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African Safari

Transcript: $2,373.54 U.S. dollars or 21,066.83 Egyptian Pound Sources The Trip To Cairo, Egypt We are going to be staying in a luxury home in the city of Cairo, Egypt. What are we using to travel? What type of housing are we staying in? What clothes do you need to pack? What type of transportation will you use once you arrive? You can travel by foot, a car, a bike, or a bus. The bus fair is 1 Egyptian Pound (0.11 cents). The housing that the locals (Cairenes) live in are apartments, hotels, huts, and smaller homes. Only the wealthy can afford to live in free-standing houses because space is difficult to find. Men and women usually live at home with their parents until they get married. Traditionally, extended families lived together, however, with the new situation in Cairo - as houses were abandoned in favor of apartments - the traditional family has given way to the nuclear family. We will need a map, water, clothes, money, and sunscreen. What supplies will we need? How much will your trip cost you in U.S. dollars and local currency? What diseases are prevalent? African Safari The prevalent diseases in Cairo, Egypt are : Travelers' diarrhea, cholera, E-coli diarrhea, and hepatitis A/B. What is the wildlife found in Cairo, Egypt? Muslim and Christianity. The native wildlife are ducks, geese, camels, sheep, armadillo, and tortoises, donkey, pigs, cheetah, goats, snakes, dogs, and llamas. What is the climate in Cairo, Egypt? Petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, phosphates, manganese, limestone, gypsum, talc, asbestos, lead, zinc and water. We will eat Pita Bread, Onions, Fried liver, Stuffed Pigeon, Rice, Green Vegetables and Beans. We will call an UBER, go to the airport, get on a plane, and fly to Cairo, Egypt. The climate in Cairo, Egypt is mainly warm or hot during the day but cool/cold at night time. Cairo undergoes very hot summers with average temperatures of 95 degrees. What are the prominent religions in the area you are traveling to? What natural resources will be encountered. What type of housing do the locals live in? What kinds of food will we eat? Hot weather: T-shirts, Tank Tops, Hats, Shorts, Shoes Cold weather: Jackets, Pants, Gloves, Scarfs, Boots, Long socks, and a Fur hat

African safari

Transcript: by Sydney, Jesus, Amanda Africa savanna Tigers are the only big cats that like water African savanna Sources speed 35mph weight 440-990 pounds African savannas get 30 inches of rain a year in summer Soil Speed 60 mph weight 45-60 pounds zebras run in zigzags when being chased gum tree zebras ears show their mood When running cheetahs only run on 1 leg zebras are black with white stripes. Cheetah The soil found on the savanna stays very porous, allowing for fast water drainage during the rainy season. The plants get most of their nutrients from a thin layer of humus made up of partially decomposed plant or animal matter. Bermuda Grass In the summer african savannahs get to 78F-86F in spring and fall it gets to 68F-78F Tiger The most common wind speed is 12 miles per hour Cheetahs can spot prey from 500 feet away Several species of trees have adapted to the savanna. The tree produces small leaves during the wet season that keep water loss to a minimum when the dry season occurs. The tree stores large amounts of water in its large trunk to help it survive the long dry spell. Plants The tiger is the biggest wild cat. Acadia - tree Zebra If a tiger loses one big tooth they have no choice but to die. The spots on cheetahs backs are on their skin not their fur When fire hits the savanna good-the fire burns the grass and makes the green plants come up bad-the fire could kill the young anamals Tigers have been known to reach speeds up to 40 mph. Less than 10% of hunts end successfully for tigers

African Safari

Transcript: Trees of the Serengeti The trees of the Serengeti manage to survive despite difficult conditions. Because the animals like to eat their leaves, the trees here have developed ways of protecting themselves. Covered in spines, thorns and hooks they protect themselves from the ever-present plant eating animals. Some trees produce low numbers of steel-like thorns which are incredibly sharp, earning the name of "the puncture-tree" because they can puncture automobile tires. Another tree, known as the "Wait-a-bit Acacia" has opposing hooked thorns which can entangle an animal. Serengeti Migration The animals of the Serengeti follow the rains in a clock-wise fashion in search of green grass. The migration consists of approximately 1.5 million Wildebeest, 300 thousand Zebras, and 300 thousand gazelles, and the predator and other animals that travel with them. The animals spend the rainy season from December to June in the open plains below the Ngorongoro Crater where the grass is green. It is here that the Wildebeest and Zebra calves are born. Food is so abundant that the calves thrive and predators do not significantly diminish their numbers. When rains stop in June, the plains dry out and the animals move west towards Lake Victoria in search of green pasture and rains. Following the rainfalls, in July the migration moves on to the north, into the Masai Mara, where they catch the last rains even in the middle of the dry season. With the onset of the rains in December the Wildebeest move back into the lush Serengeti plains. Ngorongoro Crater Ngorongoro Crater was formed when a volcano exploded more than 2 million years ago. It is now home to more than 25,000 animals. It is a World Heritage Site, and one of the most unique natural animal habitats in the world. A large permanent concentration of wild animals can be found in the huge and perfect Crater, the largest un-flooded and un-broken caldera in the world. About 200 feet deep and 185 square miles in area, the Ngorongoro Crater is a breathtaking natural wonder. Even though animals are free to leave or enter the Crater, most remain because of the plentiful water and food available on the Crater floor throughout the year. Steep inner slopes give way to open grasslands which cover most of the floor with several species of grasses that are the main food source for most of the larger grazing animals. Mt. Kilimanjaro Mt. Kilimanjaro is the tallest free-standing mountain in the world and the highest peak on the African continent. It rises to 19,336 feet. Kilimanjaro is one of the world's most accessible high summits, and has been climbed by visitors from around the world. Mt. Kilimanjaro is an inactive, triple volcano, which means it has three craters and three peaks. The volcanoes are inactive but the crater on the main summit of the mountain still emits volcanic gases. Scientists believe that that the volcanoes last erupted more than 100,000 years ago. Lions Lions live in a family, known as a Pride. The average Pride consists of about 15 lions. A typical pride might have 5 to 10 females, their cubs, and 2 or 3 males. The males might be brothers and work together to protect their Pride. When resting, Lions seem to enjoy each others company and exhibit lots of touching, head rubbing, licking and purring. Male Lions will fight other male lions trying to take control of his Pride. If a new male Lion takes over a Pride, he will kill all of the young cubs so he can breed with the females. A male Lion will work hard to defend the Pride from other Lions. The Cape Buffalo lives throughout sub-Saharan Africa, from open grassland to forests, mountains, to coastal areas. They need grassy woodland with plenty of water to thrive. Buffalo are herding animals and can be found in herds of 100-300. Herds are non-territorial, and travel with the seasons, seeking fresh grass and water. Buffalo communicate by body movements and by making sounds. Most sounds are grunts and mumbling sounds that they make to keep contact with each other. Mothers will make a gargling-like call to their calves in time of danger, which the calves reply to. When Buffalo are startled or angry, they will make a loud, explosive grunt. If you hear this sound while out on safari, it is time to leave the area... quickly. Elephants The Elephants of the Serengeti live in herds which are led by the matriarch. The matriarch is the oldest female and she can be as much as 60 years old. A herd is made up of one or several family groups consisting of the matriarch's daughters and their children. Matriarchs decide when it is time to eat or move to another area of the Serengeti and the herd rarely strays more than 180 feet from her and each other. When threatened, the herd gathers around the matriarch and moves quickly for cover. Elephants spend as much as 16 hours a day feeding. Explore the African Serengeti Safari the Big 5 of Africa You may have read or heard about the Big Five Animals of Africa. These are the five animals

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