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Hypnosis Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: By Ravyn Braun & Cammie Richards Also referred to as hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion, hypnosis is what is referred to as "an artificially induced trance state resembling sleep, characterized by heightened susceptibility to suggestion". - You would be more relaxed and calm than you were before. Contrary to popular belief you retain free will, and even when under hypnosis, you cannot be forced into doing something that you would normally be completely against. Despite retaining free will, you are more open to suggestion, and inhibitions will go away. That means that if you were hisitant to doing something, but not against it, then you would do it under the hypnotic suggestion. Basically, you still have control over yourself, you would just be a ton more open to another's SUGGESTION on what you should be doing or feeling at the time. Hypnosis also focuses your thoughts, so you would beable to be concentrated on a specific emotion, memory, or thought while also being MUCH less prone to distractions. What is it? Video Mayo Clincic-- Hypnosis, by Barats & Bareta on YouTube-- Relaxation and to relieve stress Pain reduction To aid with quitting smoking or other addictions During childbirth or before surgery (for relaxation) To cope with traumatic memories or experiences To treat mental illness In some cases, hypnosis has also aided patients who need to get over allergies or alleviate asthma Sleep therapy, to get over sleeping disorders Hypnosis Hypnosis is used in various forms for many purposes. The core theory behind hypnosis is to put a person into a trance by having them focus on one thing and then essentially "go to sleep". Some hypnotists rely on the patients imagination, or have them focus on one light or object. More often than not, a hypnotist will use number and "count" the person into a trance by, generally, counting down. Though they can also utilize a "trigger" to put someone into a sudden trance, though this is used less often. How and why is it used? Sources "Hypnosis" by Barats & Bareta on YouTube These are the main reason why people let themselves get hypnotized, and even why some doctors might recommen it in some situations. Thank you for your attention!


Transcript: Can anyone be hynotized? When gauging brain wave activity, there are four levels, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. Once we leave total awareness, conscious, analytical state of mind (Beta) we then drift into the Alpha state.This is considered a light level hypnotic state though a lot of change can be directed in this state. Hypnosis 1.All hypnosis is self induced hypnosis, but external suggestion can trigger it. 2.Hypnosis is not like sleep, nor is it like a zombie state or total unconsciousness. 3.Hypnosis cannot make someone do something they don't want to do. 4.In Hypnosis a subject can release subconscious programs that control them. 5.In deep Hypnosis a subject can stimulate or increase healing ability. 6.In Hypnosis a subject can improve or change any physical or mental ability. 7.In hypnosis a subject can modify or change their emotional state or feelings. 8.Hypnosis can release causes for fears or phobias, then permanently release them. 9.Hypnosis can permanently change habit patterns (ie: remove bad habits). 10.Hypnosis can help release unwanted patterns like post traumatic stress reactions. Hypnosis and Addictions Childbirth under Hypnosis Hypnosis as anesthesia Understanding Hypnotism The light relaxed state of Alpha is all that is necessary to achieve in order to make behavior changes. This is why most people do not think they are "hypnotized" because we have all been misled as to what hypnosis really is. Although hypnosis cannot be used alone to “put patients under,” it does benefit in many ways. Studies have shown that hypnosis along with chemical anesthesia helps to reduce pain and quicken recoveries more than just chemical anesthesia alone. Hypnosis is a great way to help patients who have certain heart problems or other conditions where the chemical anesthesia would be too great of a risk to administer. Hypnosis has been proven to help these patients by lowering the amount of chemical anesthesia dosage. The most important factor regarding the application of hypnosis is a combination of three things. Belief, Desire and Expectancy. You must Believe it will work...have a genuine Desire for it to work and...Expect that it will work. If these three factors are in place, then you are willing and open to suggestion. Too - da - looo! Conclusion Hypnosis has been studied with curing many addictions. Hypnosis has been proven to work for many addicts and others it does not work. It is a hit or miss treatment that shows rates of success around 50% for alcoholism. Hypnosis has not been practiced enough by medical professionals due to the entertainment genre given to it. Within the next several years, experts believe that hypnosis will become a major treatment in curing different substance addictions Don Barnhart- America's Funniest Hypnotists Hypnosis can also be used for child birthing. The idea and usage has been around for centuries but has been becoming more and more popular. Hypnobirthing calms the mother during childbirth by relaxing as much as they physically can without being asleep. Moms who've taken HypnoBirthing classes give birth at hospitals. Some choose to get pain medication, epidurals or cesarean sections. Others elect to give birth at home. The point of HypnoBirthing is that giving birth is natural and can be done with less anxiety.


Transcript: Common Misconceptions Development of EEG, PET, and fMRI have enabled the effects of hypnosis on the brain to be studied like never before: (1) Identify the physiological nature of the theorized hypnotic state (2) Demonstrate baseline differences between people of varying hypnotic ability (i.e. be able to show individual capacity to respond to hypnotic suggestion, even before hypnosis is initiated) (3) Visualise the specific changes in brain function that result from individual / specific hypnotic suggestions (i.e. neural correlates of certain hypnotic suggestions) Uses as Pain Management Findings from Imaging Studies - reference to hypnosis dates back to ancient Egyptian medical papyri - Dr Franz Anton Mesmer's theory of Animal Magnetism in 1774 - Mesmer's work was investigated by a specially appointed Royal Commission in 1784 (by King Louis XVI) - Benjamin Franklin, Joseph Guillotin, and Antoine Lavoisier - who, following their investigation, discredited his work saying it was a simple matter of "touching, imagination [and] imitation" 1. RICK NAUERT PHD. Researchers Discover Evidence of Hypnotic State[Internet]. Academy of Finland. 2011 [cited 26 Oct 2011]. Available From: 2. Hoi Ning Ngai. Hypnosis in Pain Management[Internet]. Dartmouth (US). 2000[cited 8 Sept 2000] Available From: 3. G. Elkins, M. P. Jensen, D. R. Patterson. Hypnotherapy for the Management of Chronic Pain [Internet]. National Institute of Health (US). 2007 [cited 25 Sept 2009]. Available from: 4. Rainville P, Hofbauer RK, Bushnell MC, et al. Hypnosis modulates activity in brain structures involved in the regulation of consciousness. J Cogn Neurosci 2002; 14:887–901 5. Kosslyn SM, Thompson WL, CostantiniFerrando MF, et al. Hypnotic visual illusion alters colour processing in the brain. Am J Psychiatry 2000; 157:1279–84 6. Jensen SM, Barabasz A, Barabasz M, et al. EEG P300 event-related markers of hypnosis. Am J Clin Hypn 2001; 44:127–39 7. Rainville P, Duncan GH, Price DD, et al. Pain affect encoded in human anterior cingulate but not somatosensory cortex. Science 1997; 277:968–71 8. Liossi C, Hatira P. Clinical hypnosis in the alleviation of procedure-related pain in pediatric oncology patients. Int J Clin Exp Hypn 2003; 51:4–28 9. Montgomery GH, DuHamel KN, Redd WH. A meta-analysis of hypnotically induced analgesia: how effective is hypnosis? Int J Clin Exp Hypn 2000; 48:138–53 10. Lang EV, Benotsch EG, Fick L J, et al. Adjunctive non-pharmacological analgesia for invasive medical procedures: a randomised trial. Lancet 2000; 355:1486–90 11. Hawkins RMF. A systematic meta-review of hypnosis as an empirically supported treatment for pain. Pain Rev 2001; 8:47–73 12. Hofbauer RK, Rainville P, Duncan GH, et al. Cortical representation of the sensory dimension of pain. J Neurophysiol 2001; 86: 402–11 The State of Hynosis Evidence for the use of hypnosis in pain management To be 'mesmerized' by something, the word itself having hypnotic and illusional connotations, derives from the works of Dr Franz Anton Mesmer (BOOM! Put that in ya pipe and smoke it, AY?!) In their study, Rainville et al. presented subjects with a hypnotic intervention to change the distress associated with pain, rather than the perception of pain itself (the study found that suggesting increased or decreased unpleasantness of pain was accompanied by rCBF changes in the anterior cingulate gyrus). A follow-up study gave hypnotic suggestions for increased or decreased pain intensity associated with immersion of subject's hands in hot water, and this showed significant rCBF differences in the somatosensory cortex, in response to these suggestions. History of Hypnosis Continued... Skill of hypnosis is fairly easy to learn Certification if fairly easy to obtain Most important factor is that the practitioner be qualified to treat the presenting complaint without the use of hypnosis Practitioner should have a relevant and real qualification in another area 1. When hypnotised, the subject can be made to do anything 2. While under hypnosis, a person can be made to reveal deep, personal secrets 3. Only 'gullible,' or 'stupid' people can be hypnotised Study conducted by Patterson et al, showed that 30 burn patients undergoing debridement were assigned to 3 groups: hypnosis, attention/pseudo hypnosis (placebo), and no intervention (control) Results: True hypnosis group - 46% decrease in pain Placebo Group - 16% Control Group - 14% Therefore significant improvement with hypnosis, goes beyond just relaxation. A trance like state of altered consciousness that resembles sleep but is induced by a person, whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject What is hypnosis? By Shashi Pantula and Tim Styles Further studies.. Researchers from Finland and Sweden found evidence showing the existence


Transcript: person being hypnotized will feel like they’re fully awake as if they’re not being hypnotized at all. This feeling is called hypnoidal. The state of hypnoidal consists of two states, hypnopompic and hypnagogic. Stage 3: complete control is gained in this stage. Sometimes a person can lose the ability to feel pain. Stage 4: this stage is known as the amnesic stage because the person can forget where they live, where they are, and even their own name. The ability to feel pain and the feeling of touch is gone Stage 5: this is the start of the somnambulism stage. The person will sleep walk. The person will feel no pain, no discomfort or sense of touch. You will experience what is called positive hallucinations. You will see and hear things that do not actually exist. You will also have recognition of the past. Stage 6: this is the start of profound somnambulism where the person will experience negative hallucination. This is where they will not hear or see things that actually do exist. Hypnosis Photo credits: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr It could be much larger! Step 1: So... An Example: 30 According to hypnosis is an artificially induced trance state resembling sleep, characterized by heightened susceptibility to suggestion. your ability to reason is affected in this stage. A more relaxed feeling takes over where muscles are susceptible to the hypnotism, they are easier to manipulate. Stage 2 Here is some context. Provide some common ground. Or something from the present, that we should look beyond. Wowing template. Click through in 20 steps. Here is something small... But we can move beyond the present. Why?

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