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Book Cover

Transcript: Made by Thijs Biersteker Created as a prototype for the 2015 annual of the Art Directors Club Netherlands Why judge a book when it can judge you? Let's be real: we all judge books by their covers Mark Coker, Founder of Smashwords Diane Saarinen, Publicist for the Saima Agency Naomi Blackburn, Reviewer on Goodreads What's the Point? Cons Pros Limits accessibility Puts designers out of a job Is it even possible to bring this technology to a wide audience? We encounter enough jerks in our lives, why would we want to be judged by an inanimate object? Helps us encounter different/new types of literature Removes the bias of aesthetics Authors will only have to worry about their content Saves consumers from feeling embarrassed about what books they are buying (if they are not reading electronically) Where We Are Now I often worry about my skepticism and judgement getting in my way of amazement. Judgement should never hinder relentless enthusiasm of seeing things for the first time. The Huffington Post Drops Some Knowledge with Industry Professionals Is this going to be a thing? Works Cited The Cover That Judges You A prototype for the 2015 annual of the Art Directors Club Netherlands. A book full of great creative work that has been judged and awarded.That’s why I created a book cover that only unlocks when you approach it without any judgement. Rise in facial recognition technology Personal connection with the text Fascination with obtaining new technology Prototype/ art piece Visual culture Biersteker, Thijs. "The Cover That Judges You." The Cover That Judges You. Art Directors Club Netherlands, 2015. Web. 5 May 2015. Giuliano Long, Terry. "Yes, We Really Do Judge Books by Their Covers." The Huffington Post., 30 May 2013. Web. 05 May 2015.

Book Cover:

Transcript: Themes and Concepts Plot Summary Book Cover: Otherland, by Tad Williams Themes spying and investigation info hunt escape from confinement Concepts detected Virtual world and the struggles thereof Upbeat storyline with mysterious means Virtual reality/fighting bad computer Otherland, a quartet, by Tad Williams City Of Golden Shadow, River Of Blue Fire, Mountain Of Black Glass and Sea Of Silver Light First Published in December, 1995 Genre of this publication is fantasy, urban fantasy and science fiction Old Cover Summary of Series New Cover Felix Jongleur: The oldest person on earth, born before the outbreak of World War I, he is also one of the wealthiest and most powerful, and certainly one of the most ruthless. He is the leader of the Grail Brotherhood, and masterminded the creation of the Otherland system. Through much of the book, he appears in his preferred environment, a simulation of ancient Egypt, where, as Osiris, he presides over meetings of the Grail Brotherhood. Characters' influence on Design Elements in new Design When children from around the world fall a prey to a mysterious coma-inducing disease, somehow contracted while surfing the net, a group decides to end the reign of the "Grail brotherhood". Leaders of "The Net" are creating a means to live forever in an artificial reality by recreating themselves as living parts of an organic operating system. They can do this by means of utilizing the brains of the children to make the operating system function. The four books deal with the groups attempts to get into the system, their adventures while there, and finding a resolution to the problems created by the simulated world. Constantly aware of friction between virtual world and reality A passage to indicate leaving one world for another (travel) Door as symbol of passage Holy Grail - Drawing on Grail brotherhood, characters and their bloodthirsty pursuit to be immortal Connection between Holy Grail and Grail brotherhood Code (background) - symbol of virtual Hologram

Book Cover

Transcript: Cutting Past the Cover Edward's face Actions in the Story The theme of Edward Scissorhands, is not to judge a book by it's cover, because the judgement will never be right. Kim sees past Edward's disability The camera contrasting Edward cutting the bush and the oblivious Dad Edward tries to save Kevin but it is perceived as trying to kill him At first Kim saw only his outer self j The movie portrays Edwards like a Creeper - Edward's props makes him look like a monster -Jim looks normal, but on the inside he is not normal -Peg and Kim see past Edward's outer self and into his inner self -Camera movement makes the Dad look oblivious, makes us laugh -Edward's actions are perceived as dangerous -Christmas music makes a allusion to Jesus Allusion to Jesus, how people prosecuted him, like Edward, but then came to like him when they got to know about him. Christmas is the birth of Jesus Peg understands Edward's inner side Mis en Sene One of the main ideas in the movie is: However, Bill, Peg's husband, does not notice anything, inside and outside Edwards Hands The people in the movie don't dig deeper, they see what is on top Makes fun of Dad David Kim The movie is saying, "don't do that" And looks like this on the inside "You will always be special to me" Then Kim sees how Edward is pretty and cool on the inside Period 5 Yet, he doesn't care about other people = = Edward's clothes Jim in the movie looks normal and nice Richie Zhang = So next time, resist the urge to judge instinctively and look deeper. The music in the movie sounds like Christmas music = Summary Don't judge a book by it's cover

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