limp wrists Many still believe it is a choice, not how you were born, and gay counseling is still available through some churches. People are a lot more aware of the Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Transgender community Nora, Sofie, Izzy, and Gabby Hate men. Who Persecutes Them? Gay men are promiscuous There are many outreach centers in the United States, especially in the bigger cities.

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.


Transcript: Civil Rights Movements: LGBT What Life Was Like Before AIDS and Queer Community Stonewall riots Harvey Milk Gay-Straight Alliance Daughters of Bilitis Same-sex Marriage Sexuality Discrimination PFLAG Gay Liberation Movement This movement went from the 1960s to the 1970s It urged homosexuals to "come out" The gay movement was considered part of the counterculture. The movement aimed at liberating homosexuals from legal or social or economic oppression. This movement is said to have started after the Stonewall Riots in 1969 GAA was an active group aimed at helping LGBT people Ruth Simpson was a prominent figure in the Gay Liberation Movement Since homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual as a mental disorder in 1973 (AGLP), the amount of individuals coming out and labelling themselves as same sex attracted has increased as homosexuality becomes more “normal” in society The first known homosexual political organization in the U.S. was the Mattachine Society LGBT Community America's gays moved to the west - especially San Francisco In 1970, the Supreme Court of Minnesota in Baker v. Nelson ruled that it did not violate the federal Constitution for a state to deny a civil marriage license to a same-sex couple. Controversy was revived in 1993 when the Hawaii Supreme Court ruled that the state constitutional ban on sex discrimination meant that same-sex couples were entitled to a civil marriage license. It was legal in Hawaii for a day. Controversy still appears today. Paradoxically strenghtened the political arm of the gay movement. The phrase "Gay power!" spread through Greenwich Village and became popular Beat Proposition 6 in 1978 It was normal for police to randomly raid gay bars Aids: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome The AIDS epidemic in the 1980s intensified antigay rhetoric of the New Right Stimulated further organizing within the gay community When someone is treated differently because of his/her sexuality When the different treatment negatively affects the “terms or conditions of employment”, it is illegal The first lesbian rights organization in the United States Formed in San Francisco in 1955 conceived as a social alternative to lesbian bars, which were considered illegal and caused raids and police harassment lasted 14 years Focus was providing support to women who were afraid to come out by educating them about their rights and gay history “Bilitus” is a name given to a fictional lesbian contemporary of Sappho by the French poet Pierre Louys This organization created a newsletter called The Ladder, which was the first nationally distributed lesbian publication in the United States Del Martin was the president of the organization and Phyllis Lyon was the editor Even though they were tolerant where he lived, gays still faced discrimination (by businesses, for example) However, they were inspired by African Americans' civil rights movement Local and national gay civil rights groups grew in size and number The ejected customers threw coins, bottles, etc. at the police officers Openly gay man elected into office (Board of Supervisors) in 1977 Born on May 22, 1930 in Woodmere, New York Led to the public exposure of police brutality, leading to the the first gay rights organization in the U.S., the Gay Liberation Front, which had an anti-war, pro-civil rights, anti-establishment identity Gay pride had grown since March on Washington and Black pride -student organizations that are intended to provide a safe and supportive environment for lgbt youth and their straight allies -now there are over 4000 GSAs in the US -established in the1980s -first gay student organization in America was founded at Columbia University in 1966 under the name the Student Homophile League -began to spread from Massachussetts in 1998 -The Federal Equal Access Act of 1984 protected GSAs in schools across America What do you already know about LGBT rights and their history? More protests followed even though it was considered embarrassing to be seen as homosexual Didn't receive equal treatment in court Gay men and women were labeled “deviants,” “degenerates,” and “sex criminals” by the medical profession, government officials, and the mass media Sometimes they weren't served in restaurants Some businesses banned employment of homosexuals In 1972, Morton Manford was physically attacked at a gay rights protest demonstration in New York. Morty's parents, Jeanne and Jules Manford, saw the attack on a local newscast and witnessed the police's failure to intervene. Their outrage turned them into activists. Jeanne Manford marched with her gay son in New York's Pride Day parade. PFLAG was meant to bring families together In response to community need, similar groups sprang up around the country, offering "safe havens" and mutual support for parents with gay and lesbian children PFLAG relocated to Denver, under President Ellinor Lewallen A socio-political group of family members and friends of lesbian,

Seminar Powerpoint template

Transcript: What should we do? Body development Summary Reactions of people involved Recommendations Employees Employers Introducing the idea of principlism Improve quality of life Improving Preventative Healthcare Improve physical well-being Improving Healthy living in the Workplace What if we take a more direct approach? employing activities volunteers and/or occupational therapists Improving the education system Reactions of the people involved Benefits of healthy diet Overall recommendation Recommendations Effects of taking a direct approach Green prescription initiative Thank you! Balanced diet and physical activity Improve social situation provide cultural competency training cultural festivities Physical well-being Quality of life vs prolonging life Ethnic equality ----> social equality Social support Immune system Government School Parents Education system 1) Balanced diet and physical activity 2) Effect of education system 3) Key role of parents Ethical Implications Healthy living in Schools Active lifestyles at the workplace Support for the elderly skeletal condition Recommendations Improve ethnic equality Improving social well-being in elderly health care Recommendation Improving healthy eating and active living in schools Summary Recommendations Preventative Healthcare in New Zealand Physical well-being already gets significant attention Education parents Green initiative Cultural diversity, Quality of life Educating staff on social well-being Hiring palliative care physicians Hiring psychologist and social workers A programme based on the green prescription initiative Government actions Direct approach - Principlism Reactions of people involved Medical staff Elderly patients and relatives Government Recommendations more directive approach in: educating school children on healthy eating/active living improving active lifestyle in the workplace improving social well-being in the elderly healthcare by using principlism and taking into account people's autonomy Influence of school

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