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Corporate Branding Powerpoint Templates

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Transcript: Actual Identity Conceived Identity Desired Identity Ideal Identity Communicated Identity TYPES OF IMAGE: CORPORATE REPUTATION Resource based view on strategy is how you put together unique and enviable combination of internal resources RBV has strong link with organizational learning Answer of competitive advantage lies in middle of these approaches but RBV managed to rebalace the debate. CORPORATE BRANDING Informal interactions among stakeholders. The business press. Potential stakeholders. Core internal competencies or score board is linked between HR and branding Developed strategic map or theory of business Employee customer service profit chain Gallup poll in USA which include six major sectors to know which factor influencing brand performance Example of airline industry. Corporate Brand and Corporate identity Core internal competencies The AC2ID frame-work 1990’s onwards the study of corporate reputation has grown rapidly. Corporate reputation claims to be a distinctive and high-order concept than branding or image. Positive corporate reputation can lead to significant financial advantages. Corporate reputation acts as a form of ethical control. Power of Corporate Branding & advantages CHARACTERISTI-CS OF CORPORATE REPUTATION Traditional approach which used was outside in two streams of literature is defined as: Resource based view (RVB) Core internal competencies DIMENSIONS OF CORPORATE REPUTATION It should capture the essence of organization Set out its claimed distinctiveness Show continuity over time Building long-term trust Reducing customer's search costs Ensuring repeat purchases CORPORATE REPUTATION AND IMAGE Branding of products and services has played a significant part in the marketing strategy of firms. E.g, Coca-Cola, MBA, P&G Principles for Assessment of Organizational Identity Bismah Khwaja Natasha Farrukh Rimsha Baig Tayyaba Khalid Sadia Tallat It is rooted in past. It is of equal concern to internal and external stakeholders. It is based on past actions and achievements. It is best assessed by examining the benefits accruing to stakeholders groups. It can be used to position against competitors. VALUED OUTCOMES The strategic management literature Trust Confidence Transmitted image Received image Constructed image Resource based view (RVB)

Corporate Branding

Transcript: Establish and strengthen the brand and the USP Nature, Culture and Social Aspects are very important in the minds of people Creation of an identity of a destination (Williams et al., 2004) very complex and difficult systems various different stakeholders different service providers along the service chain impact of external and environmental aspects (Kotler et al., 2002) (Morgan & Pritchard, 2004) Participative process of all stakeholders Collaborative approach instead of competitive approach Orientation on values and targets of a destination Natural and cultural aspects Focus on value which are important to the target market Branding strategy goes hand in hand with the vision Brand stays credible and reliable Placefulness will be defined as a way of strengthen the sense of place through the corporate branding strategy. Sense of Place is characterized as an interaction of different factors: Community landscape ancestry time (Williams et al., 2004) The brand "Arlberg" The idea of placefulness Why is "Sense of Place" important The Brand "Arlberg" - Sense of place Buhalis, D. (2000, Februar). Marketing the competitive destination of the future. Tourism Management, pp. 97-116. Morgan, N., & Pritchard, A. (2004). Meeting the destination branding challenge. Destination branding: creating the unique destination proposition, 59-79. Williams, P., Gill, A., & Chura, N. (2004). Branding Mountain Destinations: The Battle for Placefulness. Tourism Review, 6-16. regular meetings of main stakeholders exchange of ideas and information focus on high quality - demand of the target market and customer segment work along the vision of the destination GOAL! The brand "Arlberg" Corporate Branding on mountain destinations - a long way Destinations... References Establishing a brand (Buhalis, 2000) bringing the villages St.Anton/St.Christoph, Lech/Zürs and Stuben together under one big brand common brand - international symbol for winter sport 5-pointed star - stands for the villages. The design should reflect key elements; quality and top performance - snow crystal, sun and nature Merger of the 2 ski areas St.Anton/Lech

Corporate Branding

Transcript: 1. Keeps a close knit relationship between the consumer and organization. 2. Keeps the consumer up to date Significance of Brand Personality The communication, human and physical interactions your customers experience during their relationship life cycle with your organization. Corporate- Brand is built for the company Distributor- Brand is built for the specific product Thank You! 1. Creating a linkage to brand name and benefits. 2. Forming a Mental Conext 3. Building a Social/Cultural Authority Benefits and experiences that marketers try to associate with their product to consumers. The monetary worth of something. If it has a greater value then it will be worth more. Generic Brand vs. Name Brand. • Name, term, symbol, or design that identifies a product and distinguishes it from competitors products. It is a way of using emotion while marketing a project to get people to buy your product. It uses the psychological side of marketing. Use of Touch Points Brand Identity Brand Personality Values Corporate Branding 1. Choose the right Brand name 2. Create a consistent visual style 3. Develop a compelling logo 4. Pay attention to color The use of values in Brand Development Brand Cues Its the practice of promoting the brand name of the corporate entity rather than its products or services. 1. Make sure your brand’s communication clearly shouts either desirable or trustworthy. 2. Definitely depends on how you communicate to customers Touch Points Corporate Branding Brand personality gives the product human traits or characteristics to relate to the consumer to increase brand awareness and popularity. Distinguishes Between Corporate and Distributor Brands Brand Promise Elements that make up a Brands Identity 62 ECG bpm

Corporate Branding

Transcript: How to brand "the firm" - to clients? 1) 2) The difficulties of hiring lawyers in the face of new challenges and prospects <> 3) Internet Marketing Strategies for Lawyers in Malaysia: Read it, and Do it to Skyrocket Your Business<> 4) Image: An Essential Ingredient for Lawyer Success during These Changing Times <> 5) Marketing Includes Handling an Angry Client <> 6) Emotional Intelligence Provides an Edge <> 7) Malaysian Bar Council <> 8) Practicing Law 2.0: Branding Yourself as a Stand-out Lawyer <> 9) Next Generation of Law Firm Websites Influenced by Social Media <> 10) Marketing for Lawyers <> 11) Legal Branding through Facebook: Be Nice. Be Useful. Give Value. <> NOTE: All websites were last accessed on 21st November 2013. Regular Sales Meeting Context Bibliography The Malaysian Bar Council Rulings Legal Profession (Publicity) Rules 2001 Values? Brands are defined by individuals. We can only INFLUENCE their definition. ValidATE How to brand "The Firm": to employees Employer Branding Current employees: - Workplace social activities The Firm Workshops For Employees : Training Equal treatment? A Brand is how a person feels about a product, service or organization. Thank you for your attention! How to brand "The Lawyer" DifferentiATE Utilization A brand is NOT a Logo A brand is NOT an identity A brand is NOT a Product Healthy work ethics? How to brand "The Firm": to clients Technology forward Personal website Search Engine Optimization -> Public Legal search engine Articles online Skype meetings/online discussions Online forum on website The 4 ATE's Equal treatment? There are 6612 law firms in Malaysia, and 15538 lawyers. How do people make YOU their choice? What is a Brand? Aims? The Lawyer Tools for Creating Valued Brand Cultivate Work - life balance? Understanding +Trust = Valued Brand Make It Measurable : Setting Goals Lawyer Markets Firm How to brand yourself as a lawyer and how to add value to the brand of your firm Work-life balance? Architectural identity Unified Representation by employees Find and use your market niche CultivATE Non- discrimination? Healthy work environment? Cultivate Referral Sources InnovATE Differentiate Values? Innovate Conclusion Non- discrimination? Aims? Corporate Branding Regulations Character - Constant self improvement - "We care" v. "Ivory Tower" perception Social Media Connecting via Associations Build good connections with clients Articles for legal sites/publications Good connectivity Validate Ambassador of the firm Incentives (Introduction fee)

Corporate Branding

Transcript: Corporate Branding Strategies Cont. Price: Though excessive price competition can negatively affect all players in an industry, room usually exists for one effective low-end provider. Typically, companies that achieve economies of scale, efficient distribution or lean operation benefits can afford to charge low prices and still generate a profit. The challenge with a price-oriented positioning strategy is that many customers associate price with quality. Your primary customers are those with lower incomes who only want basic needs met by a given product. Assurances: Assurances are tangible or intangible guarantees of a certain product experience. Some companies position with guarantees or warranties to minimize the risks to buyers. A "satisfaction guaranteed" may attract buyers tempted by your products but unwilling to take the financial risk without some measure of mitigation. With this assurance, you may induce reluctant buyers. Typically, assurance contribute to a profitable operation when your goods measure up. If the products constantly fail or under-perform, you have to honor a high volume or returns and warranty payments. Brand attributes: What the brand delivers through features and benefits to consumers. Consumer expectations: What consumers expect to receive from the brand. Consumer perceptions: The perceived quality and value of your brand in consumer’s minds (i.e., does your brand offer the cheap solution, the good value for the money solution, the high-end, high-price tag solution, etc.?). Product/ Service Branding Strategies to Position Product/Business Factors used by businesses to position corporate brands Corporate branding refers to the practice of promoting the brand name of a corporate entity, as opposed to specific products or services. the activities and thinking that go into corporate branding are different from product and service branding because the scope of a corporate brand is typically much broader. Chapter 31: Branding, Packaging, and Labeling Significance: Positioning a company's product or service is simply defining who you are in the customer's eye. Marketers attempt to create an image or identity for a product, brand or company and usually express positioning relative to other competitors in the market. For example, the position of a low-price paper towel is expressed relative to the higher-priced brands. Considerations: When positioning a product or service, the key is to decide what the sustainable competitive advantage of the product is versus its chief competition. If a product has a sustainable advantage, meaning that the product has some unique offering competitors do not have and that it can hold long term, the product will have a better chance of success. Activity: You are to meet with the hotel's owners to discuss the importance of branding and of establishing a brand identity for the hotel. The process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product/service in the consumers' mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers. Types: Product positioning typically falls into one of three categories. Functional positions solve problems and provide consumers with benefits. The glass cleaner gets glass surfaces clean, the consumer benefits. If the glass cleaner is made of environmentally friendly ingredients, it appeals to a symbolic position the consumer values. The cleaner helps the consumer boost his self-image and provides social meaningfulness. The third positioning strategy is experiential. If the cleaner has a fresh fragrance, it offers the consumer a sensory stimulation. Some product positions can incorporate all three categories in an attempt to develop a sustainable advantage. add logo here

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