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Global Warming Powerpoint Template

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Global Warming

Transcript: Global Warming By Dania Khan What is global warming Global warming is the change in climate, which is mainly caused by pollution that we, humans are causing!!!! Are humans causing it? What might happen? Global warming or the change in climate could mean famine, or water and food shortages and it might also have a huge effect on wildlife. Animals have already started getting extinct. Global Warming The Greenhouse Effect Pollution This graph shows the trend and how fast global warming is affecting our environment!!!!! Thank you for watching my presentation, i hope you liked it and learned something new!!!!! (cc) photo by Franco Folini on Flickr Global warming occurs when the mean temperature of the Earth’s surface starts to increase. Since the late 1800s, the average temperature that has increased is 0.7 to 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit. By the year 2100, scientists have estimated that the temperature could rise up to 2.5 to 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Experts are finding a way to identify and cure the causes. (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr Even if we help stop the gases from spreading it would not right away stop global warming. Too much of methane, carbon dioxide, and other secondary gases are not good for the environment. We humans are pouring all that carbon dioxide into the air a lot faster than plants and oceans can absorb. Greenhouse gases are a problem because of the quick changes in the climate. Living things such as humans, and animals may not be able to adapt quite as fast. Change in the climate would also mean many difficulties for living things. Building industries, cutting down trees, and pollution have a great effect on the change of climate. These activities have highly increased the amount of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, all of which help trap the heat near Earth’s surface. Based on more than 2500 scientists from more than 130 countries have said that humans caused most of or all of the changes happening in earth today. When humans cause change in the climate or global warming, it is usually called Anthropogenic climate change. (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr Picture of Global Warming--Pollution!!!!! Water Foam Pollution!!!!! (cc) photo by jimmyharris on Flickr

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