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Transcript: WESTFALL School facility use by community members will be convenient. We will encourage community use of our school facilities as a means for becoming the educational hub of the community. Create/ revise / and follow a clear district policy that encourages community use of facilities. Post the policy on the website along with contact information for booking a school facility. Designate an employee/resources to coordinate facility usage for the entire district with one liaison per building; include in job descriptions. Actively market school facilities for community use to increase community awareness. Add facility bookings (school events, sporting events, community events, etc) to the school calendar. Increase and update signage of all buildings and outside areas (playgrounds, sports complex, room numbers at hallway entrances, etc.). Host Business after Business event, grouping several local businesses together that are located or offer services within our district boundaries. The school website will provide information and access to resources to meet our educational goals. We will proactively update and improve our school website to effectively communicate as the educational hub of the community. Provide the resources and procedures to keep our website update and current. Create a uniform district wide procedure for getting information on the website. Create a district wide calendar that is inclusive of: Athletics, Music Programs and all extracurricular student events in the HS, MS and ES, Alumni events Important school dates (PTC, grade cards, exams, Title 1 events) Community bookings and rental of school facilities Major events going on in the community that involve our students (health screenings, bookmobile locations, blood donation sites, community celebrations of bicentennials, etc.) Interactive online scheduling procedure for parties interested in using school facilities Develop a greater presence on social networking sites and linking opportunities for increased communication to students, families, staff and all community members. Provide links to school district partners, 94.3 calendar, and alumni that are user friendly. Create a running(crawling so that it can actually be read) banner on the website offering information about Westfall events, success, Alumni, policy (i.e.,Westfall has an open door policy, if you would like to observe our schools please contact the building office 24 hours before your visit) as a great tool for public relations and communication. Sell ad space on the website to generate revenue to fund the website and advertise school resources for the community. Student achievement will increase academically and career readiness through community involvement. We will ensure student success through our partnerships with the community. Collect and update current data on needs of our school. Create a plan for determining what school needs can be met. Develop a plan for meeting those needs. Actively recruit student, parent and community volunteers to help meet school needs. Develop partnerships with other learning communities (school districts and higher education). Create a reciprocal opportunity bank for volunteers and volunteer needs for the school and community. Create an internship and shadowing clearinghouse to align students with local businesses, alumni, and other career options. Host an Open House during the school day to show case student abilities and community options for internships and shadowing. Specific Result #5 Partnerships will build public awareness of Westfall’s initiatives and provide valuable resources to ensure student success. We will establish and grow valuable partnerships at local as well as national levels. Establish goals/plan for partnerships. Determine ways and methods to connect with partners. Build partnership databases. Host open houses to invite potential partners into the facilities ( adopt-a-school, internship opportunities, etc.). Meet with potential partners individually ( reintroduce above). Recognize partners. Maintain relationships through ongoing contact and high visibility of superintendent/staff/hosting/attending networking events to develop relationships. Develop an ambassador board (group). Engage staff in Customer Service PD, as it relates to the school. Incentives for developing/implementing groups that encourage collaboration with the community. Encourage staff initiatives. Develop relationships with the institutes of higher learning. Develop an advisory group for Professional Development ( identifies Gaps, suggests conferences, etc.) Encourage Professional Development. Regularly schedule district-wide staff meetings. We will include the Westfall Alumni as partners to engage the alumni in the educational community. Engage current Alumni leaders to take charge of collecting data/ tracking members. Establish link to the Westfall District home page. Invite Alumni to partner in special district events. Include them in audience