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Conflict / Conflict Resolution

Transcript: 2: If Bob had handled the conflict in a more appropriate way, would the outcome of changed? Conflict Senior Health Portfolio Video Clip from movie, The Incredibles Focus Question: How can you demonstrate strategies to resolve interpersonal conflicts? Conflict / Conflict Resolution Sydney Seijido When dealing with interpersonal conflict it is important to consider, not only your feelings, but the other person's feelings as well. You should always respond in a healthy and mature way that takes into consideration what the other person is saying. In the clip from The Incredibles Bob is confronted with a conflict with his boss. Bob almost ignores what his boss is saying and is easily getting distracted making the conflict even harder to solve. When Bob is not able to save the person being mugged he loses his temper and takes it out on his boss. This was not an acceptable way to handle the argument they were having. He used violence to "solve" his problem but only made matters worse. Artifact #1 1: What would of been a more acceptable way for Bob to handle the conflict between him and his boss? I am going to summarize the segment from the move, The Incredibles. In this clip Bob (Mr. Incredible) has his job on the line. He is listening to what his boss has to say to him until he sees an innocent person on the street getting mugged. When he tried to go and help the man in trouble his boss threatened fire him if he left his office. Bob (Mr. Incredible) decides to respond poorly by throwing his boss through multiple walls when he cannot save the man. Summary The Incredibles Discussion Questions Analysis

Conflict/Conflict Resolution

Transcript: Beliefs, cultural differences, different goals, poor communication skills, etc. Question #3 What is a major way that conflict can arise through means of communication? Essential to preventing conflict. Relation to Nursing Reflect upon the process, and determine your satisfaction. So What? Brainstorm resolutions that will be beneficial to both you and the other person(s). Now What? A disagreement between two or more people What kind of conflict resolution is it if you walk away from a conflict feeling satisfied, but the other person feels unsatisfied? What are some factors that cause conflict? Strategies What is the best strategy to resolve a conflict? Step One Communication & Conflict Discuss amongst yourselves which resolution is most appropriate. Find out your wants and your goals. Step Five How does conflict/conflict resolution relate to the group process in CBL? Question #5 Question #1 Seek outside advice if you wish. Game Time - Perceived Conflict - Felt Conflict - Depersonalized Conflict - Manifest Behavior Step Seven Misinterpretation Step Three Steps to Resolving Conflict Question #2 The group must be able to resolve conflict effectively. Win/Lose Find out the cause of the conflict. Step Two By: Jasmine Filiatrault - Intrapersonal -Interpersonal -Intragroup -Intergroup Conflict/Conflict Resolution Critical Thinking Questions: 1. How does one distinguish whether or not a conflict is minor or small enough to apply the smoothing strategy? 2. At what level of satisfaction does one deem it appropriate to label the resolution a win/win? Step Four - Win/Win -Win/Lose -Lose/Win Step Six Collaboration Question #4 Find out the other persons goals and wants. - Compromise - Competing - Accommodation - Smoothing -Avoiding -Collaboration Define Conflict: Four Levels: Types of Conflict: 3 Types of Resolution

Conflict Resolution

Transcript: Teenagers are more complicated when it comes to how they display aggression. Some express it through physical violence, others may take it out on themselves, others might hold in their aggression, and some teenagers may purposely disobey or disrespect their parents and/or peers. People Involved in the Conflict Conclusion Sibling Rivalry: rivalry between siblings is typically inevitable. Children seek approval and attention from their parents and may resort to acts of tattling, behaving extra nice, or teasing/harming their sibling(s). Parents showing signs of favoritism will prove to intensify the conflict. Parent vs. Parent: one parent may be the disciplinary type of parent, often making the other the consoling parent. This means that one parent will say the child cannot do something and the other parent will then tell the child that he/she can do it. This often causes rivalry and conflicts between the parents. Conflict Resolutions of the Home Conflict Description Part 1 Children display aggression in various ways depending on their age. For example, infants and children may show aggression whem they do not get an object that they want. Children of around ages 3-8 may show aggression focused on other people such as physically causing another child pain or using words to show dominance. is here Some Causes of the Conflicts at Home Conflict Description Part 2 And one more thing... Thank you for your attention! Son Daughter Father (or stepfather) Mother (or stepmother) Maybe adopted child Foster parents Any other relative staying in the home

Conflict Resolution

Transcript: Assertiveness 5. Be honest and apologizing (don't just be a doormat though) 8. Keep an open mind Various factors may affect a persons ability or willingness to listen at times If you understand the speaker's point of view you will understand why they say or did what they did 1. Be clear on what you wish to be assertive about. Be sure of the real issue at hand to be dealt with. Do not bring up irrelevant issues. 2. Be specific. Do not make broad requests. Being bold will more likely get you better results (stop beating around the bush) 3. Be prepared. Be clear about your intended topic. Have all relevant supporting information available and easily accessible. 4. Be ready to repeat and clarify exactly what you want. The person you wish to be assertive to may deny or try to change the topic. 5. Assertiveness does not mean you will get what you want. It simply helps each party express their desires with an INTENT toward accomplishing a specific goal. 6. Be able to recognize when your work behavior is being critiqued, as opposed to a personal attack. Avoid assumptions as they are likely to induce defensiveness. 7. Avoid aggression. Remember assertive conflict resolution does not mean aggressiveness. Assertion is a balance between passivity and aggression. Aggression has no goal except to vent your emotions. It does not increase the likelihood of accomplishing your desired goal. Use Authority to Settle Conflict 7. Use body language and eye contact How to improve your listening skills by active listening Bibliography Conflict isn’t necessary in life, it just happens Different people value different things, one may place their work highest on their list of priorities whereas another may place their family highest. This can result in conflict at times. e.g. It's Christmas eve and your boss wants you to work late, and you simply want to go home to your family, this is a conflict caused by differing values. Empathy is about openness between people This is generally a situation where both parties can benefit, however it requires both parties trusting each other to follow up on their agreement. 6. Accept the speaker point of view Assertive vs Aggressive 4. Be legitimately interested in the conversation Your religion, your gender, your race, your political views, and your ethnicity can result in conflict with other people. e.g. Two people who have been close friends for many years can no longer stand talking to each other after finding out that the other person doesn't share their political views. 6. Physical discomfort Steps to Assertiveness 3. Be reflective on the other person’s words and what they say What is Assertiveness? Benefits of Successfully Resolving Conflict The best way to build empathy is to help the other person feel that they are understood. That means being an active listener. 2. Lack of time Assertive behavior is more about showing that you will not change your mind and putting your point of view across. Assertiveness isn't supposed to be threatening, just confident. Aggressive behavior is more about getting the other person to change their mind, and acting in a way that is threatening to them. Use Collaboration to Resolve the Conflict Using body language helps and eye contact let the speaker know that you are pay attention and care what they are saying Do not think about your problems or the speaker's other problems because it help you understand the speaker's problem and point of view clearly. Show the person you are listening to them Why Conflict Exists 5 Main Causes of Conflict Listen to each other and each other’s ideas Negotiate some kind of resolution with each other, try to reach a compromise 2. Listen to each other and each other’s ideas Listen by thinking about only the subject at hand and not any other subjects/problems/stories. If you are not interested in the conversation there will be not benefit and the speaker will feel unimportant and ignored. Sometimes you expect people to know things without telling them, which doesn't always apply resulting in conflict due to miscommunication. Making Assumptions Any Questions? We humans are imperfect and full of flaws Be reflective on the other person’s words and what they say Smooth Over the Conflict Skills You Need to Know to be an Active Listener Ignoring or denying a problem does not make it go away, it only gives a temporary escape from the displeasure the problem creates. Without discipline and perseverance we avoid, deny, procrastinate, etc. Without creativity we are unable to see or develop a solution. The goal of assertive behavior is to resolve conflicts in a way that is satisfying for both you and others. When you are assertive, you express problems, feelings, needs, and wants in a way that is both self-satisfying and socially effective. You respect the rights and dignity of both yourself and others. There is a personal focus on reasonable compromise rather than on winning. Solutions are sought that everyone can agree on. Knowledge and

Conflict & Conflict Resolution

Transcript: The Hierarchy of Conflict Decision-Making Phase Problem-Solving Phase Crisis-Resolution Phase Competitive Style aggressive and uncooperative Collaborative Style highly assertive, but concern over the other person Compromise Style "You have to be satisfied with part of the pie". Avoidance Style avoid both their concerns and partners Accommodating Style put aside personal concerns Problems can arise for Joanne and Gary if they made no decision or if the decision they made was ineffective. "Win-Win is much better than Win-Lose." FACS 3369 1. Clarifying the Issue 4. Deciding How to Negotiate 2. Finding Out What Each Person Wants 5. Solidifying Agreements 3. Identifying Various Alternatives 6. Reviewing and Renegotiating Monday, October 5, 2015 Approaches to Conflict Resolution Brittney Coker & Chelci Cahee "Listen Very Carefully To Your Partner." Not dealing with the unwanted pregnancy could lead Joanne and Gary into a crisis. The failure to make a decision earlier or the failure to make an effective decision forces Joanne and Gary to make a more difficult decision. Chapter 5 Intimacy & Conflict Conflict & Supportiveness in Heterosexual, Gay and Lesbian Couples "Focus on the positive aspects of your partner." If Joanne and Gary are aware that they need to take birth control, then they need to make a decision about the types of methods to use. Intimacy Breeds Conflict "The silent treatment is fighting dirty." "Don't expect your partner to be able to read your mind." Quotation 1 "You always hurt the ones you love", a common, but truthful quote we hear. The more you know about another person, the more possibilities there are for disagreement and dislike. Family members and/or couples are encouraged to deal directly with the issues in positive ways. Resolving Conflict: Six Basic Steps Styles of Conflict Resolution Conflict & Conflict Resolution A recent study compared these three groups as the couples were videotaped while completing tasks designed to generate conflict and encourage supportive behavior. The study found that there was no difference in the level of conflict or supportive behaviors between the couples. This was based on their communication patterns. Couples who had more positive communication during conflict resolved more issues and had higher couple satisfaction.

Conflict Resolution

Transcript: Conflict Resolution The Role of the School Administrator The interaction of interdependent people who perceive opposition of goals, aims, views, and who see the other party as potentially interfering with the realization of these goals.” Putnam & Poole The potential for conflicts exists because people have different needs , views and values. The challenge for schools, is to find ways of managing conflict constructively so that those involved can learn and grow from the experience. The nature of conflicts in schools is either Functional Conflicts that facilitates the achievement of goals. Different point of views that will result in a win-win situation. Dysfunctional Context of conflict Interpersonal Intrapersonal Intergroup Intragroup Interorganizational Content of conflict Issues over which conflicts occur Role Conflict Conflicts that arise when the goals of the school are not met and the roles of individuals performing various functions in the schools are less than expected. Conflict Management Conflict management is the process of resolving and minimizing the disagreements resulting from perceived or real differences Greenhalgh (1986) The ability to manage conflicts is a primary skill needed by today's school leaders. A leader should be able to determine if a conflict really exists. If it does then it should be diagnosed and then an effective strategy should be followed in order to solve the problem. Strategies for managing conflicts 1. Avoidance used when the leader wants to maintain a rational climate and avoid hostility (does not resolve the conflict) Conflict might reappear at any time. 2. Smoothing The leader wants to maintain positive interpersonal relationships and attempts to minimize differences of opinion. 3. Withdrawing When maintaining the relationship is more important than resolving the conflict. Individuals may rethink the issue. 4. Bargaining The leader shows moderate levels of concern for both task and relationship. Both parties will make concessions so that no winners or losers. 5. Power Struggle The leader shows little concern for interpersonal relationships. The major focus is on task accomplishment. Power and force are used to break down the opposition, regardless of the consequences. 6. Problem Solving The leader displays a collaborative approach to managing conflict. The primary concern is accomplishing the task in a manner that is rational and allows a positive climate to be maintained. 7. Forcing Sometimes the school leader has to insist on taking a specific action regardless of individuals wishes. A strategy that should be used sparingly. The school leader must be: A mediator -Mediation is a positive problem solving process that can prevent conflicts from becoming protracted. -A mediator is a third party that helps other parties listen to one another and focuses the discussion on problem- solving rather that blaming and punishment An Effective communicator Listen actively provide positive meaningful feedback Active listening: Listen with the intent to understand;not with the intent to reply. Use the you perspective. Show people that you care about their concerns. Reflect and rephrase using your own words. Leaders behavior in managing conflicts: 1- Avoid taking what people say personally. 2- Remain in control of self and situation. 3- Doesn't get defensive. 4- Focuses on the problem. 5- Bring closure to the issue. Finally, Conflicts are inevitable in schools. Students may misunderstood each other. Teachers may disagree on resource allocation. Parents may disagree on how school should be. Effective leaders should seek to manage conflicts keeping into consideration the application of ISLLC Standards 3 , 5 and 6 Thank you Conflicts over different ideas or people taking different positions regarding a decision. Resources: Reginald Leon Green, Practicing The Art of Leadership Richrd Gorton. Judy A.Alston, School Leadership and Administration Victorian Association for Dispute Resolution Inc. journal Causes of Conflicts Disagreements over power, status or personality issues that involve emotions. Everyone is trying to reach his preferred outcome. Affective conflicts -Competition for scarce resources -Desire for autonomy -Divergence in goals -Social Factors Substantive Conflicts Conflict occurs when discussions are focused on individuals that adopts inflexible positions on key issues which result in hostility. Win- lose attitude. Type of conflicts

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