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Graphic Organizer Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Near the Coast of Ithaca Aeolus's Island (first time) Odyssus and his men sail to circe's island and some of his men go to see circe and get turned into animals. Odyssus has to then go save them by sleeping with Circe. After that circe says he must go to Hades to find out his fate. Land of the Laestrygonians Because the bag of bad winds was released it brought odyssus and his men all the way back to Aeolus's island. Aeolus refuses to help odyssus and his men agian so odyssus sails off again. Circë's Island (Second time) Ciconës Odyssus sails to calypos island and she is a nymph. she falls in love with odyssus and keeps there for about 10 years. Odyssus and his men attacked troy and raped the ladies. Athena then screwed them over and made them unable to return to Ithaca. Island of the Sun God Calypso's Island Odyssus faces Scylla and charbdis but almost gets sucked into charbdis and then because of that he becomes adrift at sea for 9 days. Odyssus and the rest of his men travel to the island of the cyclops where odyssus wants to stay miuch to hius mens dismay. The cyclops finds them in his cave and then eats some of odyssuses men and odyssus then escapes. Troy Odysuss and his men then end up at Aeuols' island where the ruler of the winds live and gave odyssus a bag of the bad winds and a soft wind to take odyssus home. Odyssus finds himself on the coast of the Laestrygonians where cannibalistic giants live and they destroy some of oduyssuses shiops and eats some if his men. They thenleave. Odyssus and his men reach the cliffs of skylla and Charbdis where Scylla eats 6 of odyssuses men but gained passage after that. Land of the Phaeacians Hades Odyssus goes to hades to meet the blind profit who tells him about the suiters at his home. Sea (adrift alone for 9 days) Land of the Lotus Eaters Cliffs of Skylla and Charbdis Odyssus returns to Circe and circe tells odyssus how to get home and warns odyssus about the sirens and Skylla and Charbdis. Odyssus and his men then travel to the land of the Lotus eaters where the men forget about home and do not want to leave because of the lotus flowers. Odyssus then makes his men leave and ties them up. Odyssus and his men plunder Cicones and many of his men died. Odyssus wanted the men to leave but they didn't listen. Aeolus' Island (second time) Island of the Cyclops The winds aeulus sends to guide odyssus and his men home takes him to the coast of ithaca but before they get there odyssuses men get jealous of whatyever is in the bag and release the bad wind. Circë's ISland (First time) When odyssus and his men have to sail by the sirens they have to bind all tere ears because the sirens sound is deadly. Odyssus wants to here their song so he got his men to tie him to the ship so he could not move. They end up on the island of the sun god were they were all told that the cows were sacred and should not be harmed. Eurylocus Decided to sacrifice a cow because he was hungy buy odyssus cant stop them but he is very opposed Sea near the Sirens

Graphic Organizer

Transcript: Religious and Religion CASTE SYSTEM: -Rome took over Jewish Kingdom -About 2 decades after the beginning of Roman Rule, many believed THEIR Messiah had arrived(Jesus) -When Jesus was 30 yrs. old, he began his public ministry -Preaching from one town to another, more people knew about him. *Poor could relate because he ignored wealth. *Chief priests of Jews did mot believe Jesus was their Messiah because they felt he was a contempt for God. This lead to -In A.D. 66, many Jews rebelled against Rome because they wanted to be removed from Roman rule. -In A.D. 66 many Jews rebelled against Rome -In A.D. 70, the Romans stormed Jerusalem and destroyed their Temple Complex. -Christianity grew despite all the deaths by: embracing ALL people gave hope to the powerless offered a personal relationship w/ a loving god -promised eternal life after death *As Christianity began to rise, the Roman empire was gradually weakening between foreign & domestic problems. Social -Quin Shihuangdi, China's emperor, established unity within the diverse empire in 221 B.C. -People believed if the emperor did well their would be peace. If he did bad, their would be a natural catastrophe. -Peace could restore order & harmony. -Believed in social order and strong family relationships. -Senators -Equestrians(men who have a stable income) -Plebeians( avg. workers, craftsmen, bakers, builders, or farmers. It was hard for them to support their families and pay their taxes -Slaves & Freemen Many slaves were foreigners who were captured in war, prisoners of war, & some were children who were sold by their desperate parents for $. Slaves worked EVERYWHERE(private households, farms, city governments on engineering roads,buildings,etc.) Owners could whip, cruelly mistreated, or killed. Slaves could also be freed *Once they were freed they could work as Plebeians. Social Characteristics Christianity was state religion CLASSES: *classes had little in common *classes were based on heredity, property, wealth, citizenship and freedom Main religion Greek Mythology -believed gods offered protection to their city-states -pleased gods to live free of oppression & hardship -used rituals, ceremonies, & sacrifices to try & unify the people to try & please the god -each city-state contained their own divinities to try & make the city-states a community. -DID NOT try to spread religion Social Upper Class: *Need to be a citizen *Have slaves & at least 20 "talents" ($ in Greece) *Free of economic tasks such as trading Middle Class: *Most were non-citizens *Forbidden to own land and marry into a family of a citizen *Made sure navy fleet was maintained, empire was supported by heavy taxes *Professions: merchants, craftsmen, artists,etc. Lower Class: *Mostly made up of freedman(once a slave) *Most of time were non-citizens and the most they could get were a middle class job Slavery: *Prisoners of war, victims of slave raids, infants saved from criminals *Most people weren't greek, they were called Barbarians. * Can be freed by being paid off by a friend or relative, fighting in a war, master died, etc. *Athenian government employed slaves as clerks, minor officials, attendants, etc. SOCIAL -Emperor, they were considered semidivine -King & Governors, who appointed by the emperor.They governed with the help of state officials, nobles & scholars. -Peasant Farmers Their production of food was considered vital to the existence of the empire -Artisans & merchants -Soldiers, they guarded the empire's frontiers. -Slaves, they were usually conquered people RELIGION CLASS Order: -Brahmans...Priests Their were few of them They were the only one's who were allowed to teach and go to schools *Brahman women were not allowed to do neither -Kshatriyas...warriors & rulers Not large in number Were in the army or leaders in a way other than the Brahmans *Women could not be apart of this class -Vaishyas...skilled traders, merchants, and minor officials Owned their own business or farming land Their were many of them in India. -Sudras...unskilled workers Servants & farmhands who did not own their own land and business. Worked for people in a higher class Many farmers who were in the Vaishyas caste who lost their property or business would fall into this caste -Untouchables Held the worst jobs Usually collected garbage and cleaning up human waste *Slaves were below the Untouchables 7 were not even seen as humans but as property *You could not move up or out of your caste. Death could not even stop the cycle *People from different caste could not even marry each other or even become friends & not even be in the same presence Rome CHINA *Main religion is Confucianism SOCIAL RELIGION Religion INDIA Greece *2 main religions believed in Buddhism & Hinduism, Karma & Dharma *Both religions believe in perfect understanding.

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Transcript: The mass of an isotope of an element measured in units formerly based on the mass of one hydrogen atom taken as a unit. Atomic Mass Substance that occupies space and has mass. ionic bond alkaline earth metals protons Atomic Number The smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element, consisting of a nucleus containing combinations of neutrons and protons and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus by electrical attraction; the number of protons determines the identity of the element. electron Any of a class of elementary substances, as gold, silver, or copper, all of which are crystalline when solid and many of which are characterized by opacity ,ductility, conductivity, and a unique luster when freshly fractured. The bond formed by the sharing of a pair of electrons by two atoms. Matter The number of positive charges or protons in the nucleus of an atom of a given element, and therefore also the number of electrons normally surrounding the nucleus. periods covalent bond Physical Science valence electron charges metals families alkali metals Any of the electronegative elements, fluorine, chlorine, iodine, bromine, and astatine, that form binary salts by direct union with metals. An elementary particle that is a fundamental constituent of matter, having a negative charge. neutron Atom An elementary particle having no charge, mass slightly greater than that of a proton. A table illustrating the periodic system, in whichthe chemical elements, formerly arranged in the order of their atomic weights and now according to their atomic numbers, are shown in related groups. The electrostatic bond between two ions formed through the transfer of one or more electrons. halogens A positively charged elementary particle that is a fundamental constituent of all atomic nuclei. It is the lightest and most stable baryon, having a charge equal in magnitude to that of the electron. noble gasses Periodic Table

Graphic Organizer

Transcript: By Tobi Bussiek The genocide of approximately 6 million Jews during WWII 3 million men, 2 million women, 1 million children Also, homosexuals, Romani, and other eastern Europeans were murdered In USA Common Themes Women in War•Auxiliary Territorial Service recruited 25, 000 women as non-violent soldiers•Also worked as Anti- Aircraft soldiers•Women’s Royal Naval Service maintained war shipsPost War•Women in Uniform were depicted as glamorous in advertisements and movies. •Most women were forced to go back to traditional roles after peace•Not all went “home,” since they were cheaper to employ•Government recognized the contribution of auxiliary forces. Homefront Effects of WWII The Holocaust Family Life Women on The Homefront Disrupted by urban bombings, mass conscription and the absence of heads of families Presence of foreign workers or forces caused traditional morality to be undermined Provided agricultural labor to the Reich French resources were plundered Aided in persecution of Jews Germany invaded the “free” zone in November, 1942 There was some resistance Eventually liberated in 1944 Japanese Internment Society was based on racial bias Germany was Supreme Lebensraum German forces simply took what they needed in combat zones Labor Startted with POWs, then becoamse labor draft Eventually 10 million foregn workers in Germany Most POWs were worked to death Women In Industry •Women’s Land Army was created to train women in agricultural work. •Women made up one third of total workforce in the metal, shipbuilding, vehicle and chemical industries. •Worked on railways, canals and buses Britain Nuremburg Laws Laws enacted that incorporated scientific racism as an official policy of the as an official policy of the Nazi party Final Solution Exellerated plan to kill all Jews in Europe Started in 1941 Holocaust con. Germany • Executive order 9066 (FDR) • 60% forced to move were US citizens • 1945-15% of Americans wanted to “exterminate” Japanese • Sent to live in camps (10 camps total): Arizona, Utah, Colorado • Homes vandalized/ransacked • 1987 US gov. $20,000 per person • 1975-President Ford admitted to injustice France The Holocaust In Britain Financial Burden Soviet Government lost 30% of its national wealth Nazi thefts and lootings cost incalculable amounts of damage Widespread destruction Damage was considerably greater than in WWI Was a result of improvements in weapons Major cities in most combatant countries suffered heavy damage Homefront •Women were employed as a result of labor shortages •Sexism was rampant in workplace. Women could only do certain jobs. ••Women proved that they could handle all the responsibilies and . After War •Women praised for their assistance to war effort •Employers still cautions of hiring women postwar •Moderate increase in Feminism, but did not have a giant effect. •Most women returned to tradional jobs after the war Many children sent from cities to the countryside Over 1 million were evacuaated For those who stayed in cities Bomb shelters, gas drills Rations Blackouts

graphic organizer

Transcript: Citizens faced a big war. After their lose to the battle, their population was in a state of depression. There was economic stress that followed. Soon enough, a new leader was elected. The society began to bloom again. There was new public work followed by full emplloyed. Everyone who wanted a job pursued in one. " Virtually, no one was unemployed." All who worked were rewarded with tips, picnics, evening classes to improve education, Drama and free holidays. The leader developed new transportation routes with improved transportation, built a Olympic stadium, and build new schools and hospitals. Soon the leader went too far. He/ she censored and removed media. The leader controlled all forms of communication ( Newspapers, magazines, books,public meetings, rallies, art, music, movies, and the radio. The leader continued rapidly passing strict laws. The society began to fall. The leader blamed the fault on the " Minorities." He/ she murdered two out of every three " Minorities." Soon enough the leader persecuted and murdered millions of people. The rest of the citizens were forced to work and died of interpolatable conditions. The dream was a reality for many people and the society was comfortable economically. The job market was booming. This was mostly because the people lived in the suburbs which wasn't right in the city but close enough for good job opportunities. There were over 10 million new homeowners. The houses were decent sized and had big yards. There was also a lot of activities for the kids to be involved in like Little Leauge Baseball for the boys, Girl Scouts for the girls, and PTA for the parents. Also to get more buisness stores moved closer to the suburbs to be more conveinent to their customers. This also caused less air pollution because people wouldn't drive their cars as far. Most stores also setteled in the shopping center so all of the conveinent stores were available in one place. This also led to less air pollution. As the population of children developed the society made more schools and more school supplies were needed so the city go more money. A bad thing about this society is the amount of air pollution that was made at parties from grilling and from driving your car everyday. This became an issue as the demand for cars went very high. Companies made new cars every year so the demand became higher and higher and people began to drive their cars more. There was also a large war that affected the society negativly by taking down their infrustructure and money for weapons. There also was a time where people had to live in bomb shelters to protect themselves from attacks. Another bad thing about this society was different races got treated differently and they did not get along. This Society was the earliest recorded human settlement. This society was known for its writing system, paintings, sculptures, and poetry. The society was isolated and condemn from the rest of the world. The leader forbidden foreign activities and only allowed European merchants. This triggered a period of concession and instability for the Western power. Soon after, the leader had died. As a result there was a nationwide rebellion. The rebellion presented a long, raging civil war. Then an argument of who should led the society began. The argument got out of control and the Democratic forces were called. Several hundreds citizens were killed by tanks. Slowly, the society earned some world power. But, the citizen's rights were scarce. The new leader restricted the political and religious rights. Torture of the citizens was widely recorded. More people had been executed than any other country. The society's economy had successfully grown, making it the forth largest economy. It was also declared as the must advanced society. This civilization presented some of the most important inventions. Such as ice cream, paper, printing, compass, gun powder, kites, and toilet paper. The society hosted the most expensive Olympic games. Due to the civilization's large population, the carbon dioxide emissions have been increase by a high amount. The new leader limited 34 TV stations. There are only 290 minutes of entertainment per week, not including 2 hours of approved news. In this society the main exports were minerals and thats where this society gets most of their currency. This society also produces a large amount of titanium, bauxite, and gold. Two of the main religions were Muslim and Christian. This country was one of the top 10 diamond producing contries in the world. This society gets a lot of imports because it has the 3rd largest natural harbor in the world which is great for shipping. In the 1900s this society mined 55 carats of diamonds that is worth 15 billion U.S dollars. This has greatly benefitted many of the citizens in this society. In the 20th century it was very calm. No fights, wars, ect. Both Christians and Muslims interacted peacefully. Also education was very important and kids were required to go

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