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Concentric Circles Template Powerpoint

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Concentric Circles

Transcript: This protocol provides students with a structure to actively engage in discussions around short text, questions, opinions, or debates on any topic with several different partners. This discussion technique gives students the opportunities to have discussions with a wide range of peers in a structured manner. 1. Student chairs or desks are arranged in two concentric circles; an inner circle and an outer circle facing each other. 2. Students choose a seat facing a partner across from them. 3. This first pair of students facing will have a certain amount of time to discuss a question, topic, or section of a reading. (Variation: teachers may also use this for test prep, defining terms, role playing, or critiquing). 4. When the teacher gives a signal (chime/chime), the inside circle rotates one (or more) chairs to the right (or left). The new pair of students facing each other will have a certain amount of time to discuss the next question, topic, or section of a reading. 5. The teacher will instruct the inside circle to move as many times as necessary. 6. The last pair of students facing each other should sum up the discussion and be prepared to share out key points with the whole group. (Debrief: at the end Students should share important ideas or common threads to the discussion (Inner/Outer Circles) Concentric Circles Concentric Circles is a kinesthetic discussion strategy that invites all students in the class to contribute as a speaker, as well as an active listener. Concentric Circles Dana Ludwig Video Purpose Procedure Definition

MIISP Concentric Circles

Transcript: Concentric Circles Feedback Break-out groups Describe your favorite day from this past summer. Support network of peers with similar interests to... keep me on track get ideas from share my experiences with Individual advising Find an internship or service opportunity to meet my needs and goals Find funding opportunities Submit high quality applications for internships and funding Prepare goals so I can get the most out of my experience Have a packing list Prepare for the cultural differences Blog my experience to share with friends and family Be able to market my experience Opportunity to create an MPortfolio Today's story: What events in my life inspired me to pursue an international internship or service experience? MIISP Session #2 – The MIISP Community: Sharing Our Goals and Moving Forward Some things we might get out of MIISP... Announcements Talk about your favorite class, teacher, or professor you've ever had! Describe Your Hometown Peer Review *Next session: Wednesday, Nov 28th @ 6:30PM on How to Find Funding for an International Internship *You’ll be receiving an email with a link to an online evaluation form soon! *We look forward to seeing you in for an individual appointment if we haven’t already! *Global Health Student Day - TOMORROW, 1-6 PM *MHIRT App Deadline: MONDAY, Nov 19th: Talk about what you hope to do this summer. First Name Line Up Thursday, November 15th 2012 Michigan League, Henderson Room 6:30-8:00PM How do you think you could benefit from MIISP?

Concentric Circles

Transcript: Concentric Circles Amanda Low March 2020 Oral Stage Derives pleasure from the mouth; sucking, biting, chewing; moving from dependency towards self-sufficiency Oral Freud's Psychosexual Stages 0-1 Years Anal Stage Potty training; learning to expel or withhold; learning to exercise control Anal Freud's Psychosexual Stages Subtopic 2 2-3 Years Phallic Stage Pleasure zone is genitals; starting to cope with incestuous sexual feelings. Child develops sexual feelings for other-sex parent and hatred of same sex parent Phallic Freud's Psychosexual Stages Subtopic 3 3-6 Years Latency Stage Spending more time with same sex peers, sexual feelings go dormant Latency Freud's Psychosexual Stages 6- Puberty Genital Stage Development of intimate sexual adult relationships. Full sexual maturity Genital Freud's Psychosexual Stages Puberty-adulthood Trust vs Mistrust Children begin to form a trusting relationship with their caregiver based on their reliability and affection Important Event: Feeding Trust vs Mistrust Erickson's Stages Of Development Infancy-2 Years Old Autonomy vs Shame Learn to develop control over physical skills and start to gain more independence Important Event: Toilet Training Autonomy vs Shame Erickson's Stages Of Development 2-3 Years Initiative vs Guilt Children begin asserting their control over their environment. Important Event: Exploration Initiative vs Guilt Erickson's Stages Of Development 3-5 Years Industry vs Inferiority Children begin to cope with the new demands of school and social life. Important Event: School Industry vs Inferiority Erickson's Stages Of Development 6-11 Years Identity vs Role Confusion Teens begins to develop their personal identity and sense of self. Important Event: Social Relationships Identity vs Role Confusion Erickson's Stages Of Development 12-18 Years Intimacy vs Isolation Young adults form intimate loving relationships with other people. Important Event: Relationships Intimacy vs Isolation Erickson's Stages Of Development 19-40 Years Generativity vs Stagnation Adults need to create or nurture things that will outlast them Important Event: Work and Parenthood Generativity vs Stagnation Erickson's Stages Of Development 40-65 Years Integrity vs Despair Older adults need to be able to look back on their lives and feel fulfilled Important Event: Reflection on Life Integrity vs Despair Erickson's Stages Of Development 65- Death Sensorimotor Stage Coordination of senses with motor response, starting to develop curiosity about the world. Object permanence is developed Sensorimotor Piaget's Stages Of Cognitive Development 0-2 Years Preoperational Stage Symbolic thinking, imagination is strong but cannot yet develop abstract thoughts. Conservation is developed. Preoperational Piaget's Stages Of Cognitive Development 2-7 Years Concrete Operational Concepts attached to concrete situations. Understands time, space, and quantity Concrete Operational Piaget's Stages Of Cognitive Development 7-11 Years Formal Operational Theoretical, hypothetical, abstract logic and reasoning. Concepts learned in one context can be applied in another Formal Operational Piaget's Stages Of Cognitive Development 11+ years Stage 1: Obedience & Self Interest No difference between avoiding the right thing and punishment. Interest then shifts rewards Stage ! Kohlberg's Stages Of Moral Development Infancy-Preschool Stage 2: Conformity, Authority, and Social Order Effort is made to be a "good boy/girl" to secure approval with authority figures. Begin to focus on fixed rules and interpersonal accord expands to entire society Stage 2 Kohlbergs Stages Of Moral Development School-age Stage 3: Social Contract & Universal Principles Mutual benefits, learning to reciprocate. Focusing on utilitarian rules. Then develops a sense of morality Stage 3 Kohlberg's Stages Of Moral Development Teens-Adulthood Stage 1: Differentiated Children start to understand that others have different viewpoints than theirs. Cannot maintain their own perspective and someone else's simultaneously Stage 1 Selman's Stages Of Friendship Development 5-9 Years Stage 2: Reciprocal/Self-Reflective Become more aware of other's perspectives and intentions. Able to reflect on their own actions from the perspective of someone else Stage 2 Selman's Stages Of Friendship Development 8-12 Years Stage 3: Mutual/Third Person View each other's views simultaneously and mutually. Is able to take a third party perspective. Stage 3 Selman's Stages Of Friendship Development 10-15 Years Stage 4: Intimate/In-Depth/Societal Learn to adopt perspective of larger society. Perspective taking becomes more complex and abstract. Can take the perspective of a larger social group. Stage 4 Selman's Stages Of Friendship Development Older Adolescents & Adults Epigenesis Occurs across the lifespan. Gentetic expression is affected by both nature and nuture. Epigenisis Neuroplasticity The brains ability to change and rewire itself across the lifespan. Neuroplasticity

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