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Influenza Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Influenza Influenza is a respiratory illness It belongs to the Orthomyxoviridae family Influenza is found in body fluids such as saliva and mucous and is created through sneezing and coughing It is mainly effected in the lungs The influenza virus can remain infectious up to one month, depending on the conditions and temperatures of the environment Symptoms muscle aches high fever headaches chills fatigue dry cough runny/stuffy nose sore throat cough There are three types of influenza viruses Type A- the most common and causes the most serious epidemics infecting multiple species Type B- can cause epidemics, but the disease is less severe; generally infecting only humans Type C- not connected with epidemics; more mild symptoms infecting humans and swine Influenza can occur and in children and adults of any age It mainly occurs in winter months because all of the sneezing and coughing or touching surfaces Every year, 200,000 people are hospitalized It occurs most in very young children, old adults, pregnant woman, and people who have certain health problems such as asthma or lung disease When to call your nurse You feel short of breath or have trouble breathing You have pain pressure in your chest or stomach You have signs of being dehydrated, such as dizziness when standing you feel confused You can not stop vomiting or you can not drink enough fluid When to call your nurse about children has blue or purplish skin color does not have tears when crying they are so irritable that they do not wanna be held has a fever with a rash does not wake up easily Treatments Rest until the flu is fully resolved, espicially if it has been severe drink enough fluids so that you don't become dehydrated Taking medicine such as tylenol to relieve fever, headache, and muscle pains Aspirin and medicines that include it, should not be given to children under 18 because it can lead to a serious disease called Reye Syndrome Children under six are not recommended cough or cold medicine Statistics- Percentage of influenza vaccination during the past 12 months Children 6 months-17 years: 39% Adults 18-49: 25% Adults 50-64: 41% Adults 65 and over: 64% "Influenza Virus (Flu Virus) :" 3D Human Anatomy - Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <>. "Influenza Symptoms and Treatment." UpToDate Inc. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <>. "CDC - Seasonal Influenza (Flu) - Flu Symptoms & Severity." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <>. "CDC - Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Basics." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. < Ashley Bramsen

Influenza Influenza viruse

Transcript: Influenza is totally different from cold. Symptoms begin with chills, high fever, headache, muscle pain. After those early symptoms,nasal discharge,nasal congestion, cough, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea will show up. Influenza usually underlying 1 to 2 days. However, the maximum days of underlying is up 7days. The statistic and interesting of influenza is that infecting speed and early symptom occurs are really quick comparing with other disease. Also influenza virus goes out from body really quick comparing with other disease too. Influenza is most common in China. It infect to people who have weak immunity which are example of children or older people. Influenza do not have exactly data of where did it start. However, it started BC 412 years in Hippocrates and Rivi. Refrences Influenza and Influenza virus Miumi Watanabe Block 4 Influenza will infected by droplet infection.It usually infect to respiratory tract. However, it will infect through hands of people sometimes. There are 3 to 5 million people are getting infected and 250 to 500 thousand people are dieing because of influenza. There are many ways of treatment or cure. However, the famous ones that are using nowadays are drip antibiotics, control value of body water, intake of nutrition etc... Also it will be better to people to take longer sleep with cooling down the body. How do influenza and influenza virus works How do influenza and influenza virus works

powerpoint template

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Transcript: This is another story about someone who got the H1N1 shot: I know a woman whose baby stopped breathing and turned blue several times and had to be rushed to emergency in the 24 hours following the second series of shots (4 months old). Several years later, the identical thing happened to her second baby after vaccination. She still didn’t connect it. That’s how deeply brainwashed our society has become by the high priests of the religion of modern medicine. Every year our population becomes weaker and the instances of autoimmune disease and autism are skyrocketing at an alarming rate. Symptoms How To Wash Your Hands PROPERLY! This is a real story written by someone who had the H1N1 flu shot: I am a healthcare employee…..the only vaccine offered to employees was the live vaccine. I decided to get it and be the “guinea pig” instead of my toddler. Received the nasal spray on Tuesday, woke up Wednesday with a sore throat and stuffy nose, Thursday had a terrible chest congestion/cough with fever and splitting headache, Friday all symptoms were worse and I couldn’t breathe! I was diagnosed on Friday with H1N1 and pneumonia….. good thing I got the vaccine, huh? If you think I made this up heres the article link: Influenza is often said to be prevented by a vacination, however many countrys including Finland, Austrailia, and Sweden. The vacine does contain a version of the dead virus to help immunize your body, however it contains high levels of mercury. Due to the high levelsof mercury the needle cannot be disposed in the landfill. Research the effects if you dont believe this, it's always good to have your own opinions. symptoms are chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness/fatigue and general discomfort. Influenza is known to sometimes also cause nausea and vomiting in children. Influenza (Flu) Prevention Of Influenza


Transcript: Influenza is an infectious disease commonly known as the flu. It is an airborne disease, transmitted by coughs or sneezes. When a person coughs or sneezes, it creates an aerosol containing viruses. Influenza is currently prevalent everywhere. The first convincing record of an influenza pandemic of outbreak in 1580, which began in Russia and spread to Europe via Africa. The most famous and lethal outbreak of influenza was the Spanish flu pandemic in1918, which killed about 50 to 100 million people. The most recent influenza pandemic was in2009, also known as the swine flu. Influenza is a highly contagious virus that is spread by coughs and sneezes. The influenza symptoms develop one to three days after the initial infection and includes: high fever, chills, sweating, sore throat, weakness, headache, general muscle and joint pains usually in the legs and back, a non-productive dry cough that can later worsen. Influenza can affect the sufferer by making them have a difficult time sleeping, making them feeling uneasy and tired. As this disease is highly contagious, it is very common in Australia as it can easily spread by people breathing in aerosols containing viruses from coughs or sneezes from the infectant. The pathogen of influenza is a virus. Influenza viruses are RNA viruses. They infect the respiratory tract. There are three classifications of influenza viruses: A, B and C. The shape of influenza viruses are highly variable, however, their surface is consistently covered with protein spikes. The size of an influenza virus is 80-120 millimicrons in diametre. Influenza is transmitted by airborne aerosols containing viruses being released by the infectant coughing or sneezing, and entering the respiratory system of another person. Viruses, unlike bacteria, cannot naturally reproduce. They require a host cell to make products. They attach themselves to the surface of a cell inside an organism and injects its genome. Our immune system has two major challenges when we are infected with the flu: The body must limit the spread of the virus, since a specific immune response takes several days to develop. The immune system must recognise infected cells and destroy them. It must also recognise and eradicate free virus in the tissue fluids in order to prevent the virus from infecting new cells. There are no cures for influenza but there are ways to help the symptoms of the flu. Taking paracetamol is also recommended as it helps relieve fever and muscle aches associated with the flu. Increase your fluid intake to prevent dehydration. Drink orange juice, Vitamin C boosts your immune system, enabling you to fight the infection and recover sooner. Get plenty of rest since resting improves your immune system, so stay home and remain in bed. Also eat a light diet like soup since it relieves throat irritation. The influenza vaccination, which is also known as the flu shot is the best way to be protected from influenza for a year which means you must the vaccine annually to stay protected. Other steps that can be taken to prevent influenza are to avoid people that are sick - keeping a distance from them, stay home if you're sick so you don't spread the disease, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing as germs are release, wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth as germs are often carried on your hands and also get the annual flu shot. Thank you for listening to our presentation! Prevention and Vaccine Clinical Description of the Disease Influenza By: Thanh & Van Introduction Cause and Transmission Treatment Defence There are three lines of defence a person has against influenza: The first is to keep invaders out via skin, mucus membranes etc. The second is to defend against viruses that have broken through the first line of defense by inflammatory response and fever. In the third phase, B cells produce antibodies against the virus and T cells eradicate cells that have been infected.

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