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Health Care System Presentation Template

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Health Care System

Transcript: Having a free education makes them feel like it is their priority to be great physicians for their country. Therefore, feeling honored. Some people wonder how one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere are able to provide free health care and still reach the best health outcomes. When people have to go to the hospital in an emergency, due to the shortage on medication there aren't always medication treatment available. Did you know? Health Care System One of the major problems for medications are that the medicines are patented by pharmaceutical companies for over 20 years. Some have asked for more time. Health care over the span of a year is about $400 per individual. Medical School Doctors in Cuba are not talked about as far as financial status. They are known as being hero's and highly respected by their country. Cuba People who become doctors in Cuba attend medical school for free. Challenges The average Cuban is said to live up to 78 years old. Resources There are twice as many doctors in Cuba per person then there are in the US. Having the highest doctor-patient ratio in the World When people in Cuba get check ups for specific reasons the doctors also check for any other potential threats that might come up for patients. Making it easier to catch onto any future difficulties early on. This helps prevent future illnesses.

Health care system

Transcript: This qualitative study explores consumer health choices and associated factors, based on interviews with citizens living in Medellin, Colombia, in 2005-2006. The results show that most study participants belonging to low-income and middle-income strata, even with medical expense subsidies, faced significant barriers to accessing health care. Only upper-income participants reported a selection of different options without barriers, such as complementary and alternative medicines, along with private Western biomedicine. This study is unique in that the informal health system is linked to overall neo-liberal policy change. it is the process of transferring ownership of a business, enterprise, agency, public service, or public property from the public sector (a government) to the private sector, either to a business that operates for a profit or to a nonprofit organization. It may also mean government outsourcing of services or functions to private firms, e.g. revenue collection, law enforcement, and prison management 8 goals that UN Member States have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015. signed in September 2000, commits world leaders to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women. The MDGs are derived from this Declaration. Several of these relate directly to health. Our results show a significant portion of participants desired services that were not publically available to them during the post-birth period. Among those who reported a gap in care, the two most common barriers were: cost and unavailability of home care supports. Participants' open-ended responses revealed many positive features of the public health care system but also gaps in services, and economic barriers to receiving the care they wanted. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to recent neoliberal reforms. effects of privatization Conclusions Egan M, Petticrew M, Ogilvie D, Hamilton V, Drever F. "Profits before people": a systematic review of the health and safety impacts of privatising public utilities and industries in developed countries. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.2007;61(10):862‐870 health care equality The study found adverse effects on performance, unlike the claims made by the government. Semi-privatization intensified the workloads of hospital workers and the instability of employment, froze or decreased real wages, and drastically increased hospital revenue per patient stay. The changes may have resulted from redefining profit as the goal of the hospitals, as opposed to the previous focus on decision-making on public health. health care should not be a market product nor a 'health delivery' service it should have to be in the first place based on scientific evidence or expert opinion in some cases, not on economic or public demand only. Health economics should improve good governance. Patients should have to be informed about any disease and any condition for which any further investigations and any therapy should have to be explained in a comprehensive way a human right, yet not an irrational demand affordable and universal, equal in accessibility, quality of care and performance accessible from the bottom (primary care) up, and should preferably be a multidisciplinary collaboration instead of competition, with clear agreements and communication accountable, transparent and quality controlled patient centered Belgium Since humans are no robots (yet), they should have to be handled with care! Patients and (health care) workers should have healthy work, with healthy working hours and places and healthy recovery systems. They should also have a healthy attitude themselves. Not all desires and demands are rational or healthy! Are privately owned hospitals more efficient? Results of a survey of the international literature]. [German] Sibbel R. Nagarajah B. Gesundheitswesen. 74(6):379-86, 2012 Jun. This longer-term perspective is used to show how factors shaping the broader restructuring of the English welfare state have impacted on home care services in particular. The two most salient features of these policies have been public sector funding constraints and extensive marketisation. Despite demographic trends, home care services have been deeply affected by the structural underfunding of long-term care services in general. The sector has been further shaped by the creation first of a 'mixed economy' of supply, with local authorities purchasing services from external providers instead of their own in-house services; and by the more recent introduction of a 'mixed economy' of purchasing, as greater emphasis is placed on individual choice and personalisation. The outcomes of these dual pressures are an increasingly residual publicly funded home care service and a growing role for private funding and supply. These outcomes have potentially damaging consequences for the quality of both public and private home care We investigated

Health Care System

Transcript: I am one little person, so i might need help promoting my plan, i would start by telling citizens how many uninsured people would be insured after my plan was put into action. Once they heard all the positive things my plan would bring, the people would fall under my spell and love it! Definitions more than 87 million American could lose access to their current health care plan under the new law. Medicare - health care for the aged; a federally administered system of health insurance available to persons aged 65 and over Medicaid - health care for the needy; a federally and state-funded program fewer than 700,000 physicians would be available to treat a patient population growing in size Work Cited Family premiums are nearly $2,000 lower. Adding reductions in out-of-pocket costs and lower taxes for Medicare and Medicaid PROMOTING MY PLAN Obamacare - the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Our Medical Staff and Technology PROS My Creative Brain,d.eWU "SWAGGERCARE" 50 Million people uninsured My Health care plan "Swaggercare" would help our country by having everyone covered, if you were unemployed don't worry we've got you covered! I would pay for this by taxes. The way i would take care of this would be based on the citizens income. For Example, a household that makes $250,000 a year would be paying less than a household that makes $500,000 a year. Medicare will reward quality, not quantity; thus, bonus payments will be given to those doctors and hospitals that provide good quality care If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. CONS Health Care System health care law will impose billions of dollars in annual fees on manufacturers and importers of brand-name prescription drugs and on health insurance plans

Health care system

Transcript: Sam Desailly Health Care System What is the health care system A healthcare system can be defined as the method by which healthcare is financed, organized and delivered to a population. The Health care system provides safe, quality and affordable healthcare for the population. (WHO 2013) The primary goal of the health care sector is to promote health for the population. Government Positives Social Determinants of health Health equity- Universal coverage Quality of Care- Health care system allows individuals to see registered health professionals Low socioeconomic- Medicare, bulk billing facilities 24/7 Support for all individuals including an after-hours GP hotline Creates a healthier workforce - Which decreases unemployment and home Help children Reduces poverty Negatives Negatives Lack of education-Individuals might not know when to see a health care professional Income levels/Travel- Individuals cannot access specialist appointments due to cost. As well the richer you are the better your health as you have access to programs Access to their preferred doctor- Individuals on a low-income rate might not get the chance to see their doctors Private health insurance- people that pay the extra for this are seen more quicker than people who are not on this scheme. Regional/ Rural living Lack of culture competence • Describe how characteristics of national health systems can influence health through the social determinants of health Characteristics Supportive environment- Reducing unhealthy behaviours- e.g smoking Socioeconomic status- Providing healthy food for all people Education- Having people teach individual’s on health signs Access- Allows all individuals access to a health care professional Medicare • Understand how the social model of health underpins a primary health care approach. Social model of health The social model of health examines all the factors which contribute to health such as social, cultural, political and the environment. The social model of health increases the understanding between stress, coping and health. The primary health care and social determinants of health aim for: 1. Universal coverage reforms 2. Services delivery reforms 3.Leadership reforms 4.Public policy reforms Question 1: What does it mean to have healthcare coverage? DISCUSSION Discussion Question 2: Can you think of reasons why people who are sick or injured can't see a healthcare professional? Question 3: Should all healthcare be the governments responsibility? References References 1) Parry, Y., & Willis, E. (2019). Social determinants of health and the healthcare system. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.), Social Determinants of Health (pp. 330 - 352). Victoria, Australia: Oxford University Press. WHO (World Health Organization) 2013a. Health systems. Geneva: WHO. Viewed 28 November 2013, <>. 2. WHO Executive Board, Organizational Study. Methods of promoting the development of basic health services. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1973

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