Transcript: a) Phalanx Proximal 4-) CRUZ OMEGA This part allowing the rotating servo motor of the base This flanks the same length , but angle varies are changes. This flanks always can not symmetric . INTRODUCTION This segment balance system and support base in the center. Connection the servo motor part and bottom of the robotic arm segment. HASAN ÖZHAN Scara robots are robots that can do 3 translations plus a rotation around a vertical axis. PART 3 CONTROLLER BOARD ADVİSER: ASST.PROF.DR DÜNDAR YILMAZ b) Phalanx Medial The Arduino Leonardo is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega32u4 (datasheet). It has 20 digital input/output pins (of which 7 can be used as PWM outputs and 12 as analog inputs), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a micro USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. Robotic arm has a two pincer. Finger’s are symmetric. The pincer’s max. distance is 64 mm. The fingers max. can keep the coke. Allowing rotation for the robotic arm part. After then connection the servo motors and omega part. Firstly part there are 5 segments.; 5-) COVER There are many ways of controlling an industrial robot arm. The most industrial robotic arms are controlled by a succession of commands directly to the servos that tell the angle to be taken at all times and repeat a sequence of positions as required. This model would be used in the classic chain arm Mounting grab an object and place a tape or other classified place. If we seek our arm is focused on user instead of to a single specific use, we will provide some input and react accordingly. We could define an interface as a means we use to control a machine or a program, for example a keyboard, joystick or another program. In this case we use a different program when we use to control the robotic arm. This program is a graphical interface, ie, a window where you use buttons to send commands to the robot. The program will use as interface is programmed in a different environment to the driver program, this time we use the Visual Basic environment. Redundant Robots ROBOTİC ARM FOR THE BUİLD PARTS 3) Arm B This segment to carry the weight part. Rotation for the robotic arm balanced. This segment has a very simple design. This segment strong and big enough. 4) Servo Beta Scara Robots OBJECTIVES This motors mission remove on the load. The weight is 103 grams, and ıt applies 19 kg pressure per cm 60 degrees finished also the 19 sn, maximum turns is 165 degrees. This segment very important for the robotic arm, because connection the upper and lower segments. Connection the servo alpha motor segment. 2) Servo Alpha KAAN KIZILBABA 2-) SERVO OMEGA MOTOR The robotic arm AURA consists of 13 printed pieces 5 servos with five crosses and a plate controller, absolutely all the pieces are printed on ABS. Arm structured in three steps to simplify the explanation, these stages are based, arm and hand. 1) Arm C Cartesian Robots At third part, It use hand for the catch something and position makes Q’s move. This part accours arm C, servo gama , servo mono and two fingers. 3-) SERVO MOTOR SUPPORT APPARATUS This segment is last finger , and keep the object .Fingers are symmetric and always parallel work. Main Objective: Design and build a simple robotic arm to use, and it can be implemented easly with low cost. ROBOTIC ARM Robotic Arm Types 6 Axis Robots AURA is a home industrial robotic arm with five degrees of freedom.The arm is designed at its entirely in a 3D modeling program, its parts are manufactured using a 3D printer working in ABS, a cheap and durable plastic. The robot must movements and positioning his five servos, each specifically chosen for the role that plunges. These servos are directed from the robot controller board, an Arduino Leonardo is loaded in memory a program written in C language that interprets incoming commands and manages the servos Act accordingly. Preliminary Description This part very mixed .This part same the “U” and there are 3 segments. There are 2 loteral and connection of the servo beta segment.Arm A controlled the servo alpha. It has a curved outher surface, and 14cm. Arm C accours two servo motors and properly designed four pieces. The upper segment is coupled with the arm C. c) Phalanx Distal PREPARED by This segments send the movement and provides position of the finger. The right flanks opposite move. Servo motors through gears another flanks transmits the movement so fingers position always remints constant. Servo beta is arm Beta’s strength and move on the movement, but on the arm A. We need strength motor in this position. Servo beta provides force and move arm of Beta, but it stays up to arm A. At this station we need to a powerful servo motor, but it should not be so weight. Servo motor is 51 gram. It makes 9 kg pressure per cm. FURKAN KÖMÜR Servo motor