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Transcript: Our Team hypothesis was... That Australia Should Consider A Nuclear Powered Future Sub-Question One - John An Australia holds the perfect environment for a nuclear power plant, our problem with the green house gas, our hole in the o-zone layer. Nuclear power will improve all these problems. However, The scientists of America found a new, cleaner way to generate energy. That could mean that in the future everyone on earth would use the new power source in the future. Sub-Question two- Alan Japan showed us an very good example of the disadvantage of using nuclear power plant. The effects are, many poeple missing, death and no one is going buy food from japan to avoid radiation in the food. Sub Question 3 Although Australia has enough resources and has enough space and also does not sit on tectonic plates, there are significant financial risks, no appropriate regulatory system and needs augmentation of the transmission network. Sub-Question Four- Kenneth Chong Australia is a country that has an enormous amount of uranium. So Australia doesn't need to buy uranium from other countries. However, there isn't a lot of uranium in our planet. If Australia started to use nuclear power plant, we will use up a lot of uranium because Australia is very big. FInal Answer to our Challenge Question On the one hand, Australia holds the perfect environment for a nuclear power plant, our problem with the green house gas, our hole in the o-zone layer. Nuclear power will improve all these problems. and although Australia has enough resources and has enough space and also does not sit on tectonic plates. also, Australia is a country that has an enormous amount of uranium. So Australia doesn't need to buy uranium from other countries. However, The scientists of America found a new, cleaner way to generate energy. That could mean that in the future everyone on earth would use the new power source in the future. Japan showed us an very good example of the disadvantage of using nuclear power plant. The effects are, many poeple missing, death and no one is going buy food from japan to avoid radiation in the food. There are significant financial risks, no appropriate regulatory system and needs augmentation of the transmission network. Also, there isn't a lot of uranium in our planet. If Australia started to use nuclear power plant, we will use up a lot of uranium because Australia is very big. For this reasons Australia shouldn't consider a nuclear powered future.

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