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Free Powerpoint Templates Aerial View And Eagles

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View Templates

Transcript: make all toilets that are not elongated turn red so it is clear that they need to be replaced color code 1-hr walls and 20 minute doors the same color so that it is easy to see that all elements are placed appropriately if items have been placed at the wrong height, make a view that highlights all components not on level 2 Example a way to narrow the selection of objects that you want to adjust graphically by more than just their category You can find out which view templates are applied to which views by using view lists or by using the project browser. Understanding view templates will make your life easier. View templates can provide default settings for new views as a starting point. houses most of the options for turning off or changing the visibility of particular objects, especially by category or by workset all of these graphic settings can be controlled with view templates... View Templates Control over the graphics requires an understanding of the data embedded within the model and its components. As you use view templates more, you will begin to trust them to display the model information accurately. Why does this matter? View Properties dashed pink lines display your model and its information beautifully and consistently View templates can be used in a number of ways to make your workflow more efficient, to help you QC the data in your model, and to make sure your final documentation is consistent. Graphic Display Options crosshatched A view template is a set of graphic options that can be applied to multiple views at once. Visibility/Graphics Adjust graphics in your view template for reliability throughout the set; do not hide individual elements in individual views. invisible changes the overall graphics of the view, including color and shadow Terminology changes the identity of the view, such as name, scale, crop region, and view template View Filters fluorescent green View templates can be used to reset a view back to a known state. halftoned... Level 1 Plan Level 2 Plan Level 3 Plan View Template very helpful with working views to make all elements colored and visible make these objects: begin to color-code objects in your working views to quickly double-check that the data in your model is correct All edits made to the graphics of a particular view are view-specific. These edits do not change the geometry or the information of the model! Keep in mind: office standard! All final views on sheets should have active view templates applied. View templates will stop the user from editing included view properties while they are applied. all included view settings that are being controlled by the view template will be grayed out Teams will need to decide who maintains the view templates. Does the Revit lead handle all of them, or do different team members take responsibility for their own view templates? hint: this one objects in the Plumbing Fixtures category objects on Level 3 quickly managing CAD layers when using background drawings turning on relevant worksets and categories and halftoning or hiding other elements Standards Workflow Reset Quality Control Reliability objects on the Interiors workset objects on Level 3 objects taller than 5' - 0" objects in the Plumbing Fixtures category

PowerPoint Game Templates

Transcript: Example of a Jeopardy Template By: Laken Feeser and Rachel Chapman When creating without a template... Example of a Deal or No Deal Template PowerPoint Game Templates There are free templates for games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and cash cab that can be downloaded online. However, some templates may cost more money depending on the complexity of the game. Classroom Games that Make Test Review and Memorization Fun! (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Fisher, S. (n.d.). Customize a PowerPoint Game for Your Class with These Free Templates. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from 1. Users will begin with a lot of slides all with the same basic graphic design. 2. The, decide and create a series of questions that are to be asked during the game. 3. By hyper linking certain answers to different slides, the game jumps from slide to slide while playing the game. 4. This kind of setup is normally seen as a simple quiz show game. Example of a Wheel of Fortune Template Games can be made in order to make a fun and easy way to learn. Popular game templates include: Family Feud Millionaire Jeopardy and other quiz shows. Quick video on template "Millionaire" PowerPoint Games Some games are easier to make compared to others If users are unsure whether or not downloading certain templates is safe, you can actually make your own game by just simply using PowerPoint. add logo here References Example of a Family Feud Template PowerPoint Games are a great way to introduce new concepts and ideas You can create a fun, competitive atmosphere with the use of different templates You can change and rearrange information to correlate with the topic or idea being discussed. Great with students, workers, family, etc. For example: With games like Jeopardy and Family Feud, players can pick practically any answers. The person who is running the game will have to have all of the answers in order to determine if players are correct or not. However, with a game like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the players only have a choice between answers, A, B, C, or D. Therefore, when the player decides their answer, the person running the game clicks it, and the game will tell them whether they are right or wrong.

Eagles View Sped Crew

Transcript: Zoom out for more assets Asset library Inclusion Inclusion refers to the educational practice of providing all students, including those with diverse abilities and backgrounds, the opportunity to participate and learn together in the same classroom or learning environment. Inclusion goes beyond physical placement; it involves creating a supportive and welcoming atmosphere that values and respects the differences among students. What is not Is inclusion important? Inclusion Effective Accomodations Do accomodate and modify your teaching to meet students needs and Modifications A Solo Effort One-Size-Fits-All Inclusion is not the sole responsibility of special education teachers. It requires collaboration and shared responsibility among all educators in the school. Inclusion is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It recognizes and accommodates the individual needs of students, providing tailored support. Positive Reinforcement system Designated break space A Fixed Classroom Structure Ignoring Differences Create a space where you are ok with students with diverse needs can take a break in your room away from their desk. Use a positive behavior reinforcement system consistently with your student that is motivating to them. This can be anything from a goldfish cracker to sticker charts to dojo points. Reward good behavior consistently! Inclusion is not rigid in its classroom structure. It allows for flexibility to accommodate various learning styles and individualized learning plans. Inclusion does not mean ignoring or minimizing differences. It acknowledges and values diversity while working to create an environment that is supportive for everyone. Fidgits, Wait time, and Visuals Modifications A "Sink or Swim" Approach Modifications are alternate assignments given to students to level down work they are not able to do yet. They should typically be work that would build the skills for your student to do whatever work the typical students are doing. Use fidgits when needed (not all the time) and change them up regularly. Wait time is one of the best accomodations you can use for your students. Visuals are more than just pictures, they are cues for communicating with students. Student accomodations are listed in their IEP summaries but that may not include everything that could work. Inclusion is not about expecting all students to adapt to the same teaching methods without considering their individual needs. It involves adapting teaching strategies to meet those needs. Inclusion in schools is essential for creating an educational environment that mirrors the diversity of the world, fosters positive social interactions, and prepares students for a future that values and embraces differences. It is not just an educational strategy; it is a commitment to equality, respect, and the holistic development of every learner. Questions? Inclusion is not EASY The goal of inclusion Goal objective 5 What is Inclusion The do's and don'ts of Inclusion Add a short description of your goal here We know that adapting your classroom to fit diverse needs is easier said than done. Start by setting a goal for yourself. One change you can make to your teaching to accomodate all learners Flexible Teaching Strategies Embracing Diversity The goal of inclusion is to create a learning environment that recognizes and accommodates the individual differences of all students, promoting their academic and social development while preparing them for success in a diverse and inclusive society. Inclusion involves using a variety of teaching strategies to address different learning styles, adapting instruction to meet the needs of all students. Inclusion involves embracing and celebrating the diversity of all students, including those with different abilities, backgrounds, and learning styles. Don't expect paraprofessionals to do the job of certified teachers Do keep attention spans in mind. Collaboration Among Educators Equal Access A typical 6 year old has an attention span of 10-20 minutes on a single task. A student with diverse needs is not likely to be able to sit and attend to a task for more than 10 minutes without a change or break. Inclusion ensures equal access to educational opportunities, resources, and experiences for all students, regardless of their differences. Inclusion requires collaboration among general education teachers, special education teachers, support staff, and other professionals to create a comprehensive support system. Paraprofessionals need specific guidance on what you want them to do and how they should react to certain situations. Every teacher has different class expectations. Take time to talk with them they are free at 2:30 to meet with teachers. Prepare or ask for modified work in advance. Do let SPED know what you are working on Don't keep quiet when frustrated Do reach out when things aren't going well Individualized Support Send lesson plans or email to let SPED know what you are working on in class. This is

Developing an Aerial View

Transcript: Charles County, Maryland Downtown Development Opportunities Map | Jakubiak and Associates from A Plan For Transformation City Engine: Assigns and positions Houses Within Parcel Boundaries based on NHC value SketchUp: Created simplistic, but realistic-appearing, single family homes that are not graphics-intensive. These models are in turn called by the rule file in City Engine Google Earth: Google Earth Pro Movie Maker City Engine (ESRI) Salisbury, Maryland Using Zoning Regulations, site requirements, the 3.51 acre site can accommodate a mixed use development. 862,082 Square Feet of Floor Space with a FAR of 5.6, 47,888 Square Feet of Open Space (31%), 0 Square Feet of Parking (0%) Created a 3D representation of downtown Salisbury, along with infill scenarios for 2 existing parking lots Site design and models of buildings informed by Salisbury's local zoning code, subdivision regulations, and development standards Used SketchUp to fill-in more realistic, "iconic buildings,' and create potential infill project on gateway northern parking lot targeted for redevelopment In Remington - we utilized city-provided building footprint shapefiles along with building type data to create a City Engine rule file that exploited the number of floors (per use) While not perfect, City Engine places the SketchUp Models within the parcels so visualization can be achieved Visualizing Redevelopment O Compared to The Centre of Salisbury Mall just north of the Town Center – a total lot size of 63 acres 1,434,474 Sq Feet of Parking (52%), 309,272 Sq Feet of Open Space (11%), 861,000 Square Feet of Floor Space with a FAR of 0.3 But what if our 'rough' City Engine buildings aren't detailed enough? Now we are dealing with a 2.96 Acre Lot Again - the buildings surrounding have been created (mostly) with City Engine and are rudimentary (a few iconic buildings were touched up in SketchUp) Let's bring in a potential mixed-use building designed in SketchUp The SketchUp Models allow much more detail while still integrating with the CityEngine buildings surrounding The entire proposed development from the Town Center – the 3.51 acres – fits over a portion of just the mall’s building. Once we add in imagery from Google Earth and the road network from Open Street Map, We can see our City Engine buildings in context. Charles County, Maryland Salisbury, Maryland And once you have the surrounding buildings created from a City Engine footprint, you can make different SketchUp Models to drop into Google Earth Salisbury, Maryland Visualizing the Effects of Septic Sprawl In Charles County, we employed City Engine a bit differently. We used our state-created growth model (creates a NHC - "New Housing Capacity" index based on Zoning and acreage) to visualize houses within the County's Agricultural Zone that could potentially be built if the county alters their plan to Rural Residential use. Remington, Baltimore Remington, Baltimore 0 City Engine is rule-based 3d Modeling Learning-as-we-go with ESRI's City Engine (1 license) Follow ESRI tutorials & seek feedback Utilize building local Lidar and building footprints (when available), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA - currently down), US Geological Society (USGS - currently down), and DNR So far we have modeled downtown Salisbury, the Remington Neighborhood in Baltimore, and Charles County. However we have modeled each in different capacities and for different purposes... This may not look like much - but each building is georeferenced and extruded by building type. City Engine (ESRI) ESRI City Engine | Trimble SketchUp | Google Earth Visualizing Redevelopment City Engine contains customizable code which is, relatively, easy to modify. It's dynamic. And it can provide low & high levels of detail. The Town of Salisbury is interested in redeveloping "Lot #10" at the northeastern corner of the town. Surface Parking lot can become a mixed use tax revenue generating development -- This lot is 3.51 Acres Zoning regulations utilized to develop realistic visualization of potential development Visualizing Redevelopment We can integrate Google SketchUp Modeling of existing locations to give context to our buildings generated by City-Engine

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