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Imperialism Powerpoint

Transcript: -The British introduced western education, legal procedures, and Christianity. They worked to end slavery, the caste system and the position of women. -Belgian overseers were carried out violent acts over the villagers in the Congo Richard Burton: adventurer who sent out to map the course and sources of Great African Rivers In the later 1700's the British were starting to make a huge profit by trading opipum grown in India for Chinese tea. Soon many Chinese became addicted to the drug. The Chinese made the drug illegal and executed drug dealers. They called on the British to stop trade, but they refused insisting the right of free trade. In 1839, Chinese warships clashed with British merchants starting the Opium War. Indian National Congress (INC) -Results of this conference recognized Leopold's private claims to the Congo Free State, although they called for free trade on both the Congo and Niger Rivers African Elite Henry Stanley: Found Dr. Livingstone (who hadn't been heard of for years) in 1871 in Tanzania Independence for Indians Fall of Quing Dynasty Slave Trade -United in 1901 by the British Belgian Congo Boxer Uprising- 1889 a group of Chinese formed a secret society. Their goal was to drive out foreign devils. The attacked foreigners across China and in response Japan a multinational. Aftermath of the Uprising-Once again had to make concessions to foreigners. China was forced to support westernization. They educated their students more. They expanded economically-mining, shipping, railroads, banking and exports. A chinese business class emerged. Three Principles of the People-Chinese nationalism emerged. Reformers want to strengthen the empire. Sun emerged the Revolutionary Alliance. His goal was to rebuild China. Birth of Republic-When Ci Xi died in 1908 and a two year old baby inherited the throne. China emerged into chaos. Peasants, students, local warloads, and even court politicians helped topple the Qin Dynasty. Sun was named president of China of the new Chinese Republic. For the next 37 years China was almost always at war though. Imperialism Reform Effects and the Aftermath -The East India Company gained trading rights with India in the 1600s. By the mid-1800s, it controlled a large portion of India. improve the lives of the poor Mungo Park: adventurer who sent out to map the course and sources of Great African Rivers -When the world came to hear of the horrors occurring in the Congo, Leopold was forced to turn over his colony to the Belgian Government In 1842 Britain made China accept the Treaty of Nanjing. Britain received huge indemnity (payments for losses in wars) and also gained the island of Hong Kong. China had to open five ports of foreign trade and great British Citizens in China extraterritoriality. This was a start to a series of unequal treaties that forced China to make concessions to western power. China had to open more ports and let Christian missionaries in. -As Britain, France, and Germany were pressing to claim areas in the Congo, the Berlin Conference met in 1884 in order to avoid bloodshed -Present in East Africa -Zulu's faced much conflict throughout their history -Other people felt that the traditions of Africa were superior to those of Europe for western Europe held equality and liberty for whites exclusively Important Individuals -Britain wanted to make money from India and they also used their power to improve roads, preserve peace and reduce banditry. -Upper class, English-educated Indians began to call for reform and revolution -Boer War: 1899- 1902; involved guerrilla fighting; British won although at a great cost Qing Dynasty -Also agreed that no European country could claim any area of Africa unless a government office was st up in that specified region -When Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1896 Taiping Rebellion -African Elite consisted of the upper class in Africa Maji Maji Rebellion -The Sepoy Rebellion caused the British and Indians to mistrust, fear and hate each other. Eventually the East India Company was taken away from India, and instead India was directly under the rule of the crown. Indians were taxed and more soldiers occupied the land. -The British set up education for high-class Indians and helped to unify a previously warring region up a movement of nonviolent resistance to force the British to -Shaka united the Zulu nation -A British official called a Viceroy directly ruled India. This viceroy ruled as a representative for the monarch. -A British civil service staff of about 350,000 people also helped rule India. -People were forced to work for very little pay, and they were often treated harshly and dealt with poor living conditions By: Paula Gundrum, Callan Glover, Sam Washell China -Lasted from 1905 to 1907 s Cape Colony Berlin Conference Zulu's -Menlik II built up Ethiopia to have advanced schools, and build modern roads and bridges The East India Company occupied much of the area in India, especially around the coast. The British were only

US Imperialism in Central America template

Transcript: President Ramon Cacera assassinated Civil War erupts America comes into to protect the US Legation and US Consulate. When the current president refused to follow US orders he resigned, leaving the Dominic Republic to the US to occupy The United Sates withdraw in the 1820s, leaving money for public works and pro- vided a National Guard. The USA got involved with Haiti during the 1914-34 because Black workers revolt on U.S.-claimed Navassa Island defeated. This all happened by troops forcing this not to happen. Haiti troops in the 1900's 1850-1856 In 1850-1856 The US soldiers defended an transisthmian railroad built by Americans, in Panama. The Panama Canal Railway began being built in 1850 and the first train ran over the whole railroad on January 28, 1855. This railway runs parallel to the Panama Canal and is 47.6 miles. Panama Canal Railway The USA got involved with Panama during 1918 because "Police duty" during unrest after elections. This all happened by troops forcing these elections not to happen. Panama Flag 1856-1857 In 1856-57 the a Civil war occurred between the Conservative and Democratic parties. The Democratic party wanted military support from Walker, who obtained a contract to bring colonists to Nicaragua. The final battle was called the ¨National War¨ and it ended up speeding up the cooperation between conservative and Democratic parties. "National War" in Nicaragua 1885 In 1885 The president of Guatemala, Justo Rufino Barrios, passed away. Barrios was the president from 1873-1885 and he carried out many liberal domestic policies. Justo Rufino Barrios Barrios was killed when he was leading the army into El Salvador. He was killed in Chalchuapa and was loved by many of his people, and a lot of the hope that he created for reuniting Central America died with him. Civil War breaks out 1926 The USA got involved with Nicaragua during 1910 because the isolationist settlement followed again after the Civil War which led to a competing canal across Nicaragua. President Zelaya made concessions to Germany and Japan for a competing canal across Nicaragua due to being angered by the United States choice of Panama for the site of a transisthmian canal President Zelaya 1898 In 1898 The Spanish-American War took place between Spain and the US. The result was the American invention in the Cuban War of Independence. Revolts against the Spanish rule had been occurring for some time now in Cuba, and there had been other war scares. Spanish-American War The Treaty of Paris was also in 1898 and gave the US temporary control of Cuba and also colonial authority over Puerto Rico. U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt sought to prevent European intervention, largely to protect the routes to the future Panama Canal, as the canal was already under construction. So he made a small military intervention to ward off the European powers. In 1905 Dominican agreement with the U.S. was created. Cuba ( To protect American citizens and preserve the Conservative Government, the United States sends in naval landing parties. Dominican Republic US Imperialism in Central American & the Caribbean Source: Puerto Rico United States Moves In Guatemala 1920-1920 1916-1924 Colombia ( 1914-34 America moves in and obtains the Nicaragua government, monitoring elections and creating a National Guard United States Leaves Nicaragua in 1933 Guatemalan Unionists and Liberals allied to impeach Estrada Cabrera. Even those who benefited from Cabrera thought it was a good idea for him to step down. This set into place a string of civil events in which the United States moved in to help El Salvador 1926-1933 Haiti 1903 When Tomás Estrada Palma was elected as president of Cuba, there were many who Cubans who were unhappy. The U.S. intervened by occupying Cuba and named Charles Edward Magoon as Governor for three years. Source: 1918: Panama Source: It was in US interests to contain Zelaya, protect the region of the new Panama Canal, and defend the increasingly important banana trade. Through a peace settlement arranged by the US charge' d'affaires in Tegucigalpa, Bonilla stepped down and the war with Nicaragua came to an end. Source: Honduras Flag 1904 USA 1910 1912 The USA got involved with Honduras during 1912 because of the revolution. This happened throughout the 1900s which shows it was a repetitive thing that the US did. The USA got involved with many Central


Transcript: IMPERIALISM COLONIAL INDIA BY: JULIANA LONDONO N. 1. Races and languages. 2. Geographical, climatic and ecological feautures. 3. Religions and form of goverment. 4. Natural Resources. 5. Economic relations with other countries. 6. Technological and Military Evolution. 7. Control of the country. 8. Independence and its process. 9. Webgraphy. 10. Video Races and Languages In India there was a mixture between an indigenous “Dravidian Race”, with some “Australoid”. These classifications were done because of the scientific racism, which was an excuse of classifying people in minor races because of European imperialism. During this period Britain divided India’s ethnic groups in two races: The martial race: brave people able to fight in British armies. The non martial: the unfitted unable to fight, this ones were in the rebellions It also had several languages, back then there were almost 10 different languages, the most used were: • English • Hindustani • Urdu Main Geographical, Climatic and Ecological feautures -India is located in South Asia by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the southwest, and the Bay of Bengal on the southeast. -India was one of the biggest countries and still being one, before it had more land including Indonesia and others that were lost in battles. -India was composed by highlands like the Himalayas and plains. With several peaks and mountain ranges. - The mayor rivers: Brahmaputra, Ganges, Meghna, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Kaver that flow into the Bay of Bengal - Climate: these give rise to desert in the west, alpine tundra and glaciers in the north, humid tropical regions sup-porting rain forests in the southwest, and island territories flanking the Indian subcontinent. -Seasons: winter (January and February), summer (March to May), a monsoon (rainy) season (June to September), and a post-monsoon period (October to December). Religion(s) and Form of Goverment Natural Resources and Exploitation The economy was based primarily on agriculture, establishing along the valleys near the river of Ganges and Indus. Britain made cash crops mainly of tea and opium. Also they had forests that produced a lot of wood and it limited with seas so the fishing was very rich. Among its mineral resources include deposits of iron, bauxite, manganese, zinc, chromium and gold also has coal, oil and natural gas. All of these resources were exploited by European countries that had more power, taking advantage of their poor people that worked and sold cheap and the trade routes making a huge market Economic relations with other countries and function India did not have an organized government, and suffered many wars. That is why when other empires or countries came to rule they could not defend their selves. Everyone wanted a piece of them for market, or resources or just more territory. During the early 19th century India was governed by the East Indian. India became a market place for finished goods from England. The East India Company traded mainly in cotton, silk, indigo dye, saltpetre, tea, and opium. Then after the mutiny un 1857 England took all control of India. The level of technological and military evolution, its relations. Most of the people cultivate so they did not know anything about warfare. They were divided in two, the ones in the British army and the rebellions. Indian armed forces in the British army played a vital role in both World Wars. The Army of India was raised under the British Raj in the 19th century by taking the old armies, putting them together and taking them to the Crown. Management of the Country First there was struggle in India for territory between its own chiefs so it made easier for Britain to attack. The period where they ruled was called "The Raj" where they imposed their policies like not lettng Indians work in offices and also extracted a lot of products. Independence Process Everyone was expecting something to happen, when suddenly Indians heard that the catridge of Einfield's rifle used by the British-Indian army was heavily greased with cow and pig fat which were sacred for Hindus and Muslims. It all began with a mutiny in 1857. Then they changed some rules to avoid another rebellion, but in 1898 when Lord Curzon became viceroy, Indian nationalist movement began to stir. In 1919 Britain gave the autonomy. Nonviolent resistance to British colonialism led by Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru brought independence in 1947. Indians were discontented and made a mutiny in 1857, being the first act of indeoendence. World History Book, pages 791-794 Webgraphy -Four of the major religions were originated in India: Hinduism Buddhism Jainism Sikhism But also other religions came to the country: Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Islam, all these religions

American Imperialism Powerpoint

Transcript: We acquired Alaska after 1865 , the Senate ratified the treaty by a margin of just one vote on April 9, 1867, 6 months after, Russia gave the US Alaska. U.S.S. Maine- a massive explosive explosive of unknown origin sinks the battleship USS Maine in Cuba Havanna harbor, killing 260 of the fewer than 400 american crew members. A group of American expatriates and sugar planters supported by a division of U.S. Marines deposed Queen Liliuokalani, the last reigning monarch of Hawaii. Location- remote, volcanic island in the North Pacific, about 1200 miles west of the Alaskan Peninsula. 1867 Alaska Sewards Icebox- The secretary of the united states(William H. Seward) signed a treaty w/ Russia and purchased Alaska for $7 million for only 2 cent an acre, the purchase was ridiculed in Congress and in the Press as "Sewards Folly" or "Sewards Icebox", Andrew Johnson called Alaska "Polar Bear Garden" 1893- Aug Hawaii American Imperialism Powerpoint Conclusion American and Japanese armies fought May 11 to May 30, 1943(World War II) Significance- Took over San Jaun Hill, The RR were among the troops in the right front attacking Kettle Hill Rough Riders- led Theodore Roosevelt, a collection of Western cowboys and Eastern blue bloods officially known as the first U.S. voluntary Calvary. Russia Gov't which owned Alaska in the mid-1800s, tried to sell Alaska during President James Cuchachan time, but they had to stall b/c of the outbreak of the Civil War. 1898- Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino war begins Also known as the Aleutian Islands. 1867 Midway Islands

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