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code for fun presentation

Transcript: functions loops functions are like recipes. example: when making pancakes, you don't need to remember all the steps each time. instead, you just follow the recipe. Similarly, in programming, you can use a function to perform a task instead of writing out all the steps every time. variables - example: baking cookies - take scoop of dough, place on tray until all dough is used up - loop is the process of scooping and placing dough on tray repeatedly - each iteration of the loop is like placing one cookie on tray - loop continues until dough runs out - in cs, loops allow us to perform repetitive taks effieciently for a certain number of times or until a condition is met - containers or boxes that hold different kinds of information - like jars in a kitchen: each jar holds something different (sugar, flour, spices, etc.) - can change what's stored in a variable - handy because they allow programs to work with different types of information - helps keep track of information myAge = 10 print("My age now: ", myAge) myAge = 12 print("My age in 2 years: ", myAge) - store and manipulate data easily - easily update age from 10 to 12 without changing rest of code - when we print age we don't need to remember exact value each time - code becomes easier to read and understand conditionals - like making decisions just like you do every day - example: Imagine you're deciding whether to take an umbrella when you see clouds outside. If you see clouds, you take the umbrella; if not, you leave it behind. - in computer programs, we use conditionals to make decisions based on certain conditions. - example: check to see if old enough to vote age = 20 if age >= 18: print("You are old enough to vote!") else: print("You are not old enough to vote yet.") - little tests in a computer program that help it decide what to do next based on the situation it's in - instructing the computer: "If this is true, do that; if not, do something else." - you can also check multiple conditions using "elif" the basics of computer science output output My age now: 10 My age in 2 years: 12 code multiple conditions weather = "rainy" if weather == "sunny": print("Wear sunglasses") elif weather == "rainy": print("Take an umbrella") elif weather == "snowing": print("Wear a warm coat and boots") else: print("Just wear a regular outfit") longer code longer - less readable code output: 1 2 3 4 5 input: print(1) print(2) print(3) print(4) print(5) shorter code shorter - more readable code input: for num in range(1, 6): print(num) output: 1 2 3 4 5 function w/ no argument function w/ no argument output: Hello, Grandma! code: # Define a function called greet def greet(): print("Hello, Grandma!") # Call the greet function greet() function w/ argument function w/ argument output: The square of 5 is: 25 # Define a function called square def square(number): return number * number # Call the square function with an argument result = square(5) # Print the result print("The square of 5 is:", result)


Transcript: tubman What's your presentation about? Tubman Middle age Harriet Tubman She belongs in the Hall of Fame because she was the most well-known of all the Underground Railroad's "conductors." She helped so many people escape from slavery without being caught by the guards. That truly shows that she was a brave and very courageous person. During a ten-year span she made 19 trips into the South and escorted over 300 slaves to freedom. And, as she once proudly pointed out to Frederick Douglass, in all of her journeys she "never lost a single passenger." She was a bondwoman who escaped from slavery in the South to become a leading abolitionist before the American Civil War. She led hundreds of bondsmen to freedom in the North along the route of the Underground Railroad—an elaborate secret network of safe houses organized for that purpose. Dogless Present all the details Dogless Frederick Douglass deserves to be in the Hall of Fame because he was an incredibly talented writer and orator who escaped slavery and brought the issue of slavery to the attention of people in the 1840s, 50s, and 60s. He should be noticed and honored for spreading awareness and stopping slavery. First off, he secretly taught himself how to read and worked hard to save up some money to escape from slavery. He was encouraged by William Loyd Garrison to speak, at first informally, then as a featured guest at the Anti-Slavery Society. Basically, he was trying to spread awareness to people by speaking to them publicly. He was the most prominent abolitionist and human rights leader of the nineteenth century. During the Civil War, he advised President Lincoln to let former slaves fight for the North, and helped organize two black regiments in Massachusetts. Douglass worked zealously to make the war a direct confrontation with slavery.

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