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Dental Hygiene Powerpoint Templates

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Dental Hygiene

Transcript: Crunching ice is bad for your teeth because it can cause tiny little cracks all around your teeth that can lead to more serious conditions. Dentin: The dentin takes up the most space in our tooth and covers our enamel. Mouthwash is good for your teeth because it can strengthen your enamel and washout any other bacteria that lay around your teeth and mouth. Mouth was should also not be swallowed. Cementum: The cementum makes up the root of the tooth which anchors the tooth into our jawbone. Mouthwash is good for your teeth because it can strengthen your enamel and washout any other bacteria that lay around your teeth and mouth. Mouth was should also not be swallowed. Crunching ice is bad for your teeth because it can cause tiny little cracks all around your teeth that can lead to more serious conditions. Eating sweets and not brushing your teeth afterwards make your teeth very sad. This makes your teeth sad because they stick your teeth for a long time which can give bad bacteria to your teeth and do some bad things to it like give you cavities and tooth aches. So always be sure to brush your teeth after eating some thing sweet! Crown: The Crown of our tooth is the part of the tooth we see that is not covered by the gums. The Inside of Your Tooth Enamel: The enamel is the hard shiny part of the tooth and is like the bodyguard of our tooth that protect what is inside our teeth. Cementum: The cementum makes up the root of the tooth which anchors the tooth into our jawbone. Dentin: The dentin takes up the most space in our tooth and covers our enamel. Canine: Our canine teeth are the teeth we use to hold, grasp and tear up the food we put in our mouths. Gums: The gums are the pink fleshy tissues that supports the structure of our teeth. Things that Upset our Teeth Canine: Our canine teeth are the teeth we use to hold, grasp and tear up the food we put in our mouths. Flossing is also another way to clean your teeth because it can go clean places where your tooth brush cannot reach. The Inside of Your Tooth Pulp: The pulp in our tooth contains our nerve endings. These nerve endings are what makes our tooth feel the cold when we eat ice cream, the heat when we eat hot soup, and the pain when we have cavities or when it hurts. Things that Upset our Teeth BY: Allan Esporo and Rhea Langley Visiting the dentist on your regular appointments is also a great way to watch over your teeth because they can examine your teeth and clean it as well. How to make Your Teeth Happy Dental Hygiene Different Types of Teeth Visiting the dentist on your regular appointments is also a great way to watch over your teeth because they can examine your teeth and clean it as well. Incisors: our incisors are our four front teeth that cut up food with their sharp thin edges. Different Types of Teeth Brushing your teeth is the best way to keep your teeth happy because brushing your teeth cleans all the plaque, bacteria, and other bad stuff that lie around in our teeth. You should brush your teeth for at least two minutes Pulp: The pulp in our tooth contains our nerve endings. These nerve endings are what makes our tooth feel the cold when we eat ice cream, the heat when we eat hot soup, and the pain when we have cavities or when it hurts. Molars: Are our muscle teeth that we use to grind up the food we eat. Shaniyah, Sage, Emma, Brittney Using your teeth as tools for opening bags of chips and ripping off tags from your clothes upsets your teeth ,because they can chip and crack your teeth. Premolars: Our molars act just like our canines as they hold our food and crush up our food so we can swallow them. Dental Hygiene Crown: The Crown of our tooth is the part of the tooth we see that is not covered by the gums. Enamel: The enamel is the hard shiny part of the tooth and is like the bodyguard of our tooth that protect what is inside our teeth. Dental Hygiene Brushing your teeth is the best way to keep your teeth happy because brushing your teeth cleans all the plaque, bacteria, and other bad stuff that lie around in our teeth. You should brush your teeth for at least two minutes Using your teeth as tools for opening bags of chips and ripping off tags from your clothes upsets your teeth ,because they can chip and crack your teeth. Gums: The gums are the pink fleshy tissues that supports the structure of our teeth. Molars: Are our muscle teeth that we use to grind up the food we eat. BY: Allan Esporo and Rhea Langley Flossing is also another way to clean your teeth because it can go clean places where your tooth brush cannot reach. How to make Your Teeth Happy Incisors: our incisors are our four front teeth that cut up food with their sharp thin edges. Premolars: Our molars act just like our canines as they hold our food and crush up our food so we can swallow them. Eating sweets and not brushing your teeth afterwards make your teeth very sad. This makes your teeth sad because they stick your teeth for a long time which can give bad bacteria to

Dental Hygiene

Transcript: What Dental Hygiene is to my perspective: it is the practice one's "oral care." standing at least six feet from a toilet is recommended, because germs and bacteria can cling itself to your toothbrush. *brushing with braces can be hard, but not as hard as some people make it out to be, or as it seems. Thank you Advisory Board for your time with me! what I've learned .. *you have to use wire cleaners as the "floss" with braces, because floss can not get behind the brackets, but in between the wires. Brushing for longer than two minutes, flossing, and using mouth wash is well recommended as an everyday technique. Janet Ratliff ! *playing volleyball my mentors :D Visiting the dentist office twice a year, every six months is recommended. *I've learned the hygienist is to make you feel as comfortable as possible by talking to you about your outside activities, school, work, etc. my adviser (: *I've learned multiple techniques to clean your teeth. switch your toothbrush out every four to six weeks. works cited! *singing *I've learned what harmful things can happen if you don't keep your oral care up. what I've learned cont'd.. *I've learned after a patient's visit is over, the hygienist is to thoroughly sanitize the instruments used. Dr. Wright *you have to take a little better and advanced care with braces because if you don't brush and floss daily, it can leave white stains behind. dental hygiene with braces! my hobbies ! *& shopping *I've learned that all products are the same, no one tooth paste is better than the other. *working at McDonald's

Dental Hygiene

Transcript: Epileptic Seizures What is a seizure? convulsions accompanied by impaired consciousness What triggers a seizure? Smells Florescent lights Flickering lights Epilepsy Signs & Symptoms Generalized absence: *Brief loss of consciousness *Fixed posture *Rhythmic twitching of eyelids, eyebrows, or head *May be pale Allow patient to sleep after post convulsive state EMS to determine if needed to take to hospital Take objects from PT hands so they won’t be dropped Questions to ask patient before treating them Who is your physician following your care? Do you take Meds regularly? What type of seizures do you have? How long do they usually last? When was your last seizure? Have you had a seizure during a dental procedure? Do you know what triggers your seizures and can you feel them coming on? Treatment determination will be made by the supervising dentist on a case by case basis. Supervising dentist must sign off in chart as “ok to treat” at initial assessment, if treating If a seizure lasts more than 5 minutes call 911 Do not force anything between the teeth; a soft towel or large sponges may be placed if mouth is open. Open airway: monitor vital signs Administer O2 (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr (cc) photo by jimmyharris on Flickr Two types: generalized tonic-clonic and generalized absence San Francisco Budapest Call EMS Position supine Do not remove from dental chair Make safe by moving equipment out of reach Notes (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr Procedure for first aid Stockholm Generalized tonic-clonic: *Coma *Anxiety or depression *Pale, may become cyanotic *Muscular contractions (cc) photo by Franco Folini on Flickr

Dental Hygiene

Transcript: Roles and Functions More than 80% comes from meat and animal products Page 189, Table 10-12 gives examples of food Sources Sources Swelling Redding on the tip of tongue Atrophy (a decrease or wasting) of the filiform papillae and fungiform papillae (at tip and lateral borders) Small ulcers on tongue If left unchecked than complete atrophy of the filiform papillae and painful ulceration of the buccal mucosa, palatal &gingival epithelia. Burning tongue pain precedes physical signs Consuming too much;In large doses, folate may cause kidney damage and mask symptoms of Vitamin B 12 deficiency. Swelling Redding on the tip of tongue Atrophy (a decrease or wasting) of the filiform papillae and fungiform papillae (at tip and lateral borders) Small ulcers on tongue If left unchecked than complete atrophy of the filiform papillae and painful ulceration of the buccal mucosa, palatal &gingival epithelia. Deficiency RDH Should Know Oral Symptoms Vitamin B12 & Folate What is Folate/folic acid? Vitamin B12 Deficiency Toxicity Is rarely caused by insufficient dietary unless a strict vegan diet is being followed Caused by a lack of R-binder or an enzyme needed for absorption of Vitamin B 12 Patients with xerostomia may have poor absorption of vitamin B12 Patients over 50 should choose fortified sources of vitamin B12 because synthetic forms are better absorbed Large amounts of vitamin C supplements can cause vitamin B12 All patients should be referred to a nutritionist or MD for treatment or change in treatment. Absorption and Metabolism Folic acid deficiency Dietary folate must undergo some changes to be absorbed. The intestinal enzyme that accomplishes this requires a slightly acid pH and is activated by the presence of zinc. Naturally occurring folate is not well absorbed as supplements, and individuals needing larger amounts, especially menstruating women who may become pregnant, they may need a supplement in addition to fortified folate-rich foods. The generic term folate encompasses several compounds that have nutritional properties similar to those of folic acid. Several different metabolically forms have been identified. Folate, folic acid, and folacin are used interchangeably. Folate is a natural form found in foods, whereas folic acid is a synthetic form used in vitamin supplements and food fortification. Natural folates are chemically unstable Vitamin B12 from blood is released from its protein bond by hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomach and intestine. Free vitamin B12 combines with salivary R-binder (protein produced by salivary glands) in the stomach. In the small intestine, trypsin (pancreatic enzyme) removes the R-binder, and vitamin B12 combines with intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein secreted by the parietal cells in the stomach. Absorption of vitamin B12 occurs only at specific receptor sites in the ileum and is possible only if bound to intrinsic factor. The vitamin is recycled from bile and other intestinal secretions. Excessive amounts are bound to a protein and stored for 3 to 4 years in the liver, or they are excreted. B12 functions as a coenzyme in conjunction with folate metabolism in nucleic acid synthesis. It also functions in the metabolism of certain amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, and folate. B12 is essential in formation and regeneration of red blood cells and for myelin synthesis Myelin is the lipid substance that insulates nerve fibers and affects transmission of nerve impulses. B12 is also essential for a normal function nervous system. By Jenifer Moore, Calli Ford, and Donna Hagerdon Most common deficiency among the B-complex vitamins Caused by excessive alcohol consumption, pregnancy and lactation Toxicity RDH Should Know Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, represents a complex group of compounds that contain cobalt. (the only known physiological function of cobalt is as an integral component of vitamin B12.) It is the only vitamin that contains a mineral Absorption and Metabolism No benefits are seen from large quantities of Vitamin B12 but no harmful effects have been observed either Rich sources include liver, green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals and grain products, legumes, and some fruits (grapefruit and oranges). What is Vitamin B12? Oral Symptoms Taking a folic acid supplement could improve resistance to the development of periodontal inflammation due to deficiency Smokers with periodontal disease have a lower concentration of folic acid Folate absorption is lower when folate is given to patients taking anticonvulsants and oral contraceptive agents (OCAs) An increase in gingival inflammation has been connected with women taking OCAs. These patients should be encouraged to increase their consumption of folate-rich foods. Folate supplements may reduce the severity and incidence of gingival overgrowth due to taking Phenytoin (Dilantin) It functions as a coenzyme for approximately 20 enzymes. It has important role in the composition of RNA and DNA Functions with Vitamin B12

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