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Ice Template Powerpoint

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A New Corporate PowerPoint Template

Transcript: Photos Reusable assets A New Corporate PowerPoint Template Ante molestie mattis arcu gravida viverra adipiscing volutpat. Ultrices eget viverra eu lectus ullamcorper. Consequat dictum tristique lectus augue felis nascetur amet non. Velit sit placerat tincidunt integer amet massa justo risus netus. Ornare sagittis malesuada varius cursus ipsum erat libero metus eget. Colors Assets Developing Brand-Aligned Slide Designs 04 01 02 03 Title Aa Aa Subtitle S M W T T S F Paragraph Aa Aa Embedding Techniques Consistency Across Slides Importance of Branding Ensure the logo appears on every slide in the same manner to reinforce brand identity. Consistency in color, size, and position not only enhances professionalism but also aids audience recall. Use embedding techniques that ensure the logo remains intact across different devices and formats. Save the logo in high-quality formats such as PNG for transparent backgrounds, or SVG for scalability without loss of quality. Branding plays a crucial role in how an organization is perceived. Consistent use of visual elements, like the company logo and theme colors, fosters recognition and trust among clients and stakeholders. Slide Design Options Purpose of the Template Title Slide Design Logo Placement Guidelines Overview of Design Elements Visual Impact of the Logo This section covers essential elements for creating engaging slide designs that adhere to corporate branding. Each component plays a pivotal role in maintaining visual consistency and enhancing audience engagement. The primary purpose of the PowerPoint template is to standardize presentations across the company. By establishing a uniform design, each presentation contributes to a cohesive company image that aligns with our core values and mission. Position the logo in the top left corner of each slide for immediate visibility. Maintain sufficient padding around it to avoid visual clutter, ensuring it stands out while complementing the overall design. The title slide sets the tone for the presentation. Incorporate the corporate logo prominently for brand recognition, and use bold, legible fonts. Essential elements include the presentation title, subtitle, and date, ensuring clarity and professionalism without cluttering the slide. The logo acts as a visual anchor in presentations, enhancing brand awareness. A well-placed logo increases viewer trust and recognition, contributing to an effective communication strategy. The template integrates essential design elements such as a clear color palette, consistent typography, and appropriate use of imagery. Each element works in harmony to enhance readability and visual appeal, reinforcing brand identity. Examples of Best Practices Implementation and Feedback Utilizing Theme Colors Best practices include utilizing consistent fonts, aligning images and text uniformly, and adhering to brand colors. These practices not only enhance visual quality but also reinforce brand identity in presentations. Goals for Future Work Implementing a new corporate PowerPoint template requires strategic planning and open communication. Gathering team feedback is crucial for continuous improvement and ensuring that the template meets the needs of all users. Content Slide Variations Theme colors should reflect the brand’s identity. Use the primary colors such as red, blue, orange, green, and yellow consistently throughout the slides, ensuring that critical information stands out, especially in titles and headings. The aim is to continuously refine the PowerPoint template to meet evolving corporate needs. By incorporating feedback and including innovative design practices, the template will remain relevant and effective for all future presentations. Content slides should vary in layout to maintain audience interest. Utilize templates that allow for bullet points, graphics, or video inserts. Consistency in font, color, and logo placement across all content slides enhances the overall cohesive look. Rollout Strategy Continuous Improvement Collecting Team Feedback Image and Text Alignment The rollout strategy involves a phased implementation where team leads receive training first. This ensures that they can assist their teams effectively, maximizing the template's potential across the organization. Logo Integration Introduction to the Template Establishing feedback channels through surveys and meetings allows team members to share their experiences using the template. This direct input can guide future iterations and adjustments to enhance usability. Continuous improvement is key; analyze collected feedback and implement necessary changes to the template. Regular updates help maintain relevance and ensure the template evolves with the organization’s needs. Correct alignment between images and text is vital for readability and aesthetic appeal. Images should complement the text and not overwhelm it; maintaining balance helps convey the message effectively without distractions. This section

The Ice Crystal Template

Transcript: Who is the official cousin of RNA? How does Hairpin RNA behave when frozen? A) It connects its 2 ends together B) It chops RNA up into little pieces C) It Duplicates the RNA strand D) It glues RNA molecules together What is the name of the man who froze the vial of ammonia and cyanide for 25 years? What is the Ice Crystal Template? The basis of the theory is that life originated in ice rather than the popular belief that warm, moist conditions are necessary to promote creation of life. Stanley Miller first began his quest to discover the origin of life in 1953. His early experiments were designed to simulate the environment of primitive earth and recreate the scientific beginnings of life. Using simple molecules, extreme heat and lightening Miller was able to produce amino acids, the basic structural properties needed for life development. Unknown to his fellow scientists Miller furthered his experiment to examine the effects of extreme cold on a vial filled with ammonia and cyanide. In 1997 - 25 years after freezing it - Miller retrieved his frozen test tube and found the contents of the vial had changed from a colorless mixture to an amber colored mixture, containing amino acids and nucleotides. The Ice Crystal Template Origins of Life Say hello to Stanley Miller (1930-2007) Grandfather of Pre biotic Chemistry DNA was traditionally thought to be the building blocks of life, but as the video said, we are stuck with a chicken and the egg type problem. DNA needs protein, and protein needs DNA, so RNA was proposed as an alternative RNA World was first mentioned as a possibility in 1962, but named RNA World by Walter Gilbert in 1986. Alexandef Vlassov discovered that RNA behaves strangely in ice. When it is frozen, the ends of the RNA enzymes connect with each other to form a closed loop "like a snake biting it's tail." Hairpin RNA is normally used to cut RNA molecules into smaller pieces. When frozen, this behaves in the opposite way and connects or glues chains of RNA together What colour did the liquid in Miller’s vial turn after 25 years? A) Turquoise B) Amber C) Purple D) White Weaknesses of Ice Crystal Template Is it scientifically possible for life to evolve in ice? By: Jenny, Shanda, Elena, Keshni -A.V. Vlassov, S.A. Kazakov, B.H. Johnston, L.F. Landweber, 2005. The RNA world on Ice: a new scenario for the emergence of RNA information. J Mol Evol. Jul 21 [Epub ahead of print] -Bernhardt, H.S. (2012). The RNA world hypothesis: the worst theory of the early evolution of life (except for all the others). Biology Direct, 7, Article number 23. -Blake, D.F., Jenniskens, P. (2001). The ice of life. Scientific American, August Issue. Retrieved from -Francis, B.R. (2015). The hypothesis that the gentic code originated in coupled synthesis of proteins and the evolutionary predecessors of nucleic acids in primitive cells. Life, 5 (1), 467-505 -Fox, D. (2008). Did life evolve in ice. Discover Magazine, February Issue. Retrieved from -Georgia Institute of Technology. (2014, June 25). Origin of life: stanley miller's forgotten experiments, analyzed. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 24, 2015 from -Levy, M., & Miller, S. L. (1998). The stability of the RNA bases: Implications for the origin of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 95(14), 7933-7938. doi:10.1073/pnas.95.14.7933 -Reichard, P. (1993). From RNA to DNA, why so many ribonucleotide reductases? Science, 260(5115), 1773-1777. doi:10.1126/science.8511586 -Robertson, M. P. (2007). Stanley miller 1930-2007. Nature Chemical Biology, 3(8), 437. doi:10.1038/nchembio0807-437 -Simon Fraser University, n.d..Prebiotic chemistry. Retrieved from -Trinks, H., Shroder, W., Biebricher, C.K., (2005). Ice and the origin of Life. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 35, 429-445 -Van der Gluik, P.T.S., Speijer, D. (2015). How amino acids and peptides shaped the RNA world. Life, 5 (1), 230-246 - Wikipedia (2015). Stanley Miller. Retrieved from Is there Evidence to Support the Theory? - Some scientists are suggesting that it makes more sense chemically that life was created in cold conditions, because in hot conditions organisms decay more quickly. - Cyanide is thought to be one of the early chemicals on earth but it evaporates too quickly in warmth to have any reactions - This would suggest that life started in ice, because this is the only way cyanide can have an effect. - Frozen seawater is a great mix for the creation of RNA which leads to the creation of life. -Eutectic freezing can help explain why reactions occur in ice. When ice crystals form, the crystals connect only with pure water, leaving impurities

Islamic Style PowerPoint Template Design

Transcript: Importance of Natural Light Natural light is not only valued for its aesthetic appeal but also for its spiritual significance. In Islamic architecture, elements like large windows and skylights are designed to invite sunlight and promote a sense of tranquility and connection with nature. Types of Lighting Fixtures Decorative Lighting Techniques Techniques such as using colored glass, intricate wood carvings, and patterned screens create captivating lighting effects in Islamic interiors. These techniques soften light and enhance the beauty of the architectural features, creating a unique ambiance. Islamic interiors utilize a variety of lighting fixtures, such as lanterns, sconces, and chandeliers. These fixtures often showcase intricate designs, featuring geometric patterns and calligraphy, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of Islamic architecture. Geometry and Symmetry Patterns and Motifs Traditional Color Schemes Common Materials Used Patterns in Textiles Geometry in Islamic architecture plays a pivotal role, symbolizing the infinite nature of the universe. Symmetry is employed to create balance and harmony, often seen in mosque layouts and decorative elements, enhancing the spiritual experience for visitors. Islamic design traditionally uses rich jewel tones such as emerald green, deep blue, and ruby red, often contrasted with gold and white accents. These colors are deeply rooted in cultural and religious significance, symbolizing peace, spirituality, and nature. Islamic patterns and motifs serve both decorative and symbolic purposes, representing unity, eternity, and the divine. These designs are characterized by intricate repetitions and are commonly found on tiles, walls, and textiles, creating a mesmerizing visual experience. Spatial Layout and Functionality Calligraphy Islamic interiors often feature textiles made from natural fibers such as cotton, silk, and wool. These materials are not only durable but also contribute to a warm, inviting atmosphere. Additionally, the use of intricate embroidery and embellishments adds depth and visual interest to the fabrics employed in these designs. Multi-functional Areas Psychological Effects of Color Islamic textiles are characterized by geometric patterns, floral motifs, and intricate designs that symbolize paradise and spirituality. The repetitive nature of these patterns reinforces the harmony in Islamic art and can be used to create a sense of rhythm within a space, making the interiors dynamic and engaging. The spatial layout in Islamic interior design reflects cultural values and enhances functionality. A balance between open and closed spaces facilitates movement and interaction while offering privacy. Color Palettes in Islamic Design Designing multi-functional spaces allows for versatility, adapting to various guest needs. Features like convertible furniture or flexible layouts can transform a lounge into a conference area, enhancing usability and maximizing space. Lighting in Islamic Interiors Colors influence mood and behavior significantly. In Islamic design, green evokes tranquility and harmony, while red can represent power and passion, enhancing the overall experience in resort hotels by creating specific atmospheres. Calligraphy is a revered art form in Islamic culture, used to convey sacred texts and enhance architectural beauty. The use of Arabic script embellishes walls and spaces, merging art with spirituality and serving as both decoration and communication of faith. Color plays a significant role in Islamic design, invoking cultural meanings and enhancing the aesthetics of interior spaces. The application of traditional color schemes influences emotional responses and creates a unique ambiance in resort hotels. Key Elements of Islamic Architecture Open vs. Closed Spaces Flow and Movement Open spaces promote community and foster interaction among guests, suitable for lobbies and communal areas. Closed spaces, such as private suites, offer tranquility and personal retreat while maintaining a connection to the overall design theme. A well-designed spatial layout ensures seamless flow, guiding guests naturally through the space. Consider integrating pathways that connect different areas, enhancing the guest experience by facilitating ease of movement without congestion. Color Combinations Islamic architecture is characterized by its intricate use of geometric patterns, symmetry, and elegant calligraphy, forming a unique aesthetic that reflects spiritual beliefs and cultural identity. Understanding these key elements is essential to appreciate the depth and beauty of Islamic design in contemporary settings. Incorporating Fabrics into Design Effective color combinations in Islamic design often include complementary and analogous schemes. For instance, combining turquoise with warm beige creates a serene yet inviting space, essential for resort hotel aesthetics. Fabrics can be strategically integrated into Islamic interior spaces through

Ice Crystal Template

Transcript: The theory was first proposed in 1972 when Stanley Miller put ammonia and cyanide in a vial. The compound changed from a colorless mixture into a amber-colored mixture. He found nucleotides and amino acids (Fox, 2008, p. 1). Researchers proposed that continually freezing and thawing the molecules could speed up the chemical reactions necessary for life (World Science, 2005, para. 16). The temperature of the ice plays a part in the RNA formation process (Trinks, Schroder, & Biebricher, 2005, p. 442). Researchers believe that on the primitive earth, “pockets of liquid could have expanded into a network of channels that mixed their contents during freeze-thaw cycles” (Fox, 2008, para. 37) Some of the strengths of the ice crystal templates are the multiple experiments that have been successful in proving they exist, as well as the multiple tests that have been conducted to prove that there is a possibility that this theory exists. It is a reasonable explanation to why the crystals form. DNA as well as other forms of nucleic acid exists in most beings and it will remain in them until the point where they no longer exist. TNA molecules can connect to other molecules easily and can change easily, also helping to prove the theory. RNA can as well, showing that it is diverse. “TNA activity. TNA can interact with a few of the same proteins that interact with DNA. Using molecular evolution technology, where possible functional segments of TNA are selected from a random set of synthesized” (Evolution News, 2012, p.1) . This theory is widely based off of DNA and other forms of protein synthesizers. Protein synthesizers are a widely studied subject. Being a widely studied subject, it makes it easier to make a connection between that and ice crystal templates. RNA molecules can be cut and spliced and used in experiments with ice to help prove the theory that the first life could have been frozen in ice. The ice crystal growth rate fluctuation between can vary between stages, making it difficult to control. “The growth of ice crystals is similar to the operation of life processes, but does not support the origin of life as described by the theory of evolution. Even the growth of an ice crystal demands a Creator” (Vardiman, L. 1990, p.8). The evidence is very subjective, there is still no significant evidence to prove that it is a theory. RNA plays a vital role in the expression of genes within the formation of life (Mandal, 2013). However, RNA does not synthesize in warm temperature (Mukai, Onodera & Yamada, 2010, p. 50). “Several basic questions remain unanswered, such as whether the reaction takes place entirely in the liquid phase or involves contributions from the ice–liquid interface, and whether concentration plays a role [the efficiency of the HPR ligation reaction argues that it does not] (Vlassov, Johnston, Landweber, Kazakov, 2004, p.14). Citations: Question: When was the theory first proposed? A Very Serendipitous Finding Question: In an experiment by Vlassov et al., researchers froze a hairpin RNA molecule, the molecules reversed and chained together end to end (Fox, 2008, para.32) Ice Crystal Template Weaknesses Continued In this experiment, what was the longest chain of RNA that was observed? Question: Instant Ice Crystals In Stanley Millers 25 yearlong experiment, what two chemicals did he keep frozen and observe? \ Strengths The ice crystal growth rate fluctuation between can vary between stages, making it difficult to control. -“The growth of ice crystals is similar to the operation of life processes, but does not support the origin of life as described by the theory of evolution. Even the growth of an ice crystal demands a Creator” (Vardiman, L. 1990, p.8). Ligation is .... a) When RNA molecules snip each other into pieces b) When life is formed in ice crystals c) When the ends of RNA molecules join together, replicate and bind to make longer chains of RNA d) The process of taking legal action RNA is self-replicating. DNA is a “chemical cousin” of RNA, which displayed that it could in fact be the basis of life (World Science, 2005, para. 5). When RNA is cooled below freezing, the chains of RNA join ends into a circle, “like a snake biting its tail” (Fox, 2008, para.32 Evidence through Experiments Question: Attwater, J., Wochner, A., Pinheiro, V. B., Coulson, A., & Holliger, P. (2010). Ice as a protocellular medium for RNA replication Nature Communications, 1 (6), 1-8 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1076 BBC. Instant ice crystals- The secret life of ice. [Videofile]. (2011, October). Retrieved Biochemistry: Icy origins for RNA copying. (2013). Nature, 502(7472), 412. doi:10.1038/502412d Fox, D. (2008, February 1). Did Life Evolve in Ice? Discover. Retrieved November 1, 2013, from In the Beginning, Before There Was RNA, There Was TNA. (2012) Evolution News. 6, November 2013. Retrieved from:

Office PowerPoint Template Guide

Transcript: Designing Effective Templates Color Schemes and Fonts Choose a color palette that aligns with your brand identity while ensuring legibility. Pair fonts effectively by selecting a readable typeface for body text and a complementary font for headings, limiting to two or three fonts. Layout and Structure An effective layout organizes content logically, improving comprehension. Use a grid system for alignment, prioritize key information through hierarchy, and maintain consistency across slides for a unified look. Incorporating Branding Office PowerPoint Template Guide Integrating brand elements like logos, colors, and fonts creates professional consistency. Ensure that all slides reflect your organization's identity and values to reinforce recognition and trust with your audience. Designing Effective Templates Creating a well-designed PowerPoint template can significantly enhance the effectiveness of presentations. Focusing on layout, color schemes, and branding ensures clarity and promotes engagement. Content Creation Strategies Visuals that Engage Effective presentations incorporate visuals that complement the message. Use charts to illustrate data trends, and images to evoke emotions. For example, a before-and-after image can powerfully highlight the success of a project. Structuring Information Captivating Headlines Organizing content logically guides the audience through your presentation. Use bullet points for quick insights, and follow a clear progression from introduction to conclusion. This helps maintain audience focus and enhances retention. Headlines should grab attention and summarize key points. Using action verbs and clear language helps create intrigue. For instance, instead of "Company Performance," use "Driving Growth: Our 2023 Performance Highlights" to stimulate interest. Content Creation Strategies Creating compelling presentations requires effective content strategies that enhance clarity and engagement. Focusing on headlines, visuals, and structured information can significantly elevate the impact of your presentation. Creating Effective Presentations for the Workplace Mastering Presentation Techniques Mastering Presentation Techniques Effective presentation skills are crucial for conveying messages and engaging audiences. Proper rehearsal, audience interaction, and adept handling of questions can elevate the success of any presentation. Handling Questions and Feedback Rehearsing Your Presentation Encourage questions at appropriate times, fostering an open dialogue. Acknowledging feedback shows receptiveness and can enhance audience connection, along with providing valuable insights for future presentations. Rehearsal is essential for ensuring clarity and confidence. Practicing multiple times enables presenters to polish their delivery, address timing, and refine transitions, leading to a smoother presentation experience. Engaging Your Audience Engagement can be fostered through relatable content and interactive elements such as polls or questions. Connecting personally through storytelling increases audience investment and interest in the presentation's objectives. Introduction to Office PowerPoint Templates Benefits of Using Templates Templates save time and resources by minimizing the design process. They enhance brand consistency and improve audience engagement through polished visuals, allowing presenters to focus on content delivery without getting bogged down by format issues. Purpose of Templates Types of Office Templates The primary purpose of Office PowerPoint templates is to provide a structured framework for presentations. Templates help standardize visual elements, ensuring that all slides maintain a cohesive look and feel, which is critical for effective communication in professional settings. There are various types of Office templates including general presentation templates, specialized templates for reports, charts, and infographics, as well as industry-specific templates. Each template type serves different needs, facilitating tailored presentations for diverse audiences. Introduction to Office PowerPoint Templates Office PowerPoint templates streamline the creation of professional presentations, ensuring consistency and visual appeal. By utilizing templates, users can focus on content while saving time on design elements, making them indispensable in the workplace.

Creating a Custom PowerPoint Template

Transcript: Creating a Custom PowerPoint Template Designing a Template Based on Your Logo's Colors Layout Options For effective communication, utilize varied layout options such as Title Slide, Content Slide, and Section Headers. Each layout should serve a distinct purpose—Title Slides grab attention, while Content Slides present detailed information clearly. Ensure consistency in design across all layouts for coherent branding. Importance of Customized Templates Choosing Slide Dimensions Customized templates are essential for brand recognition as they ensure consistency across presentations. Utilizing a cohesive design fosters professionalism and helps engage the audience, making information retention easier during presentations. Standard PowerPoint slide dimensions are 16:9 (widescreen) or 4:3 (standard). Select the appropriate size based on your presentation environment; widescreen is often preferred for modern displays. Consider audience visibility, whether presenting in-person or virtually, to maximize impact. Overview of Branding in Presentations Designing the Template Layout Branding in presentations involves integrating logos, colors, and fonts to establish a unified image. Effective branding not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also strengthens the message, encouraging audience connection with the material presented. Creating an effective PowerPoint template layout involves strategic decisions about slide dimensions and layout options that best showcase your content and align with your branding. This section highlights essential factors for a functional and visually appealing design. Introduction to PowerPoint Templates Customized PowerPoint templates elevate presentations by reflecting brand identity and maintaining consistency. This section highlights their importance and the role of branding in enhancing visual communication. Testing the Template Functionality Color Psychology in Branding After exporting, it is vital to test the template in various presentation scenarios. Check for consistent style, layout integrity, and adaptability by applying the template to different content types to ensure overall functionality. Colors evoke emotions and associations that affect brand perception. For instance, blue conveys trust and dependability, while red signifies energy and passion. Understanding these associations helps in crafting logos that resonate deeply with target audiences, enhancing brand recall. Analyzing Color Schemes Effective logos utilize color schemes that align with brand identity. Analyze complementary, analogous, and monochromatic color schemes to find the right balance. Tools like Adobe Color can help in selecting and visualizing schemes that resonate with your audience. Optimal Logo Placement Incorporating Your Logo Understanding Your Logo's Colors Finalizing and Saving the Template Position your logo consistently across slides for a unified look. Common placements include the top left corner or the bottom right. Ensure it remains visible without overshadowing the slide content, maintaining a professional balance. Effectively integrating your logo into a PowerPoint template enhances brand recognition and establishes a cohesive visual identity. Attention to placement and sizing ensures that your logo complements the overall design, rather than detracting from it. Sizing and Proportions Maintain clarity and recognition with adequate logo sizing—generally between 10% to 20% of the slide width. Avoid extremes; a logo too large overwhelms content, while one too small lacks impact. Proportionality preserves brand integrity. Exporting Your Template The colors in your logo are not just aesthetic choices; they convey meaning and influence audience perception. This section focuses on analyzing effective color schemes and understanding the psychological impact of colors in branding. Finalizing and saving your PowerPoint template is essential to ensure it functions as designed. Proper export and thorough testing guarantee a professional presentation experience. To export your PowerPoint template, navigate to 'File' > 'Save As'. Select the PowerPoint Template (*.potx) format to preserve your design settings and elements. This allows easy reuse and sharing within your organization without affecting the original design. Hang on... Adding final touches... A final point, a quote, more context — adapt the template to fit your needs. Change the image to the left so it supports what you're saying. Design at work... Introduce your presentation and provide context for your audience. Thinking cap on... - Summarize your point - Limit your words so your audience stays focused - Use visuals to help - Dive deep into the first point or make a new one - Limit your words so your audience stays focused - Use visuals to help Last checks... Fine-tuning... - Keep it quick - You have space for details later - Use visuals to help you Almost there... Adding final touches... Polishing up... Use this space for details that you

Now you can make any subject more engaging and memorable