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Great White Shark Powerpoint Template

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Great White Shark

Transcript: Digestive System Anatomy- teeth, tongue, salivary gland, and jaw. Physiology- Breaking up of food using teeth. Anatomy- opening duct of salivary gland, saliva, amylase enzyme. Physiology- saliva contains enzymes that break down food The Human Esophagus Anatomy- tube connecting throat to stomach Physiology- use waves (peristalsis) to move food down to stomach The Human Stomach Anatomy- Esophageal Sphincter, Rugae, and Plyoric Sphincter Physiology- Stores food, Physically breaks down food into smaller particles, Chemically breaks down proteins using enzymes (pepsin),and releases food. The Small Intestine Anatomy- Absorption and Digestion of Nutrients. Physiology- Three sections: The duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. 19-22 feet long. The Human Liver Anatomy- Right Lobe, Left Lobe, Coronary Ligament, Falciform Ligament, and Ligamentum Teres. Physiology- Filter blood coming from degestive system Then Human Gallbladder Anatomy- Small pouch under the liver; the size of small pear. Physiology- Squeezes stored bile into small intestine to help digest fats. The Human Pancreas Anatomy- Two glands; Exocrine (digestive gland) and Endocrine (hormonal gland). Sits behind stomach. Physiology- Helps break down food in Duodenum and secretes hormones insulin and glucagon to regulate level of blood. Also secrets somatostatin. The Large Intestine Anatomy: About 5 feet long. Includes Cecum, Colon, Rectum, and Anal Canal. Located mostly in abdomen. Physiology: absorbs water from fecal material before it leaves body. The Human Ureters Anatomy: Paired muscular tubes (ducts) Physiology: Transport urine from kidneys to bladder The Human Bladder Anatomy: Muscular sac in pelvis, sits behind pubic bone. Physiology: Stores urine until urination. The Human Urethra Anatomy: Tube that leads to the outside of body. Physiology: Transports unine out of body from bladder Respitory System Nose (Nasal Cavity) Anatomy: external meatus, external nostrils, septum, nasal passages, and sinuses. Physiology: Acts as a filter. Warms and purifies air before passing it to the lungs. Larynx Anatomy: Upper opening into the windpipe, as seen as the "Adams Apple". Physiology: Acts as "voice box" and another passageway to lungs. Trachea Anatomy: The windpipe; extends from larynx down to the two bronchi. Physiology: Allows for large food to pass the esophagus and allows for breathing. Bronchi Anatomy: Tubular structure; stops in the lungs Physiology: Where oxygen enters the lungs. Alveoli Anatomy: Air sacs. Physiology: Site of gas exchange (oxygen and CO2). Respiration and the Diaphragm Anatomy: Muscle separating abdomen from chest cavity. Physiology: Contract when we breathe in and relax when we breathe out. Double Loop Anatomy: Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation Physiology: Circulates poor oxygen blood through lungs. Circulates rich oxygen blood everywhere in the body except lungs. Flow of Four Chambers of Heart Anatomy: Top two chambers are right/left atria and bottom two chambers are right/left ventricles. Physiology: Maintain blood flow into (atria) and out (ventricle) of heart. Heartbeats Anatomy: Pericardium (double layered membrane) surrounds heart; located between lungs and middle of chest. Physiology: Caused by contractions then relaxations; all caused by electrical impulses. Blood Vessels Anatomy: Arteries, Capillaries, Veins Physiology: Carry oxygen rich blood out of heart. Give cells oxygen and nutrients; removes CO2 and metabolic wastes. Transports blood poor of oxygen back to heart. Blood Anatomy: Plasma, Hemoglobin, Platelets. Physiology: Protects against infections, transports, and maintains homeostasis. Carry oxygen from lungs to tissue. Platelets form clots and scabs to stop bleeding from wound. Medulla Oblongata Anatomy: Located just above spinal cord. Physiology: Controls the Respiratory Center, Cardiac Center, Vasomotor Center, Sneezing, Coughing, Vomiting and Swallowing. Optic Lobe Anatomy: Located in the very back of the brain. Physiology: Connects to your eyes and allows you to see. Is also where dreams come from. Olfactory Bulb Anatomy: Located in limbic (emotional) part of brain. Located in back within cerebrum. Physiology: Allows for your sense of smell. Locomotion (Muscular and Skeletal System) Cartilage Anatomy: Dense connective tissue made of cells found between bones, nose, throat, and spinal column. Physiology: Provide site for bone growth, prevents bones from grinding together, and acts as a shock absorber. Joints Anatomy: Fixed (immovable), Cartilaginous (partially movable), and Synovial (move freely); ligaments Physiology: Make Skeleton Flexible. Cardiac Muscle (Heart) Anatomy: Makes up wall of heart. Physiology: Involuntary pumps blood throughout the body; never rests. Skeletal Muscle (Biceps) Anatomy: Located in upper arm (front). Physiology: Allows for movement of arm; contracts and relaxes. Great White's Taxonomy Animalia Kingdom Carcharias Locomotion System Anatomy: No bones; all cartilage. Physiology: Lighter, helps sharks

Great White Shark

Transcript: Most Great Whites take one bite and then leave well alone because we are not salty enough and have too many bones in our bodies for them to actually “enjoy” us. Basking Shark- It is the second largest shark. It can reach up to 30 feet long and weigh up to 8,000 pounds. It filters plankton from the water using "gill rakers." You would not think that these large fish have predators, but indeed they do. The Orca can kill the Great White shark. They do this by butting into it and rolling it onto its belly. This paralyzes the Great White and leaves it helpless to the Orca. Orca-1, Great White-0 Bull Shark- It is the third most dangerous to people and can swim in salt and fresh water. They have even been found in the Mississippi river. The Great White Shark Great White sharks are very mysterious and amazing creatures of the deep blue sea. Not only are Great Whites cool, they are among the most popular sharks in the world. They may be scary like in the movie Jaws, or they may be funny like in the movie Finding Nemo. The enormous Great White always gets the leading role in the film and has always made me curious what makes this shark so interesting. Let's find out! Whale Shark- It is the largest shark and largest fish. It can grow up to 45 feet long and 30,000 pounds, but averages about 25 feet long. Fun Facts! Bruce & Jaws: Famous Great Whites The Orca, also known as the killer whale, is actually a member of the dolphin family. by: Ally Rice Table of Contents Table of Contents Glossary Ally Rice Some Great White sharks can weigh more than 4,500 pounds and reach up to 20 feet in length. The Great White shark is the world's largest predatory fish. 1.) How does a Great White attack its prey? 2.) Name 3 sea creatures we talked about that a Great White loves to eat. 3.) How big can a Great White get? a.) 5 feet b.) 10 feet c.) 1 foot d.) 20 feet 4.) What is a Great White's worst enemy? 5.) Great Whites have been known to play with humans in the water. True or False? Other Interesting Sharks! How scared would YOU be? Great Whites will eat anything! When their bellies have been cut open in the past, tin cans, old tires, metal plates and signs and all sorts of inedible junk have been found inside its stomach. Their main diet, however, are fish, seals, dolphins, other sharks, crustaceans, turtles, sea otters, whales and even sea birds. Everything in the ocean is a potential meal to the Great White, including its own offspring if it is hungry enough. Great White sharks, known scientifically as Carcharodon carcharias, are white underneath and grey on top. Their sides can have a a blue or brown tint. Their tail fins have two lobes of equal size, and their snout is conical shaped, like a pyramid lying in its side. Their mouths are wide and lined with serrated and pointed teeth that are designed for gripping and ripping. What is a Great White? Great White Sharks Animal Predators, by Sandra Markle The Truth About Great White Sharks, by Mary M. Cerrulo Other Interesting Sharks! Are Great Whites a danger to people? Great Whites eat dead, sickly and dying animals and sea creatures, as well as just about everything that moves, and things that don't move! When it comes to humans, however, the Great White has probably never seen a human before, and may take a “test bite” to see what we taste like. How big can a Great White get? The red indicates where Great Whites are most commonly found. What are some creatures that are missing from the Great White's diet? Introduction Great White sharks attack prey from below. The victim will never see a flash of white as this huge fish rises towards the surface like a torpedo. They frequently breach to the surface of the water as they catch their prey. pg. 17-20 Other Interesting Sharks pg. 21 Fun Facts pg. 22 Quiz pg. 23 Glossary pg. 24 Index pg. 25 Resources & Acknowledgments Great White Shark Other Interesting Sharks! The Great White Shark The Great White Quiz Are Great Whites a danger to people? Resources & Acknowledgments Other Interesting Sharks pg. 4 Introduction pg. 6-8 What is a Great White? pg. 9-10 What does a Great White eat? pg. 11 How big can a Great White get? pg. 12 Where do Great Whites live? pg. 13-14 Do Great Whites have predators? pg. 15-16 Are Great Whites dangerous to people? Appearance pg. 6 Breaching pg. 7-8 Bull Shark pg. 18 Basking Shark pg. 20 Diet pg. 9-10 Fun Facts pg. 21 Home pg. 12 Predator pg. 13-14 Size pg. 11 Tiger Shark pg. 17 Threat pg. 15-16 Whale Shark pg. 19 Breach- the leap of a whale (or shark) above water. Cartilage- a firm, elastic, flexible type of connective tissue of a translucent whitish or yellowish color; gristle. Crustacean- any chiefly aquatic arthropod of the class Crustacea, typically having the

great white shark

Transcript: Unusual Adaptations Endangered Status No one knows the life span of the great white shark. Some people estimate it to be about 100 years, but this has not been proven. the life span The white shark is a widely distributed around the globe, but sparsely present in any one place. It is late to mature for reproductive purposes and has a small litter size, making recovery more difficult. The shark is targeted by commercial and recreational fishers, and is also vulnerable to being bycatch. Social Behavioral Great whites are usually solitary animals but are occasionally seen in pairs. Scientists are beginning to understand more about the behavioral interactions between great whites. Reproduction Almost nothing is known about reproduction in great whites. Some evidence points to the near-soporific effect of a large feast (such as a whale carcass) possibly inducing mating. Great white sharks also reach sexual maturity at around 15 years of age. Distribution the diet of the white shark The Great White Shark's nostrils can smell one drop of blood in 25 gallons of water. The Great White is the only shark that pokes it's head out of the water. No one knows why but they think the shark tries to see prey.The Great White Shark has a heavy spindle- shaped body The white shark feed on a lot of different fish and seals. But, their favorite meal is a seal from Seal Island where there are over 5000 seals there at one time and the white sharks love to stay around for the food. Habitat Great White Shark Great white sharks live in almost all coastal and offshore waters which have water temperature between 12 and 24 °C (54 and 75 °F). the great white shark can live on the shore line and also in the deep sea . Great whites can be found along the coastlines of South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, California to Alaska, the east coast of USA and the Gulf coast, Hawaii, most of South America, the Mediterranean Sea, West Africa to Scandinavia, Japan and the eastern coastline of China and southern Russia. White sharks like the cold warm environments more then they do the warm water.

Great White Shark

Transcript: Whats for Dinner? Background photo by t.shigesa Great whites are the largest predatory fish on Earth. They grow to an average of 15 feet in length,They can weigh an average of around 1500 to 2400 pounds. Though specimens exceeding 20 feet and weighing up to 5,000 pounds have been recorded.They have slate-gray upper bodies to blend in with the rocky coastal sea floor, but get their name from their universally white underbellies. They are streamlined, torpedo-shaped swimmers with powerful tails that can propel them through the water at speeds of up to 15 miles per hour.They have a nose rhat is pointed, and the jaws massive with rows of triangular, serrated teeth. Great white sharks are carnivorous and prey upon fish (e.g. tuna, rays,other sharks), cetaceans (dolphins, porpoises, whales), pinnipeds (seals, fur seals,and sea lions), sea turtles,sea otters, and seabirds. Great white sharks target predominately marine mammals for food.[These sharks prefer prey with a high content of energy-rich fat. There are several unknowns in the great white shark's reproductive process; biologists have only been able to dissect about 10 pregnant females. Because of the scars on their fins, great whites likely practice the typical courtship rituals of a shark, which involve the male biting the female to hold her in place during insemination. The great white shark is ovoviviparous, which means that the shark grows in an egg, which is then hatched inside the mother. Shortly thereafter, the shark pup is born. While in the womb, great white shark embryos feast on unfertilized eggs, a practice known as oophagy. It doesn't appear that they eat the fertilized eggs, as a few other species of shark has been known to do, but they may swallow their own teeth when they lose them for the calcium. The gestation period is estimated to be 12 to 18 months, but this is largely speculative.The litter size of the great white ranges from two to 10 pups,.Scientists believe that they live about 30 years. Location Species Classification: Carcharias The Great White Shark is heterotrophic Great white sharks live in almost all coastal and offshore waters which have water temperature between 12 and 24 °C (54 and 75 °F), with greater concentrations in the United States (Atlantic Northeast and California), South Africa, Japan, Oceania, Chile, and the Mediterranean.[12] One of the densest known populations is found around Dyer Island, South Africa, where almost all of the shark research is done. Interesting Facts General Information: Physical Descriptions The Great White Reproduction Great White Shark meat is not recommended for human consumption because it has very high mercury levels A Great White Shark can roll its eyeballs back, which protects the vital front part of the eye from being scratched. In one year, a single Great White consumes about 11 tons of food. Sharks are believed to have been living on earth for 400 million years. When a shark dies its cartilage dissolves and its teeth drop to the bottom of the ocean where they are covered with sandy sediment. This prevents oxygen and destructive bacteria from reaching the tooth allowing researchers to carry out in depth tests that help to determine the age of the fossil.

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