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Transcript: Suicide Prevention Ethan Lane Suicide Statistics Suicide Statistics Over a five year period from 2012 to 2016, the average number of suicide deaths per year was 2,795. In 2016, preliminary data showed an average of 7.85 deaths by suicide in Australia each day. 2866 people died by suicide (2151 males, 715 females) at a rate of 11.7 per 100,000. The rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide remains twice as high as the general population, with 162 deaths across the country Facts Facts Dealing With Suicide Dealing With Suicide If you or anyone you know needs help call Lifeline on 13 11 14. LifeLine LifeLine Lifeline helps give support to those who are suffering from thoughts or attempts of suicide. SERVICES SERVICES Lifeline Phone: 13 11 14 Anyone experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide Available 24/7 Online counselling available at set times - see website for details Suicide Call Back Service Phone: 1300 659 467 Anyone aged 15+ years who is suicidal, caring for someone who is suicidal, bereaved by suicide, or a health professional supporting a suicidal individual Available 24/7 Access up to 6 x 1 hour telephone counselling sessions Online counselling available at set times - see website for details Kids Helpline Phone: 1800 55 1800 Young people aged 5-25 years Available 24/7 Web & email counselling MensLine Australia Phone: 1300 78 99 78 Men, all ages Available 24/7 Online & video counselling at set times - see website for details Access up to 6 x 1 hour telephone Community Support Community Support Events Events Toowoomba Out of Shadows - Picnic point walk is to raise money and to keep people aware of who can help. Toowoomba has its own suicide prevention page called ‘Out of the Shadows’ which gives help and support to anyone in the Darling Downs having thoughts about suicide Web-Pages to Visit Web-Pages to Visit History History 2015 2010 2016 There were 2,361 deaths from suicide registered in 2010. Rates dropped from 15.7 per 100,000 to 13.9 per 100,000, having the largest impact on the overall rate reduction since the 2015 data release. In 2016 2,866 deaths were all suicides in Australia


Transcript: Personal Progress in Volleyball Presented by Georgia Trier Stage of Learning WHERE AM I NOW? There are 3 stages of learning; Cognitive, Associative and Autonomous. I am at the Cognitive stage. Cognitive Learner WHAT IS THE COGNITIVE STAGE? The Cognitive stage of learning is when a person is 'figuring out' a skill. This phase occurs when the athlete is attempting to understand the basic skills of a sport. Why am I at this stage? What makes me a Cognitive Learner? I am a beginner to the Sport I am in the process of learning and perfecting the very basic skills of volleyball such as; Setting Passing Digging I am not always sure where I went wrong and cannot easily correct errors as a associative or autonomous learner would be able to do. Transitioning Through Stages. How Does One Transition Through Stages? To transition through stages you need to take part in some form of practice. This could include; Massed - Where learners practice a skill continuously without any rest breaks or intervals. Practice sessions are usually very long. Distributed - Where practice sessions have rest intervals. The rest intervals allow a learner to recover both mentally and physically. Fixed - Where learners practice specific skills in many different environments. The practice conditions must be as realistic as possible for this to be successful. Techniques are adapted to suit the environment. This type of practice can also be a mixture of massed or distributive practice to vary intensity. What kind of Practices would assist my improvement? Types of Practice Massed Massed Practice Mass practice would assist my progress in volleyball as it I am someone who works better when I practice something until I cannot do it wrong. This sort of practice would allow me to master basic skills. Part - Whole Part Practice and Whole Practice. To assist my learning futher I would use part practice and then move into whole practice to allow me to understand each basic step before I strung them together as a whole skill. Feedback Feedback Feedback is a efficient way of improving the skill's learnt in a game or training by letting the athlete understand where they went wrong and know how to improve it. How Does Feedback Affect Me? How Does Feedback Affect Me? As a cognitive learner, I am less likely to know where exactly my skills need improvement and do not experience internal feedback as much as an associative or automonous learner would. Therefore constructive critisism (Extrinsic Feedback) is extremely important to assist my progressive improvement in volleyball. This feedback comes in different ways and times such as; Knowledge of results Knowledge of performance Concurrent feedback Delayed Feedback Types of Feedback for Me What type of Feedback is good for me? As a cognitive learner, I believe knowledge of performance would benefit me more than knowledge of results. Cognotive learners tend to need to master each movement before perfecting a skill. If I had kowledge of my performance I would know the exact features I would need to improve on rather than whether I went wrong or right. As a cognnitive learner I also think the timing of my feedback is important. For my stage I believe that Concurrent feedback would suit me best as I would be able to immediently address the issues and perfect the skills.


Transcript: Body System The muscular system makes up nearly half the weight of the human body, this is why when we train we sometimes put on weight instead of losing it. We put on muscle weight. The muscles provide the forces that enable the body to move. Muscles stretch across joints to link one bone with another and work in groups to respond to nerve impulses. Types Of Muscles There are nearly 650 skeletal muscles in the human body! Skeletal muslces are attached to the skeleton They work in pairs: one muscle moves the bone in one direction and the other moves it back again Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles- in other words we think about what movements we want to make (at least,usally) and sends messages via our nervous system to tell the appropriate muscle(S)to contract Muscle Contractions can be short, single contractions or longer ones. Smooth muscles can stretch and maintain tension over extended periods Smooth muscle is found in our internal organs:in our digestive system, our blood vessels, our bladder, our respiratory organs and, in a female, the uterus. Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles- in other words we do not have to think about contracting them because they are controlled automatically by the nervous system. It would be pretty inconvenient if we had to think about digesting our food for example. As The Name Should Tell You, cardiac muscle is found only in the heart It can stretch, just like smooth muscle, and contract like skeletal muscle. It is a twitch muscle- it only does short single contractions like smooth muscle, cardiac muscle is involuntary. it'd be rather dangerous if it were voluntary- we could stop our heart beating any time we wanted! There are 5 main functions in the muscular system. These 5 are: Movement Stability& Posture Circulation Digestion Heat Generation Main functions of the muscular System Movement is one of the major functions of the muscular system. Muscles have the strength to move bones and perform the required action.These actions are mostly voluntary, which means we direct the muscles to perform the actions. Movement includes running, jumping, climbing, hiking, lifting, biking and other actions. Skeletal System Your Skeletal system is all of the bones in the body and the tissues such as tendons, ligaments and cartilage that connect them. Your teeth are also considered part of your skeletal system but they are not counted as bones. Your teeth are made of enamel and dentin. Enamel is the strongest substance in your body. There are 6 main functions in the skeletal system. These 6 Are: Support Protection Assisting in movement storage of minerals Production Of blood cells storage of chemical energy The Skeleton is the framework of the body, it supports the softer tissues and provides points of attachments for most skeletal muscles. The skeleton provides mechanical protection for many of the body's internal organs, Reducing risk of injury to them. For example. cranial bones protect the brain, vertebrae protect the spinal cord , and the ribcage protects the heart and lungs. Respiratory System What Is The respiratory system ? Your respiratory system is made up of the organs in your body that help you to breathe. Remember, that Respiration = Breathing. The goal of breathing is to deliver oxygen to the body and to take away carbon dioxide. Digestion How Does The Skeletal System Work? Skeletal muscles are attached to bones, therefore when the associated muscles contract they cause bones to move. And one more thing... Thank you for your attention! The cardiac muscles in the heart are responsible for blood circulation within the heart and its pumping to the rest of the body. The elaborate blood vessel network ensures adequate oxygen is made available to these muscles whose contraction and relaxation movements, are vital for the survival of a person. Smooth Muscle Conclusion Heat Generations Protection What Is The Skeletal System? Circulation The skeletal system works in conjunction with your muscular system. The skeletal system works by giving us support and without it, we wouldn't be walking upright. But without the muscles to help, our movement would be very limited. Cardiac Muscle The Muscular system is the main boss of or posture and stability. most of us think that our bodies are at a state of rest during these phases. However, even during these times, certain muscles in the body are constantly contracting and relaxing, making various tiny adjustments, so that your posture can be maintained. Thus, we are able to continue sitting or standing, due to the contraction of muscles. The muscles of the body also provide joint stability, by extending their tendons over the joints. Movement Since we are warm blooded, a constant body temperature ought to be maintained in the body, via temperature regulation. In order to maintain a constant body temperature, the body needs to produce heat. When muscles contract to cause the bones to move, heat is generated. The muscles are responsible


Transcript: breads and cereal e.t.c.- always eat it fruit- always eat it poultry and protein- often eat eat it vegetables and legumes- often eat it My favourite type of foods are fruit and protein vegetables and legumes poultry and protien Thank You! being healthy, safe and active Better Things I Need to do to Improve my Nutritional Intake bread, cereals, rice, pasta and noodle Reflection on food and water consumption nothing Life Education Australia(LEA)is the organisation that created Healthy Harold. They did this to improve childrens unhealthy habits and elliminate addictions. Healthy Harold commenced in 1979 and over 750,000 students participate each year. LEA has a moto which is "prevention is better than a cure." 1. I believe i do not eat enough considering how much sport i do but considering drinking habits i definitely do not have to change them. If i am reflecting to the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, I think I definitely stick to it well. I definitely need to improve my nutritional intake as considering all the sport I do I definitely don't eat enough and I should eat more vegetables Spaghetti with Bolognese sauce. Two fruits and a sandwich If you are a teenager you definitely have to eat alot of food and drink alot of water. Because you are growing at fast speeds your body needs certain types of food, especially dairy, protein and vegetables and alot of it. Drinking water is also ver important for growing. Personal- allergies Cultural- travel taste hunger emotions Social- parents special occasions food messages school availability fruit Healthy Harold breakfast morning tea lunch afternoon tea dinner snacks water My Daily Eating Plan HPE I believe that my eating habits are healthy and beneficial to my health as I balance my type of foods very well. Reflection of eating habits daily food consumption crackers, a jam sandwich and a popper Food and Drink for Teenagers Personal, social and cultural reflections on eating drink plenty of water Crackers and a sandwich scrambled egg on toast with borocca and a fish oil tablet favourite foods, how often. 1.8 L of water 62 ECG bpm

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