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High Performance Teams Powerpoint Template

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High Performance Teams

Transcript: Global and cross-functional teams present a number of new challenges for organizations (e.g. communication and alignment), yet they have the potential to transform the way traditional, siloed work has been done. The assessment process can be used in a variety of settings: For newly formed teams (Recommended: 6 months for the full suite and 3 months for the team survey only) Assisting new leaders in understanding current team dynamic Potential applications include: As a developmental tool to help improve team, individual, and leader performance To provide an organization-wide indicator of team health A research-driven model has been developed to assess high performance. At Whirlpool, developing and maintaining high performing teams is a business imperative. It creates sustainable competitive advantage and drives business results. To generate these outcomes, the first step is to assess the health of teams across the organization. Feedback is provided on three levels: leader, team, individual Data is reported in a format that is detailed, insightful, and tailored Includes an in-depth Action Planning guide that matches frequently-occurring team gaps with a menu of practical solutions Shared accountability for results makes individual and team performance more urgent, visible and powerful. Members fully understand the direct consequences and impact their actions (i.e., success or failure) will have on the team and organization. Given the greater visibility of results, individuals will push themselves to exceed performance targets and consistently raise the bar on expectations. Leadership coaching to strengthen results through teams Consult and advise senior leaders on how to support ongoing development through support, reinforcement, and additional feedback Facilitate team off-sites that are focused on debriefing results and generating team goals to improve team performance Ongoing team consulting to ensure teams remain focused on successfully implementing their action plans Why invest in high performance teams? As it is unlikely that the external environment will become less demanding and uncertain, building high performance teams represents an organization's best chance for highly responsive, self-directed, and agile organizations. When should you use the HPT tool? This assessment is NOT recommended for: Selecting teams or determining team composition Groups that do not share common goals Mutual respect and camaraderie requires high performing team members to go above and beyond their normal day-to-day responsibilities in supporting the efforts of other members and facilitating successful organizational functioning. A sense of mutual concern and solidarity for each other’s well-being creates a highly supportive and trusting environment. A collaborative environment promotes respect and the sharing of diverse perspectives, therefore enhancing creativity through new and innovative ideas. How can you develop high performance teams? Constructive conflict provides a forum for challenging convention, promoting creativity and risk-taking, and enhancing group decision-making. This combination of skills will enable high performing teams to drive extraordinary results. It also challenges team members to push their comfort zones and personal growth goals. If these elements are not part of the team dynamic, it can create complacency, “group think” and reinforce mediocrity. Developing the model involved a focus on the factors that contribute to high performance (as opposed to "good" or "above average"). More than ever before, the real work of business is conducted by teams, and impressive results are more likely to be delivered by superbly functioning, high performance teams. The research resulted in five dimensions of high performance... Competent teams can become high performance teams The team leader is ultimately accountable for team performance Team members are accountable for contributing fully to whole team success and for rising above a silo mentality High performance team members have insight into their own performance, effectively give and receive feedback, and take action on improving their gaps Over the years, there has been considerable research conducted on the formation, dynamics, and performance of teams. Guiding Principles for the High Performance Team Model and In order to achieve high performance, the first step for each team is to identify a clear and compelling performance challenge. It begins with the belief that high performing teams are critical to organizational health and productivity. Shared commitment to the vision and extraordinary goals is important to team success because these actions lead to the establishment of challenging and measurable goals and ensure team alignment and dedication on the most urgent priorities. High performing team members must set aside individual goals for the good of the team. When the team’s vision, goals or objectives are unclear, overlapping responsibilities and

High Performance Teams

Transcript: Weakness Media Attention Collect meal boxes from Customer's home at the suburbs --> through collection points to the train station --> to Mumbai Main Station --> to urban distribution point --> to client offices Meal Box address and coding. High Performance Team It can be defined as an efficient team in which each team members contribute as per their own competencies and uses fewer resources to best achieve a goal. Thank You Strengths Computerized administration by using Bar Code. Software can be used to identify and classify client’s Name, address. Client can track where is their lunch located online. Simplicity in organization with Innovative service Coordination and teamwork 98% on time deliveries Low operation cost Customers satisfaction Low Attrition Rate Threats Team 4 U5468638 | Yuluzi Dai U5482551 | Yue Chen U5453535 | Yize Li U5325915 | Kaustubh Bajpai What is a High Performance Team ? How can the operational model be adapted in a business model? Summarized Systematic Process What would lead to ultimate failure of the system which is beyond the control of the Dabbawalla's? Positive Work Atmosphere Equal shareholders, hence no cutthroat competition. Indirect threats from fast foods and hotels Felix timing Company transportation Other catering services offering same service Food court at malls Color Coding About "Dabbawallas" Simple yet efficient process The only process are pick up, sorting, loading, dispatch, unloading and delivery. Opportunities Optimistic view Operational Transformation What according to you was the critical success factor in the 'Dabbawalla Case' ? Wide range publicity Environmental protection Internet and SMS booking service Needs in other cities Dabbawalla's as a High Performing Team They are always role-based, members have clear goals and abilities to perform their jobs. They are usually associated financial benefits and enhanced reputation for an organization. - Delivery system started in 1880 in India. - Currently there are 5000 workers who have equal share in the organization. - Each worker has a upper limit of 35 customers at a charge of $5/month. - More than 80% of the work staff has no formal education, rest has studies only up to year 10. - All deliveries are done only on foot, bicycles and local trains involving 400,000 transactions daily. - Six Sigma Certified for minimum error rate and have been certified under ISO 9001: 2000 certification. - Annual turnover is ~$1 million. Office workers start to eat out and prefer fast food than home-cooked food. Introducing automation may ultimately lead to high costs and reduced human labor. As population increases there will be higher pressure on trains. Pessimistic view Characteristics of High Performance Teams Discussion Questions High dependability on local trains Funds for the association Limited Access to Education High Performance Teams Defined Roles and Responsibilities Every dabbawalla participates only in one out of six steps. SWOT Analysis Functional Transformation Delivery Timeline Establish a logistics company Open a restaurant chain. Task Interdependence Team Interesting Facts !!! Flat organization structure The organization has only four levels of hierarchy this simple design can make decision-marking easier. A sustainable enterprise is one that is support and coexists with society by offering: Financial opportunities Employment opportunity Environment Friendly The 'Dabbawalla Case' Future Development ( thinking beyond the box) Daily Operations... Effective Code System Simple visual management

High Performance Teams

Transcript: Of 700 teams Wheelan has researched 56 % (392) did not contribute to organizational goals 17% (119) were high performance teams (Wheelan, 2016, pg. 7) Teams Take Time Most Stay in Stage 1 and 2 Unhealthy Conflict Up, Team Performance Goes Down (Anderson, 2015, pg.261-262) What Goes Wrong? OD Objective By: Lisa Hess & Sean Maiolo Behaviors of Unresolved Conflict References Miller's Three Team Types (Wheelan,2016) Wheelan's Stages of Teams Interventions Dysfunction/Conflict High Performance Teams How do teams perform? Stage 1: Dependency & Inclusion What are we doing? Not sure, so and so asked me to come. Stage 2: Counter Dependency & Fighting I don’t want to go to the meeting. Stage 3: Trust & Structure It’s really not that bad. Stage 4: Work & Productivity I can’t wait until our meeting tomorrow! What Goes Wrong? Cognitive Diversity Economic Difference Beliefs Egocentrism Communication Us vs. Them Mentality Lack of Understanding of Group Development Unclear on the Big Idea/Goals Ambiguous Tasks Personal vs. Task Conflict Lack of Organizational Support Skill ≠ Task Irregular/Infrequent Meetings (Miller, 2001, pg. 104-105) Anderson, Donald L. (2015). Organizational development: The process of leading organizational change. 3rd Ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. Mello, A., & Delise, L. (2015). Cognitive diversity to team outcomes: The roles of cohesion and conflict management. Small Group Research: An International Journal Of Theory, Investigation, And Application, 46(2), 204-26. Retrieved September 9, 2015, from Academic Source Complete. Miller, Mark (2011). The secret of teams: What great teams know and do. San Francis co: Barrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. Wheelan, Susan A. (2016). Creating effective teams: A guide for Members and Leaders. 5th Ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. Work Redesign Workout Blake & Associates 2 Day/8 Activity Intervention Appreciative Inquiry Approach Circle within a Circle Approach Microcosm Group Avoidance/Withdraw Unable to Reach Goals Resentment/Antagonism Reduce conflict “by breaking down barriers between teams, encouraging the development of a shared identity and purpose, and improving cooperative processes” (Anderson, 2011)

High Performance Teams

Transcript: High Performance Teams "A unit of two or more people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose and a set of performance goals and to common expectations for which they hold themselves accountable." "[T]he notion of extra-ordinary outcomes of work being achieved through extra-ordinary contributions by the TEAM." Committment: the state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons. Creativity: originality and expressiveness; imaginative. Knowledge: specific information about something; familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study. Technical skill: a skill that is required for the accomplishment of a specific task. Commitment: Are all team members actively engaged? Do team members place the mission before their own personal needs or agendas? Are new ideas welcomed and encouraged? Are ground-breaking avenues of research pursued? Do team members possess the experience needed to contribute to the success of the mission? Do team members possess training and/or education that is pertinent to their functions? Do team members have the required certifications to perform their duties? Do team members execute their specific duties effectively and efficiently? Were individual missions accomplished within specified constraints (time, budget, manpower) to standard? Technical Skills Knowledge - The Business Questions? - Lussier, R. and Achua, C. Leadership: Theory, Application, and Skill Development (3rd Edition). What is a High Performance Team? Mission Accomplishment The International Metro Warriors by What is a Team? Assessment Tool Criteria to Assess High Performance Team Attributes - "Changing Work: A Union Guide to Workplace Change," AFL-CIO, 1995. Creativity Attributes of a High Performance Team

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