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Groundhog Day Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: I learn that the animals hibernate all the winter to keep warn, but no all the animals only some mammals. Ex: rabbits, beards, grounhog... Before the winter the animals eat a lot, to sleep all the winter. I see a little groundhog, furry and brown, He's popping up to look around. If he sees his shadow, down he'll go. Six more weeks of winter - oh, no! VIDEO METEOREOLOGIST Laie M,Lluc P, Pol T, Joana C and Laia M Monday, February 2, 2015 REPORTER For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day, So far will the snow swirl until May. For as the snow blows on Candlemas Day, So far will the sun shine before May. And from America: If the sun shines on Groundhog Day; Half the fuel and half the hay. Five Little Groundhogs I See a Little Groundhog SONGS 1887 Shadow; first official trip to Gobbler's Knob. 1888 Shadow (Six more weeks of Winter!) 1889 no record 1890 NO Shadow (early Spring!) [Birthdate: Charles Correll ("Andy" on radio's Amos & Andy)] 1891 no record 1892 no record 1893 no record 1894 no record 1895 no record 1896 no record 1897 no record 1898 Shadow 1899 no record 1900 Shadow 1901 Shadow [Birthdate: Jascha Heifetz, violinist] 1902 NO Shadow 1903 Shadow 1904 Shadow 1905 Shadow [Birthdate: Ayn Rand, novelist-philosopher] 1906 Shadow [Birthdate: Gale Gordon, actor] 1907 Shadow 1908 Shadow [Birthdate: Clarence "Buster" Crabbe, Olympic swimmer/actor] 1909 Shadow 1910 Shadow 1911 Shadow 1912 Shadow [Birthdate: Burton Lane, Broadway composer] 1913 Shadow at 8:08 AM; first newspaper photo of Groundhog Day by John Frampton. 1914 Shadow at 9:34 AM 1915 Shadow at 11:45 AM; named Wiley William Woodchuck! 1916 Shadow at 9:07 AM; first movie film of Groundhog Day ceremony (17.5mm Birtac). 1917 Shadow 1918 Shadow; 18 degrees below zero. 1919 Shadow [Birthdate: Forrest Tucker, actor] 1920 Shadow 1921 Shadow at 7:17 AM 1922 Shadow at 7:11 AM; Groundhog Holiday Dance. 1923 Shadow [Birthdate: Liz Smith, gossip columnist] 1924 Shadow at 7:13 AM 1925 Shadow at 8:13 AM; [Birthdate: Elaine Stritch, actress] 1926 Shadow at 9:17 AM 1927 Shadow at 8:35 AM; [Birthdate: Stan Getz, jazz saxophonist] 1928 Shadow at 10:00 AM; program with Punx'y Rotary Club on KDKA Radio. 1929 Shadow 1930 Shadow at 7:11 AM 1931 Shadow at 12:27 PM 1932 Shadow at 9:11 AM 1933 Shadow 1934 NO Shadow. 1935 Shadow at 9:11 AM 1936 Shadow at 10:27 AM 1937 Shadow at 9:09 AM; early morning encounter with a skunk! [Birthdate: Tom Smothers, comedian] 1938 Shadow at 9:05 AM; "darkest shadow in history" (The Spirit, Feb. 2, 1938) 1939 Shadow at 9:10 AM 1940 Shadow at 9:00 AM 1941 Shadow at 4:25 PM 1942 Partial Shadow at 7:40 AM; "War clouds have blacked out parts of the shadow." (The Spirit, Feb. 2, 1942) [Birthdate: Graham Nash, guitarist, singer] 1943 Groundhog did not appear; relied on Quarryville's prediction - NO Shadow 1944 Shadow at 9:10 AM 1945 Shadow at 9:00 AM 1946 Shadow at 7:52 AM 1947 Shadow at 7:37 AM; first newspaper photo of Groundhog Club at Gobbler's Knob [Birthdate: Farrah Fawcett, actress, model] 1948 Shadow at 8:46 AM; [Birthdate: Jessica Savitch, NBC news anchor] 1949 Shadow at 7:32 AM; [Birthdate: Brent Spiner, actor] 1950 NO Shadow 1951 Shadow at 8:41 AM 1952 Shadow at 7:52 AM; on NBC's Today Show on Monday, February 4 1953 Shadow at 7:38 AM; [Birthdate: Penny Pulz, LPGA golfer] 1954 Shadow at 8:03 AM; [Birthdate: Christie Brinkley, Cover Girl model] 1955 Shadow at 8:51 AM; 4" of snow on Groundhog Day; [Birthdate: Kim Zimmer, soap opera actress] Groundhog Day, celebrated across the United States and Canada, on February 2, is purely a North American tradition. It is based on a belief that on this day (February 2) the groundhog, or woodchuck, comes out of hole after winter hibernation to look for its shadow. If the shadow is seen, it's a sunny day. And the groundhog foretells 'six more weeks of bad weather' and thus a lingering winter. But spring is coming if no shadow is seen because of clouds. The groundhog then behaves accordingly. It goes back into the hole if the weather turns bad, but stays above ground if spring is near. Vol XCIII, No. 311 63 Shadow at 7:41 AM 1964 Shadow at 7:35 AM 1965 Shadow at 7:58 AM 1966 Shadow at 7:21 AM 1967 Shadow at 7:25 AM 1968 Shadow at 7:29 AM 1969 Shadow at 7:29 AM 1970 NO Shadow 1971 Shadow at 7:29 AM; 14 below zero. 1972 Shadow at 7:30 AM 1973 Shadow at 7:29 AM 1974 Shadow at 7:28 AM 1975 NO Shadow 1976 Shadow at 7:29 AM 1977 Shadow at 7:27; in midst of the energy crisis. [Birthdate: Shakira, singer] 1978 Shadow at 7:28 AM 1979 Shadow at 7:28 AM 1980 Shadow at 7:29 AM 1981 Shadow at 7:27 AM 1982 Shadow at 7:26 AM; coldest January this Century. 1983 NO Shadow; predicted an early Spring after a mild El Nino Winter. 1984 Shadow at 7:04 AM 1985 Shadow at 7:28 AM 1986 NO Shadow; visited President Reagan at the White House in March. 1987 Shadow at 7:29 AM 1988 NO Shadow 1989 Shadow 1990 NO Shadow 1991 Shadow 1992 Shadow 1993 Shadow; the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray is released. 1994 Shadow at 7:28 AM 1995 NO

Groundhog Day

Transcript: A baby groundhog is called a kit or a cub Young Groundhogs are usually born in mid-April or May, and by July they are able to go out on their own. The size of a litter is 4 to 9 Facts/History last 3 facts A groundhog can whistle when it is alarmed. Groundhogs also whistle in the spring when they begin courting The average groundhog is 20 inches long and normally weighs from 12 to 15 pounds. A groundhogs life span is only 6 to 7 years Canada celebrates groundhog day it started in the 1900s The first official trek to Gobbler's Knob was made on February 2, 1887. Groundhogs Diet A groundhog's diet consists of lots of greens, fruits, and vegetables and very little water. Most of their liquids come from dewy leaves Germany believed that the badger had the power to predict the coming of spring. Tradition has it that if the groundhog sees its shadow on February 2 it will be frightened by it and will return to its burrow, indicating that there will be six more weeks of winter. If it does not see its shadow, then spring is on the way. 3 Interesting Facts Groundhog Day Groundhog Facts Sites 3 random facts Groundhog day started from 1886 tell now During Prohibition Phil threatened to impose 60 weeks of winter on the community if he wasn't allowed a drink. Pennsylvania's earliest settlers were Germans and they found groundhogs to in profusion in many parts of the state

Groundhog Day

Transcript: This tradition is similar and different to the lottery. The lottery has a good connotation, but has a bad ending, unlike Groundhog's Day, when it has a good connotation and has a good ending-most of the time. The Lottery had to deal with a fair draw, and fate. Groundhog's Day is different. Groundhog Day By: rianna tremper and noah messer Punxsutawney Phil (Phil for short) comes out of his borrow at Gobbler's Knob, and if he sees his shadow, then we have another 6 weeks of winter. But if he doesn't see his shadow, then we have an early spring. Groundhog Day is a popular tradition that was used in many different cultures, including Great Britain, Germany, and Scotland, now also being used in the United States. What is Groundhog Day? How is the tradition similar/different? The Inner Circle is responsible for carrying on the tradition, and for taking care and feeding Phil. These people are the people often seen in suits and ties and a black top hat. "Groundhog Day." N.p., n.d. Web. "Groundhog Day in United States." <i>Groundhog Day in United States</i>. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2015. Phil drinks an "elixir of life", where he drinks it every year at the Groundhog Picnic and magically gets 7 more years of life. He comes out every February 2nd, which is known as Groundhog's Day. There is an "Inner Circle" in which the President of the circle speaks "Groundhogese" with Phil, where the new proclamation is told on a live broadcast. Some Common Facts What is Groundhog Day About? Citations: Groundhog's Day is simply just a little groundhog, who is famous for (possibly) seeing his shadow, and "predicting the future". What is the Inner Circle?

Groundhog Day

Transcript: Groundhog Day What is a Groundhog? What is "Groundhog Day"? Folklore Punxsutawney Phil Gobbler's Knob The Inner Circle Groundhog Day Traditions Groundhog Day 2010 How accurate is Phil? Fun Facts About Groundhog Day Woodstock Willie Organizers of the Groundhog Day event in Woodstock have yet to determine if their winter weather prognosticator, Woodstock Willie, will make an appearance on Wednesday, or if the massive winter storm forecast for the next couple days will keep the rodent, and visitors, at home. Jo Williams, a Groundhog's Day committee member, said organizers would provide an update before 5 p.m. today. However, the details of that update are as yet unknown. Williams said committee members would discuss if the event will proceed or if it will be canceled due to inclement weather. Should Woodstock Willie come out of his box and determine how many more weeks of winter remain, the event scheduled for 7:07 a.m. Wednesday on the Woodstock Square, will be the town's 17th since the movie, “Groundhog Day,” was filmed there. Obnoxious Groundhog Video Phils Burrow Stump 3:00 a.m. Crowds of up to 30,000 people gather at Gobbler's Knob Groundhogs live to be about 7 years old. But according to his handlers, Phil has been making his preditions since 1886. That would make Phil 135 years old. Every summer at the Groundhog Picnic, Phil is given a sip of “groundhog punch” (a secret recipe) which gives him seven more years of life. 6:30 a.m. Fireworks begin 9 out of 10 times (90%), Phil has NOT seen his shadow and predicted another 6 weeks of winter. According to folklore, if it is sunny when a groundhog comes out of its burrow on February 2nd, he will be startled to "see his shadow" and winter will continue for six more weeks. If he does not see his shadow, then spring will come early. Shadow = 6 more weeks of winter Phil tells President Bill and VP Mike his prediction So the story goes, Punxsutawney Phil was named after King Phillip. Prior to being called Phil, he was called Br’er Groundhog. On Groundhog Day, February 2 he is taken to Gobbler's Knob and placed in a heated burrow underneath an artificial tree stump on stage before being pulled out at 7:25 am , to make his prediction. Groundhogese Language Translator A select group, called the Inner Circle, takes care of Phil year-round. Members of the Inner Circle are wear top hats and tuxedos. Phil currently has two co-handlers, Ben Hughes and John Griffiths. The town name "Punxsutawney" comes from the Indian name for the location "ponksad-uteney" which means the "town of the sandflies." 7:25 a.m. Phil's handlers pull him out from his tree stump Another name for groundhogs is "woodchuck" or "ground beaver" Of these 114 predictions on record so far, Phil's predictions have been correct just 39% of the time. Groundhog Day is a holiday celebrated on February 2 in the United States and Canada. The first official Groundhog Day was celebrated on February 2, 1886 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania In Alaska, February 2 is observed as Marmot Day rather than Groundhog Day because few groundhogs exist in the state. Marmot Day was created in 2009 and signed by then-Governor Sarah Palin. The Official Groundhog Day Website Punxsutawney Phil is a groundhog who lives in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA. He is the "official" weather forecaster for Groundhog Day. For most of the year, Phil lives at the Punxsutawney Library with his wife, Phillis.

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