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Insomnia Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: The title of the poem is Insomnia, which means you can't sleep at night. We find out at the very end that the "moon", or a girl, has insomnia because she wishes that the "you" character loved her. The first stanza makes the girl sound dissatisfied with herself or her life, but we don't know why. The second stanza switches to a rebellious connotation with "tell it to go to hell" and "drop it down the well". The last stanza is full of mirror images from the "world inverted" where things are not like the real world including being loved by "you". The theme is that sometimes one needs to stay awake at night, when they are alone, to better understand one's self. Photo based on: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr Insomnia The moon in the bureau mirror looks out a million miles (and perhaps with pride, at herself, but she never, never smiles) far and away beyond sleep, or perhaps she's a daytime sleeper. By the Universe deserted, she'd tell it to go to hell, and she'd find a body of water, or a mirror, on which to dwell. So wrap up care in a cobweb and drop it down the well into that world inverted where left is always right, where the shadows are really the body, where we stay awake all night, where the heavens are shallow as the sea is now deep, and you love me. Activity By: Elizabeth Bishop Analysis The whole poem is about a woman lying awake at night because it's the only time she has just for herself, wishing that this other person would love her. Have you ever stayed up all night? Get in a group of four or five and discuss why, what you did with that time, and how it effected you.


Transcript: By: Dorrein Askew & Kaleb Holley Deep breathing Progressive muscle relaxation. Meditation Visualization Yoga A Relaxing Bedtime Routine Melatonin. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that your body produces at night. Melatonin is also available as an over-the-counter supplement. Valerian. Valerian is an herb with mild sedative effects that may help you sleep better. Symptoms of insomnia Try to steer clear of stressful situations. Don't work all night because it will make you tense/edgy. Insomnia effects approximately 60 million individuals a year Remedy's to help insomnia symptoms of insomnia may be different for each individual. Have trouble falling asleep. This can mean lying in bed for up to an hour or more, tossing and turning, waiting to fall asleep. Wake up and have trouble falling back to sleep. Wake up too early in the morning. Feel tired when they wake up, as if they didn't get enough sleep. Feel grouchy, sleepy, or anxious, and be unable to get things done during the daytime. Insomnia is the inability to sleep adequately. this may be caused by poor sleeping conditions or from one who has brain disorders. Although this disease is held by many citizens of the United States, its not harmful if its only occasional. Techniques for Clients with insomnia When having insomnia use the bedroom for only sleep and sex.• Don’t work, read, watch TV, or use your computer in bed or the bedroom. The goal is to associate the bedroom with sleep alone, so that your brain and body get a strong signal that it’s time to nod off when you get in bed. Get out of bed when you are not sleep Move bedroom clocks out of view The number one treatment for individuals who suffer from insomnia is Insomulex How to steer clear of Insomnia Insomnia Insomnia


Transcript: Amphetamines Be active during the day! Expect a good night's sleep crystal meth Cocaine No sleep? Always exhausted? Reduces deep sleep and REM. Deep sleep helps to restore the body physically, and REM sleep helps improve overall mental functioning. Slows breathing, frequent shifts into stage I sleep and wakefulness Insomnia is.....The inability to sleep or to be unable to remain asleep for a reasonable period of time. The most common cause of insomnia is stress Heroine reduce deep sleep and make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep Causes of chronic insomnia include: * Depression and/or anxiety. * Chronic stress. * Pain or discomfort at night. Say goodnight to electronics Heavy marijuana users show problems with short-term memory and a lack of motivation. They show increasing problems with daytime functioning: poorer judgment and emotional control. Symptoms of Insomnia Symptoms of insomnia can include: * Sleepiness during the day. * General tiredness. * Irritability. * Problems with concentration or memory. Laying awake? What's your idea of insomnia? Avoid alcohol and drugs Drugs and alcohol abuse can effect your sleeping and worsen insomnia. But all sorts of things can lead to insomnia, including physical discomfort (the stuffy nose of a cold or the pain of a headache, for example), emotional troubles (like family problems or relationship difficulties), and even an uncomfortable sleeping environment (a room that's too hot, cold, or noisy). Keep a sleep routine speed Drugs and Medications that make insomnia worse. 5 Ways To Get Better Sleep caffeine alcohol some antihypertensives (blood pressure medicines) stimulants thyroid medicine antiarrhythmic agents (heart medicines) steroids nasal decongestants

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