Haagen Dazs
Transcript: -Uncontrolled Media -Print, broadcast, radio, online -Spokes people, Advisory Board (Scientists, bee keepers), ice cream social -Source credibility, audience participation, group influences -Objectives Business goals, awareness/comprehension goals, behavioral goals -Evaluated Revenue growth, sustained growth, customer media impressions, positive media coverage, brand awareness, brand advocacy, initial influence -Creating campaign (wide identification emblem) -Press Releases, Print -Social media awareness Conclusion Research Evaluation Group Members Output Objectives -Create new flavor -Fund research -"Million Seed Challenge" -Social Media promotion -Strengths -Weakness -Future of the campaign Impact Objectives Planning Research Audience Analysis -Haagen-Dazs consumers' response -Supporting the cause -Eager to contribute Program Planning Thank You! Nattikan Choorat - Research Todd Banker - Objectives Robert Garcia and Karina Diaz - Planning Cheyenne Salton - Evaluation Tianna Thompson- Writer Ellen Cook - Design Haagen-Dazs Loves Honey Bees: Let's Lick This Problem (Case 9-1) -Informational awareness objectives -Increase awareness of danger bees face (habitat destruction, disappearence) -Attitudinal Objectives -Promoting honey bee conservation -Preventing depopulation -Educate people on science behind bees -Focus Groups -Objective -Primary Research -Secondary Research -Targeted Audience