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Christmas Card Template Powerpoint

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Christmas Card

Transcript: Forming: SMSgt McCoy forced us into groups Storming: Rainbows and Unicorns Norming: We started to work together and come up with ideas Performing: At planning phase Paint Wood Christmas Lights Cover Cotton Balls Candy Canes Christmas Wrap Etc. What We are Doing! Teamwork Christmas Card 5 characteristics of Effective Teams! Goals: a team's target or objective Rules: a guideline for membership, conduct, or performance Role: the specific job or task assigned to a team member Communication:Be able to establish all of your views Participation:All work together and no one left out Members of Team Talk To Our Just Lovely Dukes To Donate Four Stages of Team Development all we got are one's Santa is dropping off presents to the world. Santa has stepped up the game by coming in his new Air craft. But Santa is lazy so instead of him just hiring Rudolph to fly, we gotta do this. Thanks SMSgt McCoy!!! Examples!!! Materials for Project Thank you for your time Baumgart Dukes Finister Garcia Hill Martin Materials=Spending Money so DONATE!!! We got to make a christmas card for the little, wonderful children. So they better like it. Forming: the period when team members meet and begin to create relationships among themselves and with their leader Storming: a period during which personalities begin to clash as members try to overcome their natural tendencies to focus on their own needs Norming: when the teams begin to work together as a whole. Performing: the stage at which the team works at its best. Done!!!! For JAFROTC Donations PLEASE!!! We are Broke! Christmas Card

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