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Hobbit Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Awards: -Carnegie Medal Nominee -New York Tribune award for best juvinile fiction Book Information Author: J.R.R Tolkien Copyright: 1937 Publisher: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd ISBN: 0-618-00221-9 Genre: Fiction Fantasy Reading Level: Z Grade Level equivalency: 7th/8th grade Interest Level: 6-8 Synopsis: One day, a Hobbit named Bilbo wakes up to find a wizard and 12 dwarves at his doorstep. They lead him from his normal quiet hobbit hole and out onto an adventure across Middle Earth in hopes to find riches and fame. On this journey, the group encounters trolls, fights through a goblin horde, and is chased by wolves, all while journeying to get the dwarves lost store of gold. Bilbo ends up discovering the thrill of adventure and more about himself than he ever knew. Aspects of Quality: Many different scenarios keep interst in book Older work that is still well read Main character is small but achieves a lot Promotes courage, loyalty, and respect Reading Comprehension R6.A.1.3.1: Make inferences and/or draw conclusions based on information from text. -While reading the story have students draw or explain what they think will happen next throughout different important parts of the book. Reading Comprehension R6.A.1.5.1: Summarize the key details and events of a fictional text as a whole. -Have the students pick out spots on a map of Middle Earth where important events of the story occured. Geography 7.2.6.A: Describe the characteristics of places and regions. -Have students describe or draw what they think parts of Middle earth looked like and compare them with places on our planet.

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