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Transcript: What Infosphere we want to biuld ? For what human proyect? Open system 1. Infosphere 2. 3. Web tolemaica o Web Copernicano? Human experience Onlife La realidad se dice de muchas maneras y se da en muchas maneras Aristoeles Open system Open system Science of Complexity The definition of complexity science is still very much open to debate: to some, complexity science is merely the study of branches of different sciences, each with its own examples of complex systems (which are complex in ways that sometimes have nothing in common), while others argue that there is a single natural phenomenon called ‘complexity’, which is found in a variety of systems, and which can be the subject of a single scientific theory or approach. Emergence Many parts Hierarchical structure Elements are nested inside of subsistems Interdependece and nonlinearity Feedback Loops Connectivity Levels of interconnectivity betwen components as nature and structure of its components Autonomy and adaptation Summary Topic Ontología Tecnología y su auxiliar la técnica Epistemología Teleología El trabajo es realizar una teoría que de sentido a los datos, y no al revés. Maurizio Ferraris, Metafísica de la web, (2020) La ciencia es auto correctiva, es decir, no dogmática. Miguel Alcubierre, Grandes Maestros UNAM, (2017) Human experience La realidad se dice de muchas maneras y se da en muchas maneras Aristoeles Open system Science or commons scence Levels of abstration Levels of abstration Systems and models Things and relations Topic Construction and conception Topic Open system Complex systems are systems whose behavior is intrinsically difficult to model due to the dependencies, competitions, relationships, or other types of interactions between their parts or between a given system and its environment Open system

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Transcript: Indians in the 1930's were hardly affected by the Great Depression; however, the New Deal included them in its problems to solve. The Government wanted to remove the assimilation of these tribes and promote cultural relativism, or the acceptance of different cultures. John collier, the leader for Indian Affairs promoted new legislation that gave Indians their land back in the west, this legislation was called the Indian Reorganization act. Many years after the New Deal, Indians gained millions of acres of land but continued to be the poorest segment in the population. (C.R) California Every Time a Bell Rings an Angel Gets His Wings - It's a Wonderful Life (9/9) Movie CLIP (1946) HD - YouTube. YouTube. Web. 6 Feb. 2013. Tanner McFadden McDougal , Holt. The Americans Reconstruction to the 21st Century. Orlando, Florida: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishig Company , 2012. Industrial Workers At the start of the depression, Texans did not want to believe that it was real. Due to Hoover's adminstration failing to help provide Texans needs, local government and communities took action to help the people of Texas. Texans disliked President Hoover, called empty, inside out pockets "Hoover flags". In the next election, Texas voted for Franklin D. Roosevelt over Herbert Hoover. During the depression, the state struggled to keep order and to keep criminal activity at a minimal. (C.R) In larger cities like New York City, bread lines (like the one depicted above) and soup kitchens became common sights. Unemployed men would come and line up waiting for free or low cost food. Often the lines became long and stretch on for a couple of blocks. MC Mexican-Americans The Great Depression had a profound effecto on workers. First of all there was the ever present idea of unemployment. In some areas unemployment rose to 50% or higher. Thus finding a job became ever more competitive. Sometimes Women seeked jobs in desperacy; however, most of society still believed that the workplace wasn't a woman's job. Unemployed men would walk around each day in search of a job. But after months and sometimes even years they sometimes gave up and left their family. Additionaly suicide rates spiked during this time, men belived that joblessness was a sign of failure. Unemployed men who couldn't find a jobs after many months became ashamed. Fortunatly, once the New Deal came into effect unemployed persons had plenty of help getting back onto their feet. The Public Works Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, and the Works Progress Administration (WPA) were a only a few of the programs put into effect to aide workers. The WPA was one of the programs that helped releive unemployment. It created as many jobs as possible, from construction work to aiding writers. The Federal Arts Project was one of the forms of relief under the WPA. It created jobs for painters, photographers and sculpters. The WPA also created jobs for the theatre and music departments. MC African Americans in the South were poorly treated, they could hardly get a job because "black shirts" demanded jobs for white people first. The black shirts were a group of white people who strongly descriminated against African Americans. 400,000 African Americans migrated North for more jobs and less racism, but were without luck. In New York, Black unemployment was at 50% in 1932. During the New Deal, Afircan Americans were affected by racial tension and recieved less aid and attention than white citizens. by 1935, 1/4 of all African Americans were recieving governent assistance. However, The New Deal refused to make the issue of race a part of its agenda and descrimination continued. During the New Deal, President Roosevelt appointed women government jobs to increase women's role in the democratic party. The NRA offered little employment for women and the Social Security Program excluded many jobs that women held. But with Mrs. Roosevelt promoting women's rights, the women of America were able to add onto the Social Security Act and provide a place for women to recieve pension. During the height of the 1920's Florida experienced a land boom and people started to flood into Florida. Land speculators, as they were called, bought an abundance of land at a cheap price then began to seel it off at a much much higher price. Because of this rent costs dramatically increased, therefore people couldn't live here anymore. Invariably the also inflated the economy creating a depression in Florida four years before the Great Depression throughout the country started. MC Texans Women and the New Deal Prosperity far distant; the journal of an Ohio farmer, 1933-1934. Reference & Research Book News Feb. 2013. General OneFile. Web. 4 Feb. 2013. (PWA) It's a Wonderful Life Bibliography Public Works Administration Brinkley, Alan. American history: a survey. 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991. Bread Lines in the City Tanner McFadden After the stock market crash, 1/2 million Mexican-Americans left for

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Transcript: Find out more: A guide to the surveys: American Literature Geography Italian Book a room Medicine Shelf Mark: 302.3 Find more resources on the subject page Silent study Shelf Mark: PER 340 Find a print journal Communications Journals Shelf Mark: 840-849 Find more resources on the subject page Shelf Mark: 300-307 Find more resources on the subject page Shelf Mark: 360-362 Find more resources on the subject page Biological Sciences Shelf Mark: PER 050-360* *PER 340 is on Floor 2 Search by title: Study space Book a room: German Study space Find out more: Shelf Mark: 910-919 Find more resources on the subject page Shelf Mark: 791.4 Find more resources on the subject page Museum Studies Find more sources on case law: Shelf Mark: PER 570-650 Search by title: Journals Book a room: Law statutes Search the catalogue Shelf Mark: 570-579 Find more resources on the subject page Shelf Mark: 370-379 Find more resources on the subject page Film Studies Silent study Silent study Shelf Mark: 540-549 Find more resources on the subject page Book a room: Shelf Mark: H942, 942 BED-942 YOR Find more resources on the subject page Study space Book a room Study space Returning your items: Study space Shelf Mark: 830-839 Find more resources on the subject page Find out more: Education Study space Book a room: Shelf Mark: 930-939 Find more resources on the subject page Geology French Social Work Find more sources on legislation: Psychology Journals Find out what support is available: Management Astronomy Silent study Journals Silent study Engineering Book a room: Book a room: Book a room Silent study Shelf Mark: 940-999 Find more resources on the subject page Learn more about our collections: Shelf Mark: PER 700-900 Search by title: Shelf Mark: 860-868 Find more resources on the subject page Welcome to the David Wilson Library English Literature Search the catalogue Shelf Mark: 520-529 Find more resources on the subject page Silent study Search the catalogue Shelf Mark: PER 900 - PER AA, OVERSIZE PER Search by title: Shelf Mark: 650-658 Find more resources on the subject page Shelf Mark: STATS/REF, STATS UK/, STATS INT Guide to the Official Publications section: Guide to UK Government Information: Silent study

Interactive Map

Transcript: TEXAS Map of Battles Grass Fight A soldier spotted Mexican troops near San Antonio with a large number of loaded mules. A rumor spread that the mules carried silver to pay the troops in San Antonio General Cos saw the fighting and sent some soldiers to help Then they arrived. After the battle the Mexicans left the mules and went back. Once they rounded up the horses there was no money and the mules only carried bundles of freshly cut grass. Then they left the town to gather food for their army's starving horses. Then they named this the "Grass Fight" because of their foolishness. Grass Fight Battle of Gonzalez Battle of Gonzalez This marked the start of the Texas Revolution Goliad Presidio La Bahia at Goliad was key to controlling south Texas. It guarded the road that ran between San Antonio and the port of Copano on Arkansas Bay, just north of Corpus Christi. Once Cos heard of Castaneda's defeat at Gonzales which made him disturbed. He had a plan to leave Goliad quick. He could not gather enough weapons and mules in such short time.While they marched to Goliad they met another Texas group. Then they headed toward Presdio La Bahia with 120 Texans including some tejanos their attack surprised the Mexican soldiers in the presdio. Samuel McCulloch became the first Texan casualty of the Revolution The capture of Goliad Since Houston's army was untrained he knew he couldn't fight in Santa Anna's army so he ordered a tactical retreat, which is an organized pullback of troops from an enemy in order to gain an advantage, he soon then started his retreat and burned the empty town so that there would be no way for Santa Anna do use, his retreat took nearly all of the Texas soldiers from the region south of the Brazos River Houston's retreat Houston's retreat Santa Anna's troops had burned a path of destruction through the countryside. Houston then found two cannons on his way to find a safe place for training. Then Santa Anna arrived assuming Houston was done fighting. Then it appeared to Santa Anna that the Texas Revolution had ended and he had made the biggest mistake of the entire war he had learned that the government of the Republic had set up a temporary capital in Harrisburg so then he decided to take one thousand of his best troops to capture the Texas government. Battle of San Jacinto Battle of San Jacinto This was an event in the Texas Revolution as Mexicans attempted to destroy it. Travis then seeks some reinforcements, him and his men could have fled when the siege began, but then he made it clear that he would defend the fort at all costs, he then sent one of the men to Gonzales with a letter which is now one of the most signified documents in Texas history , which now is around the world standing as a heartfelt expression of duty and sacrifice. Battle of the Alamo Battle of the Alamo

Interactive Map

Transcript: A heated government turnover has turned into a civil war between government officials and Syrian rebels. The current Baath regime is considered by the rebels to be restricting and unjust. On the verge of revolt, many protesters are pushing for a democracy in place of their current monarchy. In Saudi Arabia, many women's rights have been ignored or revoked. There is a large underground movement of women and allies working to achieve greater freedom for women in Saudi Arabia. Many women in Saudi Arabia are domestic workers and are often mistreated by their employers. In a more recent case, a Sri Lankan women signed on as a domestic worker and when a baby died in her care she was sentenced to a beheading. Since she had crossed the border illegally, her papers did not help her in the court room. Turkey and the Syrian government do not get along. Turkey has urged the US to intervene in the Syrian revolution more than once, and they are now taking in Syrian refugees. Turkey follows a democratic system similar to the US. The current prime minister of Turkey will instead run for president in 2014, hoping to be in a role similar to the American President with heavy executive power. There are many talks of an uprising in Saudi Arabia. There are bombings that take place very often in the country killing hundreds. Takes the side of Palestine in Israel-Palestine conflict. Israeli and Palestine warriors clash on the borders. This map doesn't display Palestine, but it is technically a large chunk of Israel. However, the Palestinians believe it to be their promised land and are fighting Israel for their home. Al Qaeda in Yemen are hugely influential and are wreaking havoc across the country. In a recent case, Al Qaeda put a bounty on the head of an American Ambassador for Yemen. Persisting violence between Al Qaeda and Iraqi military/police. Related video: Pushing for nuclear energy, though the UN and American leaders have their suspicions of a nuclear weapons project.

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