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Health Powerpoint

Transcript: How it influences sexual health. The internet is accesible now through different types of technology. Laptops, Various tablets (eg: the I-pad), Phones, gaming consoles… Laptops are used most frequently, because gaining access to the internet is quick and easy. Laptops are portable, light-weight, and- considering how farmiliar you are with computers in general- are easy to use. Whether you use android smart phones or apple I-phones, you can still see the great technological advancements. Being able to access the internet through something that could fit in the palm of your hand is definatley an appealing feat, which is why most teenagers want these types of phones. Since these different items connect to the internet, Most teens find it easy to access different websites, which may contain inappropriate content. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, & DeviantArt are only few of the popular social networking sites that teens use. These sites Can and do expose them to sexual media they wouldn’t be exposed to if they were not viewing the material posted on these sites. 1. You can make the right decisions online. Don’t view things that should be restricted because of your age 2. Enable safe search. It helps alot with younger kids. 3. Keep a closer eye on what your children do online. (parents) Teens everyday are exposed to different types of websites endorsing sex. Most, If not all of your classmates have some social networking site they frequent. Most people here today have access to internet, wether it be through their phone, a laptop, or some other type of device. * 43% of online sexual solicitors were identified as being adolescents (under 18), 30% were adults between the ages of 18 and 21, and 9% were adults over the age of 21 (as of Dec. 31, 2008). Internet and technology influence teens a great amount. It shapes the way teens think, dress, talk, & behave. Its up to teenagers though, whether they want to partake in sexual activities. Real world situations Statistics cont'd Statistics Downside * Blogging: 14% of teens say they blog, compared to 28% in 2006. Fifty-two percent of teen social network users report commenting on friends’ blogs, down from the 76% who did in 2006. Excessive use of the internet can expose teens to media outlets that are not appropriate for their age group. History is very easily hidden. Tablets Tablets are playing a big role in todays society. More people starting to purchase tablets, mainly because of the look. The futuristic look is appealing to most, and being able to control technology with your hands (on a larger scale) is something people love the idea of. Sources * Social networking and blogging sites accounted for 17% (about one in every six minutes) of all time spent on the Internet (180 KB) [20] in Aug. 2009, nearly three times as much as in 2008. Where this branch of media is accessible Phones Laptops Gaming Consoles The internet is accessible through gaming consoles, this is why you can play with various different people on certain games (e.g.: C.O.D MW3) The upside In conclusion Kids who usually spend more time on the internet are usually less sexually active. Many Organizations have web pages where teens can go online and get advice from experts. Internet and technology Social Networking websites Prevention Significance THE END


Transcript: What is a Cervix? The cervix is the mouth of the uterus that sits at the back of the vagina. It's where a sperm gets in to make a baby, and how the baby comes out later. Having unprotected sex can cause cervical cancer but it also puts you in risk of other sexually transmitted dieases such as STD's, HIV's, etc. The effects of chemotherapy depends on the drugs/doses the patient takes. Anticancer usually affect blood cells which fight infection, help the blood to clot, or carry oxygen to all parts of the body. When blood cells are affected by anticancer drugs, patients are more likely to get infections, may bruise or bleed easily, and may have less energy. When chemotherapy affects these cells, patients may lose their hair and may have other side effects, such as poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, or mouth sores. Gynecologists recommends that girls have their first visit with an obstetrician-gynecologist or family doctor between ages 13 and 15, or before beginning sexual activity, to discuss sexual activity and ways to prevent sexually transmitted infections, including HPV. How to Prevent Cervical Cancer Cervical Cancer Side Effects of Biological Therapy for Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer treatment may cause cramping or other pain, bleeding, or a watery discharge.Hysterectomy is major surgery. For a few days after the operation, the woman may have pain in her lower abdomen. A woman may have difficulty emptying her bladder and may need to have a catheter inserted into the bladder to drain the urine for a few days after surgery.She also may have trouble having normal bowel movements. For a period of time after the surgery, the woman's activities should be limited to allow healing to take place, such as sexual activity. Symptoms of Cervical Cancer You wont know when you have cervical cancer when you first get it. As the cancer grows, you may have vaginal bleeding after a sexual intercourse, watery or bloody discharge that may smell or pelvic pain during a sexual intercourse or not during a sexual intercourse. The side effects of cervical cancer treatment depend mainly on the type and extent of the treatment. Cervical Cancer Surgery Cervical Cancer Radiation Therapy Chemotherapy Biological Therapy for Cervical Cancer Cervical Cancer is a curable HPV but the side effects can cause problems with other parts of your body. so it is better to protect yourself if you are sexually active, practice abstinence or get the HPV shot before you become sexually active to prevent other HPV diseases as well as Cervical Cancer Its best to see a doctor if you are having symptoms that you are worried about. Talk to your doctor about when you should get a cervical scanning and how often to get them. Get a regular Pep Smear Limit the amount of your sexual partners Protect yourself in sexual activity Get the HPV Vaccine These treatments may cause flu-like symptoms such as chills, fever, muscle aches, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Sometimes patients get a rash, and they may bleed or bruise easily. These problems can be severe, but they gradually go away after the treatment stops. Chemotherapy Side Effects of Cervical Cancer A lot of patients become very tired after recieving the treatment, especially weeks later. Usually, women are told not to have intercourse during radiation therapy or while an implant is in place. However, most women can have sexual relations within a few weeks after treatment ends. Sometimes, after radiation treatment, the vagina becomes narrower and less flexible, and intercourse may be painful. Patients may be taught how to use a dilator as well as a water-based lubricant to help minimize these problems. Patients who receive external or internal radiation therapy also may have diarrhea and frequent, uncomfortable urination. Studies have shown women who have many sexual partners increase their risk for cervical cancer. They also are increasing their risk of developing HPV, a known cause for cervical cancer. Getting regular pep smears can be helpful because the doctor can detect the cervical cancer before it gets any worse. the worse the cancer, the harder it is to get rid of it. By Maya Brown Side Effects of Cervical Cancer Radiation Therapy When to see a doctor? Side Effects of Cervical Cancer Surgery Cervical cancer is caused by an invisible virus that is spread by having sex, just like HIV. It's called HPV (human papillomavirus), and more than half of women have it by age 35. Most men and women don't know they have it, unless they get the kind that causes warts: little bumps you may see or feel on the woman's or man's genitals. Warts are not cancer.

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