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Transcript: - an Agile method MacCormack. A. (2012) Do You Need a New Product-Development Strategy? Benefits and problems with Agile Scrum includes 3 repetitive stages, iterating • Product backlog development - Alternative to business case or demand specification. • Main sprint – works from sprint backlog, which describe the set of priority features to be developed in the current sprint. While the sprint is on the way the backlog may not be changed. The main sprint can be broken down to sub activities. The sub activities are described on sticky notes on a scrum board. • Daily sprints – Every 24 hour a 15 minute stand-up meeting every team member briefly states what he/she has done since the last meeting, or he/she will do by the next meeting and what problems he/she is having. Following the daily sprint, the problems identifies in the meeting may change the scheduled sub activities to accommodate them. Karlström. D. and Runesson. P. (2006) Integrating agile software development into stage-gate managed product development Participating project managers indicate the major advantages and disadvantaged of the hybrid system, including: Advantages: • Increased flexibility. • Improved communication. • Better fit between process and tools. Disadvantages, challenges in implementing such system: • Projects were still delayed by hiccups in resource distribution. • Lack of fit between reward systems and methods. • Lack of an agile culture to support the implementation in their organizations. Study of 7 companies: 5 implemented Stage-Gate/Agile hybrid and 2 improved their existing Stag-Gate model. The companies that only improved their stage-gate model experienced little or no measurable change. Those implemented hybrids experienced major improvements. Interviewees at those companies implementing hybrids reported positive effects from the changes. A cross-case analysis suggest that these improvements may be correlated to: • Increased knowledge sharing and communication. • Improved resource coordination. • Increased visibility. • Team empowerment. Räisänen. C. and Linde. A. (2004) Technologizing discourse to standardize projects in multi-project organizations: Hegemony by consensus The Product Development Solution Framework Based on the findings an industrial scrum model is proposed, which is divided into 3 hierarchical planning levels: • Strategic project management - Project portfolio management and steering committee. - The company specific stage-gate model is maintained. • Value chain/project portfolio coordination - Is the tactical planning level, between product development teams and the operational organization. - Managing using a visual method, in which stakeholders from across the organization periodically meet at a physical board to coordinate resources. • Project execution - Managed using scrum methods and supported by a project manager. The Scrum Framework MacCormack. A. (2012) Do You Need a New Product-Development Strategy? * We seem to have forgotten that sometimes a practice can be good in one situation but ineffective or worse in another,one size doesn’t fit all. Different business contexts demand different product development processes and firms must strive to ensure that their product development approaches are better aligned with their business needs. The agile manifesto: 1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. 2. Working product over comprehensive documentation. 3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. 4. Responding to change over following a plan. The stage-gate system has transformed into an irreversible culture – specific praxis that becomes very difficult to question or contest. Conclusion: • Face-to-face meetings is a more powerful communication than written documents. • The Stage-Gate model in turn gives agile methods means to coordinate with other development teams and communicate with functions such as marketing and senior management. • The agile team must be prepared to interface with the gate model. • When combining agile with stage-gate, the need for documentation will always be there. In some cases the documentation can be eliminated, in others, it can be automatically generated. It should be treated as a development task. • Management sometimes fear the agile methods. • Universal acceptance is important for success – by making changes in small steps over a longer period of time • Integrating agile methods with stage-gate and thereby improving cost control, product functionality and on-time delivery. Advantages with Stage-Gate: Increased speed Better quality Greater discipline Better overall performance The traditional project model defines structures, roles and responsibilities, but do not answer the question how. This allows new methods and technologies to be explored within the organization. The agile methods must be able to exist within environments structured using gate oriented project models. Therefore Agile methods and Stage-Gate don´t have to be

Stage Gate #1

Transcript: Feasibility of Tier 3 Crops Source: Soil Properties Challenge Market Queens Local Markets Transportation Storage Processing plants Colorado School of Mines Human Centered Design Chemical Solutions and Processing Secure Feasibility Source: Value to end user Transportation Source: Source: All crops Prolonged storage Large investment (help select few) Culture conflicts Tier 3 Culture Enabling farmers in Northern Ghana and Burkina Faso to improve dry season horticulture methods by harnessing natural resources to maximize farming abilities and profitability. Cooling Capacity Sustainability Local vendor participation Low investment cost Already use grain cellars Prolong Storage Life of Potatoes Onions Okra Cabbage Labor No tomatoes or peppers Require space/land Security Power generation Educational opportunity Potatoes Cassava Cabbage Peppers Okra Onions Tomatoes Worldview Desirability Service options Northern Ghana Burkina Faso Tier 1 Rainy Season Few Rivers and Lakes Aquifers for Dry Season 6m at the end of rainy season 25m as the dry season ends Source: Water Storage Lower Temperature Watermill Constant, steady wind Reduce irrigation labor Prolong growing season Energy source Attachments Economic feasibility Crops IDE-Ghana Field Survey for IDE Program Development November 1-12, 2009 Viability Kitchen utensils Grain processing Underground Tubes Pressure Head Cost of goods estimate Water circulation Mill attachments Eliminates Cross Contamination Climate/Geography Market Sources Tier 2 Shea processing Windmill Calculations Fans in tubes Decrease Crop Spoilage Benefits Interests other than Farmers Sub-problem Market Impact Farmers IDE-Ghana Field Survey for IDE Program Development November 1-12, 2009 Source: Source:, Leslie Light Potatoes Okra Onions Cabbage Cassava source : Northern Star A.K.A. Pwalugu Steady Wind Rainy Season Hot and Dry Aquifers

Stage - Gate Process

Transcript: THANKS 4. Improve the effectiveness of Gates (Go/Kill decision points) 3. Revitalize fundamental research by making it more productive. Gates are the points where the team converges and where all new information is brought together. Effective gates are essential to the success of a new and accelerated product process, they are quality control check points with Go / Kill / Hold / Modify decisions. Gates provide the funnels, where mediocre projects are culled out at each successive gate, is where are managed the resources required by the project leader and the team for the next stage.. The Stage-Gate® product innovation process is an operational model for the management of a new product development (NPD) process from idea to launch. Its purpose is improve effectiveness and efficiency, by breaking down the effort into stages separated by management decision gates. Misconceptions About the Stage-Gate Process Currently best practices companies, replace their ideation process by a more proactive “Discovery Stage”, including: • An idea capture and handling system, where new ideas from inside and outside the company are provided to a focal person, the focal person brings these new ideas to gate 1 where they are analyzed, those that fit the company strategy will go to stage 1. This process enables the company to seek for differentiated and superior products with unique customer benefit. A good idea has a strong chance to yield a successful product. • Voice of the Customer Research to uncover new opportunities.” Big ideas are solution to solve big problems. Therefore, one way to begin is by focusing on your customer’s problems”. However, since customer rarely know exactly what they want, it is important to tackle their problems and their issues instead of asking about functionality and performance. One solution is to have the customer analyze a current product and determine all that is wrong with it, without being influencing by the company. • Ethno-graphic research, where the company observes the customer using the product at its limits, and experiencing their frustrations about them. • Establish valuable scenario of both present and future, and from them determine alternate scenario as well analyzing market change or market evolution that can partially or totally affect customer desires and therefore product requirements. Alternative scenarios should be assessed in term of best or worst one in the future, the different possible ones, and the type of technology they would require. Stages 1. Myths 2. Criticism about the Stage-Gate® process Criticism about the Stage-Gate® process Best Practices for Implementation Why so many companies implementing Stage-Gate® complain later that their products are not successful and put the blame on the process? The main issue is that their gates are not really a business decision point. These companies use the process as a tunnel and not as a funnel, like it should be the case. They rarely kill projects at gates, which results in too many projects and not enough resources and time to allow for a particular project coming from an outstanding idea. Following are some solutions that could reinforce gates and make them more profitable and useful in the process. • Incorporate tough gates. Insert “gates with teeth”, which means gates with tough criteria where the product capability and suitability to the business orientation is strongly assessed. • Make real decisions at gates. Often the criteria are correctly assessed and a Go decision is made, but the resources are not committed on time to the team. It happens when senior management doesn’t really understand that a go decision at a gate means that a commitment to make resources available had been taken. • Engage senior management. Senior management must be engaged in the NPD process and give visible and meaningful leadership support. Stages are where the action occurs. They are defined by the activities within them, and there is usually a prescribed list of actions for each stage. Stages are designed to gather information in order to reduce project uncertainties and risks, and to allow management to make a decision at the end of the stage and move forward with the project. Therefore, information requirements define the purpose of each stage in the process. 2. Harnessing the creative ability of your entire organization People complain that: Stage-Gate® slows projects and has high overhead. It seems like gates are put in place to slow projects, because a review is required at different steps during the process. And preparing information for these reviews requires working on large amount of paperwork, which disturbs the entire work schedule of team members. It emphasizes more form than substance in discussion and decisions. They report that the process is more focused on the flow of activities than their contents, and that decisions relate only to the stages outputs and not on the process details. They kill innovation. The process does not

Stage Gate

Transcript: Deliverables: Inputs into the gate review - what the project leader and team deliver to the meeting. These are defined in advance and are the results of actions from the preceding stage. A standard menu of deliverables is specified for each gate. Criteria: What the project is judged against in order to make the go/kill and prioritization decisions. These criteria are usually organized into a scorecard and include both financial and qualitative criteria. Outputs: Results of the gate review. Gates must have clearly articulated outputs including: a decision (go/kill/hold/recycle) and a path forward (approved project plan, date and deliverables for the next gate agreed upon). mArAm!nG sAlAmAT pFhoOo0oEeeezZzz Questions will not be entertained GROUP 3 Members: Hondojare, Harold Lorenzo, John Christian Pabustan, Kris PROJECT MANAGEMENT IT139-CT2 © Cone Advisor How to How to In addition to the discover stage, there are five key stages: When implemented properly, Stage-Gate delivers tremendous impact: Challenge What are the benefits of using Stage-Gate®? Gradual budget allocation Priorization of resources Project Risk Management ... because bad projects are hard to Eliminate! Set the number of Stages/Gates you will have Parametrize gate decisions Input the projects related to Strategic Elements in Cone Made Classify them according to their Stage-Gates Control the deadlines and developments in an easy to lead way! According to several independent research studies (i.e. Product Development & Management Association, AMR Research, Booz-Allen Hamilton, etc.) between 70-85% of leading U.S. companies now use Stage-Gate to drive new products to market. Benefits Is it hard to keep track of how many projects your organization is executing? How do you control the budget you allocate to each project? Which projects have a better fit with your organization’s strategy? A more effective, efficient, faster process that improves your product innovation results. Tool © Cone Advisor The Stage-Gate Product Innovation system has been referred to as the single most important discovery in product innovation – empowering almost 85% of all North American companies to achieve improved returns on their product development dollars and to achieve new growth. Benefits Product innovation begins with an idea and ends with the successful launch of a new product. The steps between these points can be viewed as a dynamic process. Stage-Gate divides this process into a series of activities (stages) and decision points (gates). How Does the Stage-Gate® Process Work? © Cone Advisor Only 5 Steps enable better controlling of your projects How to Benefits Set the number of Stages/Gates you will have Parametrize gate decisions Input the projects related to Strategic Elements in Cone Made Classify them according to their Stage-Gates Control the deadlines and developments in an easy to lead way! Stages The structure of each stage is similar: Preceding each stage is a decision point or gate which serves as a Go/Kill and prioritization decision point. Gates are where mediocre projects are culled out and resources are allocated to the best projects. Gates deal with three quality issues: quality of execution; business rationale; and the quality of the action plan. A Stage-Gate System is a conceptual and operational road map for moving a new-product project from idea to launch. Stage-Gate divides the effort into distinct stages separated by management decision gates (gatekeeping). Cross-functional teams must successfully complete a prescribed set of related cross-functional activities in each stage prior to obtaining management approval to proceed to the next stage of product development. Challenge Challenge STAGE-GATE Stage-Gate® - Your Roadmap for New Product Development RESULTS IN STAGE-GATE MANAGEMENT The Stage-Gate model enables detailed project portfolios control... Gates The structure of each gate is similar: © Cone Advisor Accelerates speed-to-market Increases likelihood of product success Introduces discipline into an ordinarily chaotic process Reduces re-work and other forms of waste Improves focus via gates where poor projects are killed Achieves efficient and effective allocation of scarce resources Ensures a complete process – no critical steps are omitted = Benefits © Cone Advisor Tool Project managed companies face more and more control issues Activities: The work the project leader and the team must undertake based upon their project plan. Integrated analysis: The project leader and team’s integrated analysis of the results of all of the functional activities, derived through cross-functional interaction. Deliverables: The presentation of the results of the integrated analysis, which must be completed by the team for submission to the gate. Tool Tool How to Challenge Only 5 Steps enable better controlling of your projects

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