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Engineering Template

Transcript: Interview what led me to engineering Electrical Engineer Humberto Quinones Company- RTX Corporation phone number- 469-329-6931 Description- Has been engineer for 19 yeas previous comapines- Lockhead martin. Being a thinker is also a strong point of being a Electrical engineer. My other top responce was thinking. ELectrical engineers need too think alot because they are always designing and intergrating new ideas too their design. question 2 Based on my career quiz the strogest point I had was creating. Wich expalins why I wanted too be a Electrical engineer since electrical engineering is all about desinging ,and creating. Question 1 As an electrical engineer who do you turn too when you cant fix or solve a problem or are you on your own? what does a day in work look like. I usually wake up arund 6 in te morning s I can be read and go ofbf too work at 8. When I get too my office the first thing I do is check my email wich takes up an hour of my day. After that througout te day I have meetings , and diffierent apointmets with managers in the building. The last thing i do wicW takes up almost all my day isworing on ether my design or work on my product im designing. When I have a problem I usually alwaysfind a way too fix it. In the rare occasion that I cant fix the problem myself I would usually ask a coworkerof mine ,orif tey cat help tere are always my maagers an peple above mewho arealways available too hep me. question 3 Is there training yall have too do yearly or how do yall stay uptaded with the newest softwares? The way ourcompany does it is every 6 months we have a checkup on anything we need help or dont understand. For our traning every year we have too atted ameeting and they will teac us all te latest softwares and new things we have to do for te year. So yes our system is constantly changing anddevelopingadwe get great traning every year for it Fact 2 Electrical engineers work in alot of diffierent electrical items like phones, circuits, or communicational networks. This means that electrical engineers never stop learning. According too Michigan "Electrical engineers learn something new 1-2 times a day that will help them through their life." So you never ever stop learning in electrical engineering Fact 4 Fact 3 Electrical engineers have a global impact not just here in the United states. Things like phone communication are one of many ways Electrical engineers have impacted the world in positve ways. According too Aimst university other things that electrical engineers have impacted the world positvaly Electrical engineers highly skilled and educated when going in to applying for there job. In the United States you cant be an electrical engineer without a bachleors degree. So that means when you hear about an electrical engineer you know that they are college ready. Quality Control Processes Fact 1 What led met too electrical engineering? Quality control processes are systematic measures in engineering designed to monitor and evaluate the quality of products during various stages of production. Effective control mechanisms prevent defects, ensuring that final products meet defined specifications. Electrical Engineer Testing and Inspection Protocols Quality Assurance in Engineering Electrical engineering has always caught my eyes because of my uncle Sergio Torres. He always talked about how he shot missles so it was always inspiration from my uncle. I always saw him working on homework growing up and trying his best at University of Texas at Dallas always in the tutouring sectons. People might think that elecrical engineering has always been around in fact electrical engineering is one of the newest form of engineering the oldest being civil engineer. According too electrical engineerimg began in 1883 but classes about the study of electrical engineering were being taught at Darmstadt University of Technology in 1853. Testing and inspection protocols ensure that products undergo rigorous evaluations before reaching consumers. These protocols include non-destructive testing, stress testing, and compliance checks that verify product integrity and safety. Quality assurance is a critical aspect of engineering that ensures products are built to meet required standards. Effective quality control processes and protocols are vital to achieving compliance and maintaining continuous improvement. Documentation and Reporting Compliance with Regulations Thorough documentation and reporting are integral to quality assurance in engineering. Accurate records of quality control tests, inspections, and compliance activities provide traceability and support accountability within the process. Compliance with regulations is mandatory for engineering projects to ensure safety and quality. Standards set by organizations such as ISO and ASTM provide frameworks for meeting legal and customer requirements in product manufacturing. Continuous Improvement Strategies Continuous improvement

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