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Compassion Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: as a virtue Compassion is the virtue of empathy for the suffering of others. It is regarded as a fundamental part of human love, and a cornerstone of greater social interconnection and humanism —foundational to the highest principles in philosophy, society, and personhood. Compassion is often regarded as emotional in nature, and there is an aspect of compassion which regards a quantitative dimension, such that individual's compassion is often given a property of "depth," "vigour," or "passion." The etymology of "compassion" is Latin, meaning "co-suffering." More virtuous than simple empathy, compassion commonly gives rise to an active desire to alleviate another's suffering. It is often, though not inevitably, the key component in what manifests in the social context as altruism. In ethical terms, the various expressions down the ages of the so-called Golden Rule embody by implication the principle of compassion: Do to others what you would have them do to you. "Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things." "Compassion is the ultimate and most meaningful embodiment of emotional maturity. It is through compassion that a person achieves the highest peak and deepest reach in his or her search for self-fulfillment." "Compassion is not sentiment but is making justice and doing works of mercy. Compassion is not a moral commandment but a flow and overflow of the fullest human and divine energies." COMPASSION -Thomas Merton What is COMPASSION? -Arthur Jersild -Matthew Fox The English noun compassion, meaning to suffer together with, comes from the Latin. Its prefix com- comes directly from com, an archaic version of the Latin preposition and affix cum (= with); the -passion segment is derived from passus, past participle of the deponent verb patior, patī, passus sum. Compassion is thus related in origin, form and meaning to the English noun patient (= one who suffers), from patiens, present participle of the same patior, and is akin to the Greek verb πάσχειν (= paskhein, to suffer) and to its cognate noun πάθος (= pathos). Ranked a great virtue in numerous philosophies, compassion is considered in almost all the major religious traditions as among the greatest of virtues.


Transcript: Compassion is the ability to be conscious and respond to the suffering and distress of others Three ways to incorperate compassion in Society One way in society that we can incorporate our virtue is through the homeless. Nowadays as the economy worsens more and more, people are becoming homeless and are feeling a loss of compassion from others. These newly homeless or those who have been homeless for a while are usually looked down upon and feared for being in the situation they are in. So if we treat people with the respect and compassion that they deserve then, we can brighten someone’s day and make a difference. One last way is to be a friend; at least 18% of young teens said they have been bullied. These teens range from the age 12 to 18 and may have been new students or may have been different which made them a target. The best way to help your fellow youth out is to be that compassionate friend that they do not have and remind them that there is nothing wrong with them but with the people hurting them. No matter if they have Aids, are orphans, have an addiction or suffer from any disease everyone needs a friend. "A Hunger for God" - Intro: Mother Teresa left the school where she had been teaching for more than fifteen years to act upon her instincts and start something new. Her mission was to servce the poorest of India's poor, who were forgotten by everyone except for God. Her actions were powerful and impacted many people, teaching them about the real meaning of compassion. 3 main ideas 1) Be active! "She vividly experienced Jesus's distress at the abandoment of the poor and his call for her to help them." ("A Hunger for God," 199) By this, it is saying that Mother Teresa had practiced the virtue of compassion, which is the ability to be conscious of the suffering of others and alleviate it from them. THis is exactly what she did during a train ride to a retreat in 1946. We as Catholics should follow in her example. 2) Imagine yourself in their shoes "Nakedness is not only for a piece of cloth. Nakedness is the loss of human dignity, the loss of respect, the loss of that purity which was so beautiful, the loss of that virginity which is the most beautiful thing that a young man and young woman can give each other because of their love. The loss of that presence, of what is beautiful, of what is great -- that is nakedness." ("A Hunger for God," 200) This quote really emphasizes how the poor and those who are suffering feel. Mother Teresa encourages everyone to have a sense of why we should go out and help them because they are at a very low point in their life. We should help others in gaining back their dignity because that is what makes them who they are. 3) Hungry for God? "Yes, there is hunger. Maybe not the hunger for a piece of bread, but there is a terrible hunger for love. There is a terrible hunger for the Word of God." ("A Hunger for God," 200) By following the Catholic Social Teachings, we portray the Word of God and what He would want us to do. We can do this by showing love and compassion to others. Those are hungry for God need love and support, and only we are able to help them with this Media Analysis Something being done to encourage compassion... Summing it up..... the principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions. it is to treat others as we would expect to be treated. Denying compassion is to deny basic human rights it is necessary for a peacful global economy with compassion, we can break down so many boundries. Keep in mind.... He's obviously shelterless he isn't wearing a suit he's got paint all over his clothes and hair would you hire him? What would YOU do? As the CEO, how about as a homeless man? Or someone just having trouble making ends meet? Now think about being in a tough situation.... You've been evicted from your apartment. You've got no where to go, no one to turn to. Wouldn't you expect people to cut you some slack? Perhaps pity you? Maybe even help you out.... Or at least grant some compassion and empathy. Now take a look into the life of a homeless person... One of many. Why should we feel any sort of compassion? Without seeing his 90%, you didn't know: he has a son he runs around town just to have a safe place for him and his child to sleep. No money, no home. He finds himself at a low point, one that he never wishes to come back to ever again. This clip gives insight. Don't judge people before you know their story. How they got to where they are, why they can't make things better for themselves. Nothing is easy, but in the midst of the bad we all expect to be treated with respect and hope that most people would give one a break, grant some compassion. Of the 2.2 billion children in the world, 1 billion suffer from poverty. According to UNICEF, 24,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they “die quietly" in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world.


Transcript: Compassion's work started 58 years ago when one man felt compelled to help 35 orphaned children in South Korea. Evangelist Everett Swanson traveld to South Korea in 1952 to preach the gospel to the troops in the Republic of Korea army. While he was there, he encounted children orphaned by the war. Rev. Swanson was challenged by a missionary friend: "You have seen the tremendous needs and unparalleled opportunities of this land. What do you intend to do about it?" Today, more than 1 million children in 25 countries benefit from that original vision. •More than 4 million children die from malnutrition each year. •One in every two children in the world today lives in poverty. •Around the world, 300 million children will go to bed hungry tonight. For a lot of these kids, every day is a struggle for food. They see people die in their villages from malnutrition and it seems that there is no hope to getting food, water, or the resources they need live. If you were in this position, wouldn't you hope that there were people trying to get you some of those needs? That is exactly what we are donating to if we chose to donate to Compassion International. They use the money to get food to the people across the world that need it most. If we just chose do donate to the "Global Food Crisis Fund"... $13 helps a child for one month $78 helps a child for six months $156 helps a child for one year What Would Be Cool... If we choose to sponsor a child, the cost is just $38 per month. Mission Statement. Releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name Compassion International


Transcript: Gandhi once said that the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated. It is time for our country to demonstrate again why we are great. What if we started today? By treating others the way we think they deserve to be treated. I stopped eating steak, chicken, pork, and all other animal products because I believe animals deserve compassion. I say that it is patriotic to show compassion for anyone who is sentient -- anyone who is capable of feeling joy and pain Perhaps compassion is about minimizing the pain that we create for others, because we know what it feels like to be in pain or to be mistreated. There are laws that prevent cruelty to animals, but many of those laws do not apply to animals raised to be consumed as food by people According to US law, the definition of 'humane slaughter' is to strike an animal with a blow to the head with such force that it renders the animal unconscious, and then you rapidly decapitate, electrocute, or otherwise kill the animal. Basically, you hit someone on the head so hard that it knocks them out, then you can hang them upside down and slit their throats. Or shoot them. (What if we did that to a baby or a puppy? Is that method of slaughter being 'humane') Why do we eat meat? Is it because cavemen ate animals? Is it because we think we are smarter than other animals? My dog knows more than 20 words and can open a door with her nose Does a one year old human baby have that vocabulary? No? Well, should we eat that child? No, that's not very compassionate Why do we eat some animals, like pigs, but not others? Do we just eat the ugly ones? Turns out that pigs are pretty darn cute, so maybe that's not it I won't try to convince anyone whether to eat animal meat or not... Baby male chicks are not used for their meat or for eggs. If something lacks economic value, then we tend to assign it no worth. So, several millions of baby chicks are dropped, alive, into grinders at large chicken processing plants each year In the US, hens are still kept in battery cages...a 16" wide space for 5 hens. That's less than a sheet of paper-sized space per hen. Banned in Europe, but still legal in the US. Help build a better world by making informed decisions about how your food gets to the table And if you are ok with killing animals in order to eat them, I can only ask that you try doing it yourself...don't outsource your food supply chain for a few weeks and see how it goes. Please be compassionate to animals Personally, I think 'humane slaughter' is an oxymoron. (when I hear that argument, I think that's the only time I hear people today compare themselves to cavemen...) But I do hope you'll think more about how animals are treated in modern food factories.


Transcript: COMPASSION This is me! And this is who I want to be! to reach here! My Goals in this! LIFE! But I kept running into these... My Pitfalls Because when I thought I had hit rock bottom, I came up with.. My Idea THE COMPASSION CYCLE They use COMPASSION to find organizations and people who can teach them, and give them ways to explore different areas of life. "Helping others" won't just be as simple as it sounds, either. To be accepted as a member organization or teacher organization in COMPASSION, you'll have to prove a significant dedication to altruism in your life, company, or organization. COMPASSION will be dedicated to helping people help themselves, to help others. One of my favorite things about COMPASSION at this stage is how flexible it can be. I'm not sure whether I'd like to run it as a business, a nonprofit, or even a membership organization. However, I do know that I'd like the main structure of COMPASSION to be online, for ease and accessibility. Possibilities! However, I know that this is just me. What I hope to do is realize that even though to me... This life of mine...... If I can be successful in affecting the lives of many others, and influencing them to do good in turn, then my life will only be the tip of a.... What i'm saying is that if this goof can help people.. Then why can't you? Passion Helping yourself, to help others, to help the world. a HUGE MOUNTAIN!.. People want to learn about different topics, and find what their passions are Compassion: a deep feeling of sympathy and sorry for one less fortunate, accompanied by a wish to alleviate their woes R Compassion Compass I have always been ambitious. As Matt puts it, I find so much in life that I enjoy and want to dedicate my time to, it's like i'm going from "shiny thing to shiny thing." During my time at college, though, I have learned that there will never be enough time in my life to accomplish all of my goals. This scared me, especially when I began trying to find a purposeful passion that truly resonated with me. Then, I realized that if I was having this trouble figuring out what I wanted to do with my life, others probably were too. That's when COMPASSION was born. Huge Iceberg! Compass: an instrument for finding direction when one is lost I can, and will, use this program to help anyone who wants it, regardless of sex, age, race, gender, country of origin, or any other barrier. COMPASSION ....and after that, who knows? Other college campuses, schools, businesses, prisons, cities, counties, states, countries... The clouds are the limit! COMPASSION After they discover what they want to do, they use their newfound passions in a way that helps others, which includes teaching newcomers to COMPASSION about their journey. Hey! I can begin this program at an extremely small scale in my own fraternity, Theta Xi, or just here on campus at Kansas State... Passion: the object of an intense desire, enthusiasm, or affection

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