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Charity Presentation Template

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Charity Presentation

Transcript: What Charity could you donate to? American Psychiatric Association The Charity What is APA? The American Psychiatric Association is an organization of psychiatrists working together to ensure humane care and effective treatment for all persons with mental illness, including substance use disorders. Its vision is a society that has available, accessible quality psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. About them Their Mission, Values and Goal Mission promote the highest quality care for individuals with mental illness, including substance use disorders, and their families promote psychiatric education and research advance and represent the profession of psychiatry serve the professional needs of its membership Best standards of clinical practice Highest ethical standards of professional conduct Prevention, access, care and sensitivity for patients and compassion for their families Patient-focused treatment decisions Scientifically established principles of treatment Advocacy for patients Leadership Lifelong professional learning Collegial support Respect for diverse views and pluralism within the field and the association Respect for other health professionals Values To promote the rights and best interests of patients and those actually or potentially making use of psychiatric services for mental illness, including substance use disorders. To improve access to and quality of psychiatric services. To improve research into all aspects of mental illness, including causes, prevention, and treatment of psychiatric disorders. To improve psychiatric education and training. To promote optimal conditions for practice and career satisfaction. To foster collaboration among all who are concerned with medical, psychological, socio-cultural and legal aspects of mental health and illness. To improve functioning of the APA in the service of its mission. Goal Why donate? Why donate? With COVID-19 being a big issue for the last two years, hospitals have been filled to their capacities. People in health care especially have had the difficult task of dealing with ones that have become infected with the virus and working shifts that can even last exaughsting 14 hours. The facts You may think that doctors and nurses are used to seeing people pass away at the hospital but it is differnet when that peson can't be surrounded by their family.

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