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Demographics Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: -INTRODUCTION: what are demographics? relate to values, lifestyles&media patterns influence consumer behavior the 5 demographics variables: population&size distribution occupation education income age 1- population&distribution: has been growing from 1960 to 2003 different regions = different cultures 2- Occupation: reflects education&income different occupation= different consuming behaviors 3-Education: reflects the person preferences &lifestyles but not al always accurate 4- Income: purchase power of a person subjective doscretionary income (SDI) 5- AGE: WHY CONSIDER IT IN DEMOGRPHICS? understand the market affect lifestyle & self concept carries behaviors and norms chronological & cognitive age B-GENERATIONS: WHAT IS GENERATIONS? group of persons experiencing common environment cohort analysis explains people's attitudes the 6 generations that compose the primary American market: 1- Pre depression generations: individuals born before 1930 12 million americans 2-Depression generations: people between 1930 and 1945 most have retired or will do soon 28 million americans 3-Baby Boom Generations: people born at the end of WW2 and 1964 nowadays they are entering their 50's&60's charachterized by high education&income about 80 million baby boomers 4-Generation X: main realities: highly educated than previous generations women are highly educated than men they get married, have families, face the time pressure associated with these events 5-Generation Y: older teens & yound adults expected to have higher education than previous generations with incomes to follow music & fashion are often key touch points concerned with media, technology, internet, cell phones and video gamess a strong market for automobiles with brands like toyota creating affordable models 1- upper americans: upper upper class lower upper class upper middle 2-Middle Americans: middle class working class 3-Lower Americans: upper lower class lower lower class measurement of social class: single item index multi item index(indexes of social position) discussion questions: how would you relate the american generations with respect to the egyptian culture? what you think will be the charachteristics of the future generations? social classes in egypt are distanced from each other as opposed to the american culture, agree? describe a good marketing strategy targeting consumers from generation Y face global terrorism and after math of 9/11 international front social structure in the US: influences what one thinks and his decisions domestic front tweens DEMOGRAPHICS made by: 6-Tweens: the newest generations. born after 1994 have many of the same charachteristics of teens &will likely continue trends in increased education and technology usage 2/3 of them live with their parents benefit from the fact that divorce rate are decreasing face school violence as well as economic uncertainity related to the mortgage crisis. -Mirette Mounir Gad - Omar Samir el Ghandour -Mariam el sabbagh -mahmoud desouki


Transcript: Percentages of Ethnicity Proficient and Above for English Language Arts in 2010-2011 school year: 11.9% of students receive some form of special education. Low Income: 67% African-American: 56% Hispanic: 67% White: 83% Special Education: 31% Impact Springfield Renaissance School--662 students, Grades 6-12 61.6% of students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch. What does it all mean?? Special Education During the 2010-2011 school year, 153 students were given in-school suspensions; 132 students were given out-of-school suspensions. Socio Economic Status GENDER Hispanic: 41.9 % Asian: 0.6 % Black: 23.8 % White: 24.1 % Other: 9.7 % * Teachers can better understand their students and the lives they lead outside of school * Teachers and students can find common ground on which to build a professional relationship * Teachers can use assessment information to help them plan lessons and activities *Teachers can use assessment information to determine whether or not their strategies of teaching have been successful In the Springfield School District, $16,156 is spent per student annually. English Language Learners 3.7 % of students are English language learners Proficient and Above in Mathematics in the 2010-2011 school year: Behavior Low Income: 25% African-American: 26% Hispanic: 23% White: 53% Special Education: 11% Hopefully one day teachers and students across the country will all be receiving this for a grade! Male= 50.5% Female= 49.5% Almost Equal! The 2010-2011 scores show that white students as a subgroup performed better than other subgroups by far. They also show that a significantly higher number of students are proficient at math than at reading and writing. This kind of data can help teachers to focus their efforts on students that are consistently not performing well and dedicate more time to subjects which most students are having trouble with.

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