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Free Paisley Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Paisley Pattern Right Here: For ancient Babylonians, the date palm represented the tree of life – the palm was the source of their food, wine, wood, paper and string. The tree represented prosperity and plenty. The motif spread from Babylon to India where it was incorporated into all types of design. Attempts to bring the goats to Europe failed, in one instance the Britains obtained 50 goats but unthinkingly shipped the males and females separately. The females were lost at sea and only four males survived the journey to Scotland only to die soon after their arrival. By Danielle Chinsky :) The paisley shape is very simular to the Yin Yang symbol and to the Koi fish shape they are usually drawn in. (cc) photo by Franco Folini on Flickr (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr When the paisley was first recognised the colours were like earthy colours such as greens, browns and yellows. Now-a-days paisley designs can made as bright as they are wanted to be. The Paisly Pattern can be found on different garments such as shirts, scrafs and skirts. Paisley was brought into Europe in the 18th centrey from an indian company travelling the world. Where do you think Paisly is? Even up to today the paisley pattern is still very popular with henna and doodles. It originated in ancient Babylon and took its inspiration from the growing shoot of the date palm The paisley was highly prized that it was often the gift of choice for nobility. It was quickly appreciated by officers in the East India Company. The designs drawn in henna thoughout india and pakistan are among the most intricate. Popular are the paisley patterns with much repetitive of fabric designs in these particular areas of the world. The word paisley became firmly fixed in the Victorian mind in association with both the shawl and the pattern it bore. (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr Those officers began to bring a few shawls back to Britain as gifts. The Kashmir shawl quickly became all the rage. The shawl became firmly cemented as a fashionable item when Empress Josephine in France began wearing them as a compliment to her “antique style” of dress. Poor Goats :'( (cc) photo by jimmyharris on Flickr Pasily Design Facts:

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