Honey Bee
Transcript: Worker Bee-conomics Honey bees collect nectar and convert it to honey. The majority of honey bee larvae eat honey, but larvae that are chosen to become future queens will be fed with royal jelly. Royal jelly is a white secretion produced by young, female worker bees. It is comprised of pollen and chemicals from the glands of worker bees. Strictly male Their sole job is to mate with the queen at about 2-8 weeks of age. After mating with the queen the drone dies In early fall, all the drones that have not mated are kicked out of the hive.(This preserves precious food resources so the colony can survive through the winter. What they eat? Strictly female Largest population of the hive. Responsible for caring for young,food storage,cleaning,foraging,protection,tending to the queen, and regulating the temperature of the hive. Makes wax to build the hive. Livesfor 5-8 weeks in the summer.They can live longer during the winter where there 's less "work" to be done. A honey bee hive is made of wax.This wax is sculpted into perfect hexagonal cells. The cells provide storage for larvae,pollen and honey. The hive is like a giant nursury,home, and factory. Colony Collapse Disorder:- Drone Strictly female The sole fertilised reproducer of the hive. Lays appx, 1,500 to 2,000 eggs per day during the summer. Comes from a special,larger cell.The larval queem is fed exclusively royal jelly. Generally there is only asingle queen per colony. Approximately 1/3 of all the food we eat is pollinated by honey bees. This represents $15 billion dollars of produce in the U.S annually. If the honey bees die off,the price of all their products will rise.For example,the price of almond went up from $1.50 per pound in 1983 to $3.50 per pound in 2005.In the next 20 years the cost could double or triple. Type of Bees The honey bee is one of the main pollinators in the animal kingdom. The honey bee pollinates an estimated 30% of the food eaten the U.S. Honey bees were brought to the Americas in the 1620's from asia and africa. They are astounding insects whose way of life fascinates scientists even to this day. There are around 25,000 known species of bee worldwide (about 4000 species in the US, and over 250 species in Britain)....and there are probably more to be discovered! The hive Pesticides:- Honey Bee Symptoms of CCD include sudden dissapearnce of the majority of the bees yet honey and the queen remains. CCD was first recognised in the fall 2006 There is no single cause of CCD but researchers think that stress is the main factor which drives themout of the hive. CCD and the general beepopulation decline is currently happening. Honey Bee Queen Using pesticides on plants kills insects-the bad insects as well as the good insects. When the honey bee collects pollen or nectar,she might could be contaminated with the pesticide which she could carry back to the hive; killing her nest mates. Neonicotinds are the chemicals which damage the bees ability to navigate.