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Free Healthy Food Powerpoint Template

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Healthy Life - FREE Prezi Template

Transcript: BENEFITS This legume in the world market is of greater commercial importance due to its consolidated demand. The world trade of peas is 5 million tons. The largest exporters are: Canada, the United States, Russia and France. NUTRICIONAL VALUE MARKETING The cultivation of green peas originated in Central Asia, introduced by the conquerors in Peru, the seeds and pods are highly valued for their protein, vitamins and minerals content. CULTIVATION -Yellow potato -salt -pepper -egg -flour - green pea -Honey bea Black quinoa PREPARATION HEALTHY LIFE All lentils have a great nutritional value. They stand out for their contribution in carbohydrates and proteins, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium, selenium, calcium and vitamins, especially in the B complex: as B2, B3, B6, B9 (folic acid), vitamin A, vitamin. And, besides being a good source of phosphorus, manganese and folic acid, without losing sight of fiber, it is important to promote intestinal transit and avoid constipation. INGREDIENTS Currently consumed throughout the planet: popular, nutritious and economic makes it one of the star legumes in any diet. 1-. First we parboil the potato and then press it adding salt adn pepper. 2- I another pot to parboil the peas as well as the black quinoa. 3- In a bowl mix the pea with the honey of bee. 4- With the prestes potato we make a sphere and fill it with the preparation of the pea 5-. Pass the potato sphere throught the flour, the egg and finally throught the black quinoa powder 6- That way we make a delicious new dish.

Healthy Template

Transcript: What is a Healthy Lifestyle? Eating Healthy Eating Healthy It is important to maintain a healthy diet so you can feel your best. Eating healthy is included in a healthy lifestyle because it allows you to be a healthy weight. Being overweight can lead to many conditions such as diabetes. Being underweight is also unhealthy. What is a Healthy Diet? What is a Healthy Diet? Your diet should include 20-35 gram of fiber everyday. Fibers allow your body to absorb carbs slower. You should also eat lots of fruit and vegetables which aid in disease prevention. You should avoid foods high in sugar as they don't have nutritional value and can aid in weight gain. You should eat things that are 100% whole wheat because they have most of the nutrients from the grain. Healthy fats are also a good thing to include in your diet. These fats include things like nuts and avocados. Cut some sodium out of you diet as it raises blood pressure. Foods with lots of potassium decrease blood pressure like bananas and beans. Another very important thing to include in your diet is vitamin C which can be found in salmon and cheese. Calcium is good for your bones, muscles and teeth and you can retain this nutrient by eating dairy and leafy greens. There is not a set diet or a list of things you have to eat. Try to find healthy foods that you enjoy. Click to edit text Exercise What are the benefits of exercising? Exercise lowers blood pressure and strengthens muscles. Exercise creates more endorphins which helps you to be happier and reduce pain. Exercising allows you to sleep better and helps with heart and lung health. If you stop exercising the benefits will go away in a few weeks. You won't be as strong and your flexibility won't be as good. Exercising may help you to be a happier and more energetic person. Different Kinds of Exercise. Different Kinds of Exercise Aerobic exercises increase heart rate and breathing. this can include things like jogging, swimming, and hiking. Strength exercises help your muscles get stronger and this can includes activities like lifting weights or using your own body weight. There are also flexibility exercises, the most popular one being yoga. Being Happy Being Happy Happiness is an essential part to a good life. Happiness helps us to achieve many goals so that we can set more. When we are happy, we feel more motivated to do things. Happy people are more fun to be around as they are usually more positive. Having a healthy mind is just as important as physical health, if not more. Happy people have a 50% lower chance of getting a cardiovascular problem such as a heart attack. In today's society mental illness is a big problem. How to Be Happier How to be Happier There are many things to do to boost your mood. 1. Try to get rid of negative thoughts 2. Pay more attention to the good things in life 3. Be yourself 4. Exercise 5. Go to bed on time 6. Spend time with friends and family 7. Go for a walk 8. Smile 9. Help someone 10. Meditate 11. Practice Gratitude 12. Do something that you love Loving Yourself It is important that while on your fitness journey, your motivation for wanting to be healthy is because you love yourself, not because you hate yourself. Loving yourself means accepting yourself and being kind to yourself. If you are doing something out of hate, you most likely won't succeed because you won't be happy with yourself no matter what you do. Ways to practice self love are forgiving yourself, stop comparing yourself to others, do something that you enjoy, take a 2 minute break for self awareness, create healthy habits, and spending time in nature. Loving Yourself

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.


Transcript: Short headline goes here. 06 05 Make this anything Final Thoughts A quote, more context — adapt the template to fit your needs. Remember that your presentation is almost done, so keep it simple. First steps towards solving the problem Longer, secondary headline goes right here. Follow up Keep it quick You have space for details later Use visuals to help Wrap up your presentation quickly Summarize each point you made Give quick call-backs so your audience remembers Make it clear this is the end Provide any important context here 03 Use this for a powerful quote or statistic 02 Put a bold statement here 01 Put something fun or important here Add more details Expand on the bold statement above. Provide statistics, go into detail, or more — whatever works best for your presentation. Remember to break up your words so your audience can follow. Follow up with another point Make a new point Expand on the bold statement above. Provide statistics, go into detail, or more — whatever works best for your presentation. Make a bold statement Use this space for details that you haven’t talked about yet. Relate what you’re saying to the nearby image so your audience has a visual, too. Make this anything Dive deep into your first point or make a new one Limit your words so your audience stays focused Use visuals to help Use this space for details that you haven’t talked about yet. Relate what you’re saying to the nearby image so your audience has a visual, too. Introduce your first point Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. You can add imagery and frames to keep their attention where you want it. Make this anything A quote, more context — adapt the template to fit your needs. Remember that your presentation is almost done, so keep it simple. This is where your presentation starts. Provide context for your audience and make it easy for them to follow. 04

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