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Computer Security Powerpoint Template

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Computer Security

Transcript: COMPUTER SECURITY Things to tackle -What is computer Security -What is it's main purpose -How to attain CS -Who uses Computer Security -Other Interesting Facts * Computer security is information security as applied to both computers and networks. * The field focuses on the processes and mechanisms by which computer-based equipment, information and services are protected from unauthorized access - "Hackers" - Viruses What is it's purposes? *The main purpose of computer security is to provide a safe computing environment *Users are free of unauthorized activities or untrustworthy individuals. * Reassures information is still available following unplanned events and in some cases, natural disasters. How do we attain computer security? -Use "anti-virus software" and keep it up to date. i.e. NORTON -Protect your computer from Internet intruders - use "firewalls." Regularly download security updates and "patches" for operating systems and other software. Don't share access to your computers with strangers. Learn about file sharing risks. *HAVE BACK UPS! value increases when it is lost *Use hard-to-guess passwords. *Check your security on a regular basis WHO USES COMPUTER SECURITY? -Anyone who has access to a computer SHOULD be using is in some way MANDATED BY THE GODS. *Government Bases *Military Bases *Stock markets *Companies # 1 Banks THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! : ) A+ FOR EFFORT! -Everyone who has access to computers should use computer security...... SOMEHOW MANDATED BY THE GODS. by: Danna A. WHO USES COMPUTER SECURITY? What is Computer Security? *

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