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Global Warming Presentation

Transcript: I personally believe that there should be stricter laws regulating toxins and other pollution going into the air. I do not believe that enough is being done to prevent Global warming, and there must be critical action as soon as possible. I believe in this because I do not believe that Global Warming is fabricated, and that if there is no action taken soon, there will be no home to protect. Public opinion on Global Warming is constantly changing, but for the most part, the public does not believe in it. Global Warming is said to be falsified and exaggurated by the government. Global Warming Global warming is caused by the excess pollutions released into the atmosphere of earth, thus creating a dome like greenhouse effect. This effect reduces the ability of light rays to get through the atmosphere, and in result, this heats up the earth. Personal Policy preference Greenpeace International, the juggernaut in the fight against Global Warming, pretty much does it all. They focus on protecting forests and oceans, but also fight genetic engineering and legally attack corporations. This goes for the other interest groups as well, but Greenpeace International leads the struggle. House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency Greenpeace International Policy Options This committee focused on certain independent energy issues and climate change issues. The committee helped regulate energy use and climate control. Although it was effective the committee was eliminated on 2011. Court Cases Several environmental groups petitioned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (the “EPA”) to use its power to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from new motor vehicles. Clean air laws, the limit of carbon monoxide produced by certain mechanisms, the limit of pollution on the planet. They can also regulate things such as factories and cars more effectiveness, ultimately leading to less global warming. All of these options are good routes to take to prevent further disruption. Public Opinion on Global Warming Global Warming Presentation Interest Groups Global Warming is the rise of the earth's average temperature in the atmosphere. Although the earth does naturally warm, the warming rate has incredibly increased during the last few decades, thus being called global warming. Some of the most prominent interest groups would be Greenpeace International, The Heritage Foundation, and the Sierra Club. These interest groups go out of their way to do the best they can to protect the environment.

global warming presentation

Transcript: This prezi was made and produced by Aaron Canter AKA Bubbles fun facts about gloal warming By: Aaron Canter a short video of the effects on global warming cited sources www. Sea level rise Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal. The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years.1 Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. This body of data, collected over many years, reveals the signals of a changing climate. The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2 Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response. Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain glaciers show that the Earth’s climate responds to changes in greenhouse gas levels. They also show that in the past, large changes in climate have happened very quickly, geologically-speaking: in tens of years, not in millions or even thousands.3 thank for watching my prezi on global warming Global Warming Presentation How will Global Warming affect us, humans and plants around us? A) Global warming is affecting more than one species. Many of these species are closely related to us. Others, including plants and animals are also suffering from this huge impact of temperature rising of our earth and atmosphere. The main cause of global warming are HUMANS; we are the main cause of our own death! Evidence that proves that we are the main cause of global warming is the green house effect; the green house effect is when more and more fossil fuel gases are being administered into the air, such as methane and carbon dioxide. These fuels are causing the heat from this burning to stay near the earths surface, causing the heating of our planet. We are polluting air and our water resources! Look at the graph below to find out exactly how much pollution we are really distributing into the air, and water. Graph of the Sources of Greenhouse Gases Climate change will have a significant impact on the sustainability of water supplies in the coming decades. A new analysis, performed by consulting firm Tetra Tech for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), examined the effects of global warming on water supply and demand in the contiguous United States. The study found that more than 1,100 counties -- one-third of all counties in the lower 48 -- will face higher risks of water shortages by mid-century as the result of global warming. More than 400 of these counties will face extremely high risks of water shortages. GLOBAL WARMING POLITICAL CARTOON Global temperature rise How will Global Warming affect us, humans and plants around us? Global warming is affecting more than one species. Many of these species are closely related to us. Others, including plants and animals are also suffering from this huge impact of temperature rising of our earth and atmosphere. The main cause of global warming are HUMANS; we are the main cause of our own death! Evidence that proves that we are the main cause of global warming is the green house effect; the green house effect is when more and more fossil fuel gases are being administered into the air, such as methane and carbon dioxide. These fuels are causing the heat from this burning to stay near the earths surface, causing the heating of our planet. We are polluting air and our water resources! Look at the graph below to find out exactly how much pollution we are really distributing into the air, and water. Graph of the Sources of Greenhouse Gases a supporter of global waming Climate Change, Water, and Risk Current Water Demands Are Not Sustainable

Global Warming Presentation

Transcript: Cool Photos Thanks To water vapor carbon dioxide methane ozone nitrous oxide It is even believed that our breath causes global warming, but we do use fossil fuels and burn down trees. Global Warming Do cows cause global warming? Yes. They sort of do. Cows release methane, which is one of the greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Does imported meat cause global warming? Yes, producing and transporting meat produces more greenhouse gases than "driving a 3,000 pound car ten miles!" Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse gases(co2,methane,water vapor,ect.) traps part of the suns energy to keep the planet warm. The greenhouse gases trap heat inside, but are not allowing the earth to really cool at night. To much of the compounds won't let the heat escape. The growing trees provide more oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. The ocean also absorbs carbon dioxide. These reduce the carbon dioxide which is a main factor in global warming. Global Warming Greenhouse gases are keeping to much heat on the earth and not allowing heat to escape from the atmosphere. What Effect Does Global Warming Have On Our Economy? Biological Processes That Help Global warming is a big concern in our country. The people want a president who is also concerned about global warming and will try to resolve the problem. Big arguments arise in elections. There are debates happening to see what can be done about global warming. Compounds Ally, Carrie, Meredith, Darius Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection If global warming continues crops will die and the farmers will loose most of there money. Milk production will also decrease because of the heat stress on cows. Timber and furniture businesses are slowly decreasing because cherry trees are dying. Hospitals get more patients because of respitory problems concerning global warming. What We Can Do To Help? What Effect Does Global Warming Have On Politics? Meat? Cows? What Do These Compounds Do? We use fossil fuels and take many trip in cars and we cut down to many trees. We need to get out and ride our bikes or carpool. We also need to stop deforestation and learn more about global warming to help.

Global Warming Presentation

Transcript: Causes 2. Deforestation Outline SOURCES - New energy sources - Efficiency of usage of energy - Wind speed increase. - Storm intensity increase all around the world. 1. Combustion of fuels - Melting of two massive ice sheets. - Dissapearance of different animal species. - Some species are moving to cooler places on earth. Government Huge crop failure 3. Garbage pollution Burning forests releases carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Fewer trees are left to absorb the CO2 ( Carbon Dioxide ). What is global warming? support eco campaings recycling efficient use of materials use vehicles as little as we can Population Solutions Q & A Section Causes of global warming Natural events Long wave radiation from sun Some of it is trapped by greenhouse gasses. Greenhouse gasses : carbon dioxide, methan, water vapor and more. HEAT is trapped! - Habitat destruction - Extintion of many million species Effects big volcanic eruptions. Ash and dust reject the amount of energy reaching earth's surface. Konstantinos Pascal Causes of global warming Burning coal, natural gas, oil in factories, cars, etc. Human activities Rise in sea level Global warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). It happens when greenhouse gases trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature. This hurts many people, animals, and plants. More devastating storms - Billions of people will need to move in a better climate or stay and go hungry. - By the time 2013 comes, there are millions of people expected to become water stressed. Technology - Causes - Effects / Consequences - Solutions Effects Specie extinction Environmental Issue methane escapes from the thrown garbage. burning the garbage also emits dangerous gasses in the atmosphere. THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! - Ocean acidification. - Coral reef fish populations can collapse by 2100. Policy Greenhouse effect Who should take the responsability to prevent this? - Rise in sea level - More devastating storms - Huge crop failures - Specie extiction - Coral reef dissapearance Coral reef dissapearance Global Warming - Cooperate with other countries - Rewards and punishments - Promote eco activities

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