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Eagle Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: My American symbol is the Bald Eagle Why is the bald eagle important to the us? The bald eagle is important to the us cause that it never gives up, freedom, and strength The bald eagle, our national bird, is the only eagle to North America. The bald eagle's scientific name signifies a sea eagle with a white head. At one time, the word "bald" meant "white," not hairless. Bald eagles are found throughout most of North America, from Alaska and Canada to northern Mexico. About half of the world's 70,000 bald eagles live in Alaska. Combined with British Columbia's population of about 20,000, the northwest coast of North America is by far their greatest stronghold for bald eagles. They flourish here in part because of the salmon. Dead or dying fish are an important food source for all bald eagles. There are two species of bald eagles. The "southern" and the northen bald eagle. The southern bald eagle is found in the Gulf States from Texas and Baja California across to South Carolina and Florida, south of 40 degrees north latitude. The "northern" bald eagle, is found north of 40 degrees north latitude across the entire continent. The largest numbers of northern bald eagles are in the Northwest, especially in Alaska. The "northern" bald eagle is slightly larger than the "southern" bald eagle. Bald eagles were officially declared an endangered species in 1967 in all areas of the United States south of the 4 0th parallel, under a law that the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Until 1995, the bald eagle had been listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act in 43 of the 48 lower states, and listed as threatened in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Washington and Oregon. In July of 1995, the US Fish and Wildlife Service upgraded the status of bald eagles in the lower 48 states to "threatened." More than 100,000 bald eagles were killed in Alaska from 1917 to 1953. Alaskan salmon fisherman feared they were a threat to the salmon population. Public awareness increased, and many states placed the bald eagle on their lists of endangered species in the 1960s and early 1970s. Many dedicated individuals and groups worked to make the conservation of eagles a national issue. citations history of the bald the bald eagles habitat is mostly anywhere where there is a tree to make a nest or feeding grounds or the open water like as lake or sea or river.

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