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Image Size For Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Why we use the Image Size Command ? Boral, Minard Changing the value for the width of your image will automatically change the value for the height along with it. The Document Size Section describes the printer resolution of the photo. It is used to make sure that the resolution is appropriate for print Step 1 You can also resize your image by a percentage of the original image size rather than typing in a specific pixel value. If you click on either the word "pixels" or the arrow to the right of the word, a drop-down menu will appear which lets you change the measurement type to percent To change the Width and Height values, simply double-click inside one of the two boxes (either Width or Height), which will highlight the number currently showing in the box, and then type a new value. When you’re done, click the OK button and Photoshop will resize your image to the new dimensions you’ve specified. Current file size of the image Step 2 Pixel Dimension measure the total number of pixels along an image 's width and height. It describes the monitor resolution of the photo. Constrain Proportions controls whether the width and height are linked. By default, the option is selected but if you need to change the width and height separately, simply uncheck this option. Pixel Dimension Two Main Sections of Image Size Command Dialog Box Document Size Group 3: Generose Generation Reported by: The Document Size Section Result THE IMAGE SIZE COMMAND Constrain Proportions Current Width and Height of the image A linked icon lets us know that the width and height values of the image are currently linked together. Change the file size. Make sure the resolution is appropriate for print. Adjust the dimensions so that they're just right for viewing onscreen. Change the width, height, and/or resolution of your image for printing or some other kind of output. The Pixel Dimension Section

Image Resolution & Size

Transcript: Game Changing Devices Vector: Image mathematically configured with points and curves. Bitmap: Constructed with small squares of colors. Each square is called a pixel. Designing for Platforms Media queries: CSS allows for page styling based on characteristics of the device the site is being displayed on. Page styling is most-commonly based on the width of the browser. The fluid grid: when page elements are sized in relative (%) units and the number of grid columns change depending on the width limits. The most popular technique is based on the fluid grid MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch) displays have a 2560-by-1600 native resolution at 227 pixels per inch with support for millions of colors. Things to consider: When creating a website that is fit for all monitor screens, the most common approach is designing within the standard screen width and height. Currently, the standard size of a monitor screen is 1024 pixels by 760 pixels. How do you take your design to the web? Image Resolution & Size for Web Responsive Web Design tablet ` Standard Resolution Screens - 72 ppi Print - 300 dpi According to Apple: the comfortable minimum size of tappable UI elements is 44 x 44 px. This limit is often broken and the real estimate limit is around 25 px. The screen standard is changing with the retina display technology. Take into account your users and platform. Decoding Screen Size website As you can see, there are a variety of dimensions as well as resolutions (defined as pixel per inch). The resolution (PPI) is an important factor — for example, the size of an icon on the iPhone 5 will be 4 times bigger when displayed on a desktop monitor. mobile Keep it readable Keep it browsable (avoid scrolling) Keep it tappable Vector vs. Bitmap Resolution: What are pixels? Approaches

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