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Oil and Gas

Transcript: Conventional thank you... Conventional energy here I meant is energy of fossil based. To found and make this energy usable for human race, we have to explore and exploit. The energy is considerably coming from non-renewable resources. Need long and expensive process Energy Unconventional energy refers to non-fossil and renewable energy. Sort of energy that come from easier sources, yet need wider idea to catch and change it to usable form to human life. Said to be the futuristic inovation as we are lack of conventional energy someday later. Do not need special treatment in the exploration issues yet to convert it we do need that. Highly recommended as green energy as produce less pollution than the conventional one. One of conventional energy in Indonesia is oil. 177 exploration KKKS are here and 83 production KKKS are operating in Indonesia. Exploration of oil is yet a complex thing to do. We have to do something expensive like seismic survey, geologic study, interpreation, etc, but energy produced is really high (beside profit that also can be high). Very high potential resources of both conventional and unconventional Right above the region of complex tectonical activity Tropical climate, huge ocean Variety kind of energy that cannot be made same in single area. Geothermal potential as there are so many vulcanos Solar cell from the sun on this tropical place Hydropower from the high curent tide spots Windpower in region that are exposed to strong wind Usage Indonesia: Unconventional Conventional energy, wherever it is gained, usually used for the industry or transportation. In the refinary (it is oil/gas), the raw material is processed to be in different segment. Unconventional energy mainly used for something more practical. Some used for electricity from big scale until small scale. Intensification is very needed so it can be integrated efficiently and somehow can be more useful. Conventional and Unconventional: How They Differ "The power and ability to be physically and mentally active" "The power of something that can do work" - Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary Surely everybody need energy. Energy is conserved, yet does it seems like it is there for us? Do we need effort? Indonesia: Conventional Indonesia Unconventional What is Energy

Oil and Gas Presentation

Transcript: Thank You! Well Life Cycle Well Life Cycle Planning Planning Formulate a program for drilling a well that has the following characteristics: 1. Safe 2. Minimum cost 3. Usable Unfortunately, it is not always possible to accomplish these objectives on each well because of constraints based on geology, drilling equipment, temperature, casing limitations, hole sizing, or budget. Objective Objective - Highest priority in well planning - Personnel considerations must be placed above all other aspects of the plan - Safety of the well - Designed to minimize the risk of blowouts and other future problem factors Safety Safety - Minimize cost of the well without jeopardizing the safety aspects - Costs can be reduced to a certain level as additional effort is given to the planning Minimum Cost Minimum Cost - Drilling a hole to the target depth is unsatisfactory if the final well configuration is not usable. - Term "usable" implies the following: 1. The hole diameter is sufficiently large so an adequate completion can be made. 2. The hole or producing formation is not irreparably damaged. Usable Holes Usable Holes The drilling engineer is required to plan a variety of well types, including: 1. Wildcats 2. Exploratory holes 3. Step-outs 4. In-fills 5. Re-entries. Generally, wildcats require more planning than the other types. Infill wells and re-entries require minimum planning inmost cases. Well-Type Classification Well-Type Classification - Unproven area - No concrete historic production records - Unexplored as a site for potential oil and gas output Wildcat Well Wildcat Site selection based on seismic data or satellite survey Exploratory Well Exploratory - Delineates the reservoir boundaries - Drilled after the exploratory discoveries - Site selection usually based on seismic data Step-out (Development) Well Step-out (Development) - Adding new wells in an existing field within the original well patterns - Accelerate recovery or to test recovery methods - Used to confirm the presence of hydrocarbon between the step-out drill holes In-Fill Well In-Fill - Existing well re-entered to deepen, side track, rework, or re-complete - Various amount of planning is required - Depending on the purpose of the re-entry Re-entry Well Re-entry The formation, or pore, pressure encountered by the well significantly affects the well plan. The pressures may be normal, abnormal (high), or subnormal (low). Formation Pressure Formation Pressure - Generally do not create planning problems - The mud weights are in the range of 8.5 to 9.5 lb./gal - Kicks-and blowout-prevention problems should be minimized - Casing requirements can be stringent even in normal-pressure wells deeper than 20,000 ft. because of tension/collapse design constraints Normal-pressure Wells Normal-pressure - May require setting additional casing strings to cover weak or low-pressure zones - The lower-than-normal pressures may result from geological or tectonic factors or from pressure depletion in producing intervals Subnormal-pressure Wells Subnormal-pressure - Affect the well plan in many areas, including: 1. Casing and tubing design 2. Mud-weight and type-selection 3. Casing-setting-depth selection 4. Cement planning - Following problems must be considered as a result of high formation pressures 1.Kicks and blowouts 2. Differential-pressure pipe sticking 3. Lost circulation resulting from high mud weights Abnormal pressures Wells Abnormal pressures Drilling Drilling The well is created by drilling a hole into the earth using a drilling rig that rotates a string with a bit attached To Drill you Need : 1. A way to descend; drill pipe 2. A way to rotate the pipe; "Kelly" or top drive - Kelly or Rotary: rotation is achieved by turning a square or hexagonal pipe (the "Kelly") at drill floor level. - Top Drive: rotation and circulation is done at the top of the drill string, on a motor that moves in a track along the derrick. 3. A place to hold the pipes; derrick 4. A way to raise & lower the pipe; draw works 5. A cutting tool; bit 6. A media to remove cuttings; mud Objectives Objectives - Variety of configurations and designs - For different surface environments that range from; 1. Arctic 2. Desert 3. Ocean 4. Mid-continent 5. Everything in between Types of Rigs Types of Rigs Land or Onshore Rigs Offshore Rigs Offshore Rigs - Or a self-elevating unit is a type of mobile platform - Consists of a buoyant hull fitted with a number of movable legs. - Depth Range from few feet to over 400 feet Jack-up Rigs Jack-up Rigs - Supported on large pontoon-like structures - Provide buoyancy allowing the unit to be towed from location to location. - Once on the location, the pontoon structure is slowly flooded until it rests securely on its anchors, of which there are usually two per corner. - Operating deck is elevated 100 feet above the pontoons on large steel columns to provide clearance above the waves. - After the well is drilled, the water is pumped out of the buoyancy tanks and the - -

Oil and Gas

Transcript: Qualifications and Personal Abilities Advantages: They pay you to go to their college. You have the opportunity to travel around the world. You work a certain amount of time on, then you get the same amount of time off. Saving lifes. Disadvantages: The weather can be bad when you are working. Being away from your family for a long period of time. There are lots of oil companies always looking for coast guards. In the United States, they have an active force of around 38 000 people. Everywhere they have people training to be a coast guard everyday. Occupational Outlook We think that we wouldnt be qualified to do a job like this, but its convinient for the people who dont mind being away from their family and friends. By: Jacy Sheppard and Faith Oliver On a given day, a coast guard saves about 10 lifes on average. Assists 58 people in 26 search and rescue cases a day on average. Services 55 aids to navigation a day on average. Manages 2,325 commercial ship movements per day. brb Interesting Facts: Thanks for your attention! A coast guard is a national organization responsible for various services at sea. However the term implies widely different responsibilities in different countires. The role of a coast guard is many things such as search and rescue, enforcement in maritime law, safety of vessels, maintenance of seamarks and border control. Job Description: The educational requirements for the navigation and engineering programs are: Grade 11 and 12 physics or higher Grade 11 and 12 math or higher English or French grade 12 or higher For only the engineering program it requires grade 10 chemistry or higher. You also need verification of your Canadian citizenship to become a Coast Guard in Canada. You need to complete a medical exam which includes visual acuity, color vision and hearing examinations. You also need to be prepared to be away from home for significant amount of time. You should be able to work well and communitcation well with people. Advantages and Disadvantages: Do we like this job? Coast Guards

Oil and Gas Presentation

Transcript: OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS OPERATIONS Ongoing Regulatory Supervision Erik Rosberg Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board C-NLOPB Board C-NLOPB Board Regulate and manage the oil and gas industry and petroleum resources in the Newfoundland and Labrador offshore area. The Board operates on behalf of the Government of Canada and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. Purposes Purposes The Board shall perform duties under the Canada–Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act (Accord Act - federal). Accord Act subsection 17(1) Function Function • Grant and administer offshore area interests; • Authorize drilling programs; and • Declare significant and commercial discoveries. Responsibilities Responsibilities Mandates Mandates Interpret and apply the provisions of the Accord Act to all activities of operators in the Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area and, to oversee operator compliance with those statutory provisions. Safety Environmental Protection Resource Management Industrial Benefits Regulatory Mandates Regulatory Mandates Exploration licences Significant discovery licences Production licenses Examples of Regulations Examples of Regulations Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act (Federal) Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Newfoundland and Labrador Act (Provincial) Accord Acts Accord Acts The Relationship Between the Provincial Government & the Federal Government The Relationship Between the Provinci... The Board may, on application made in the form and containing the information fixed by it and in the prescribed manner, issue an operating license. Accord Act subsection 138(1)(a) Operating Licences Operating Licences Accord Act subsection 137(a) Prohibition Prohibition No person shall carry on any work or activity related to the exploration or drilling for or the production, conservation, processing or transportation of petroleum in the offshore area unless that person is... a holder of an operating license issued under paragraph 138(1)(a) holder of an authorization authorized or entitled to carry on business in the place where that person proposes to carry on the work or activity Exceptions Exceptions SeaRose FPSO SeaRose FPSO FPSO = Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading Vessel Operated by Function Function SeaRose is located over 200 Nm east-southeast off the coast of Newfoundland in the White Rose Field, close to the Hibernia Field in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin. Location Location Near Miss Incident Near Miss Incident Suspension of SeaRose's Operations Suspension of SeaRose's Operations The Board's decision was based on subsection 138(5) of the Accord Act. "The Board may suspend or revoke an operating licence or an authorization for failure to comply with, contravention of or default in respect of a requirement, any provision or any applicable regulation." Subsection 138(5) Subsection 138(5) Husky's Ice Management Plan The filed plan required by the Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Drilling and Production Regulations, ss. 6(c) and 8 (g) which requires a safety plan with measures to address the protection of the installation against drifting icebergs. The Accord Act, subsection 205.012: Operators shall take all reasonable measures to ensure the health and safety of all employees. Failure to Comply Failure to Comply Withdrawal of the Suspension Withdrawal of the Suspension

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