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Disability Category Presentation

Transcript: Developmental Disabilities Lauren Ellers Professor Omodio-Griess EEX 4070 Section 902 Developmental Disabilities Developmental Disabilities Definition "Mental or physical disabilities that impair the person's functioning in language, learning, mobility, self-care, or other important areas of living" (Vaughn, Bos, & Schumm, (2010), p. 251) "Developmental Disabilities" is an umbrella term that encompass a wide variety of intellectual disabilities that vary in severity and the impact that they play in a person with a developmental disability's everyday life. Definition Common Characteristics Since there are several different types of Developmental Disabilities, it is best to classify common characteristics by breaking them down into more specific categories. "The most recent Global Burden of Disease data estimate that in 2015, there were 3.6 million children aged 1–9 years living with autism and more than 15 million living with idiopathic developmental intellectual disability" (Collins et al., 2017) Common Characteristics Intellectual Disabilities Students with intellectual disabilities have limited cognitive functioning, often learn at a slower pace, and sometimes struggle with both complicated tasks and age-appropriate skillsets. This term is now preferable to "mental retardation", as it suggests a more optomistic attitude towards the person's quality of life and abilities. Intellectual Disabilities Can be genetic, physical, or non-physical Can affect a student's cognitive, motor, and/or social skills These include Chromosomal Disorders (Down Syndrome) Fragile X Syndrome Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Abuse, low birth-weight, disease, infection, exposure to toxins, etc. Physical Causes of Intellectual Disabilities Physical Causes of Intellectual Disabilities Typical life activities are significantly affected. Affects a student's intellectual, motor, communication, and/or social skills. These include Severe intellectual disabilities Multiple disabilities dual sensory impairments Severe Disabilities Severe Disabilities How Teachers Can Accomodate How Teachers Can Accomodate Identifying Students with Developmental Disabilities Document observations of students who are displaying difficulties completing tasks. Follow proper school district protocol by reaching out to principal/counselor/whoever is specified on how to approach having a meeting with the student's family. Keep an open communication the student's families. Identifying Students with Developmental Disabilities Students with developmental disabilities often require an adapted curriculum/education plan, such as an IEP. Teachers can modify lesson plans/goals/objectives to better benefit students with developmental disabilities with systems such as: Planning Pyramid- Encourages student's participation in regular class activities, but makes a distinction regarding their individualized goals/objectives. McGill Action Planning System: Fosters relationships through team activities. Choosing Outcomes and Accommodations for Children: Individualizes curriculum for students with developmental disabilities in classroom setting. Person-Centered Planning: Focuses more on student's transition into adulthood. Planning Planning Assessing students with developmental disabilities through monitoring progress throughout/viewing their progress holistically is beneficial. Types of effective assessments include: Portfolio assessment Alternate assessment (checklists, performance, etc.) Assessment and Analysis Assessment and Analysis Helpful Strategies There are many ways that teachers can install helpful strategies into the everyday classroom environment in order to provide students with developmental disabilities a quality educational experience. Helpful Strategies Create a Routine Creating a routine to rensure to the student that they are safe and in a learning environment where they can grow can help towards increasing their sense of belonging. This can be achieved through Direct instructions, whether they be in emergency situations or daily classroom procedures Create a Routine Establish Varied Learning Goals Remember that students with IEPs may have different learning goals. While these goals may be different, they should always be directed towards meeting quality educational needs of the student. Establish Varied Learning Goals Environmental Accomodations Simple ways of changing the classroom environment to accomodate to students with developmental disabilities' needs can further increase their sense of belonging. This can be acheived through simple means such as the purchase of more comfortable chairs, or adjusting the height of a desk for a student who uses a wheelchair. Environmental Accomodations Cooperative Learning Cooperative learning is a good strategy for encouraging the inclusion of the student with developmental disabilities with the rest of their class. Through assigning each student with a role towards achieving a group goal, interdependence and rapport is built among

Category Expert Presentation

Transcript: One combination that’s proven to be harmful is the mixture of energy drinks and alcohol The combination of a stimulant and a depressant can lead to heart problems such as an abnormal heart rate. Mixing the two causes you send mixed messages to your nervous system which is what can cause cardiac related problems This combination can also cause dehydration since both acts as diuretics; Alcohol makes people dehydrated, which is one of the reasons why people have hangovers, and the caffeine in the energy drinks is a diuretic which also causes people to lose water. So it makes the effects of dehydration worse Fatigue is the body's way of saying it's had enough to drink and it's dangerous to continue to try to fool your body that you're not as drunk as you really are The Social Drink: Energy Drinks Many of these products contain similar ingredients, from various forms of caffeine to guarana, acai berry, taurine, ginseng, arnitine, creatine, inositol and ginkgo biloba -- all of which have stimulating effects Taurine is an amino acid that supports neurological development and helps regulate the level of water and mineral salts in the blood. Taurine is also thought to have antioxidant properties and is found naturally in meat, fish and breast milk, and it's commonly available as a dietary supplement. Some studies suggest that taurine supplementation may improve athletic performance, which may explain why taurine is used in many energy drinks. Other studies suggest that taurine combined with caffeine improves mental performance, although this finding remains controversial. And in one study, people with congestive heart failure who took taurine supplements three times a day for two weeks showed improvement in their exercise capacity Like many things -- moderation is key Energy drinks are the best, new way to stay awake for long periods of time and get that energy boost that you might need after a long day Energy drinks have become the new “thing” among teens, tweens, young adults, and those that drink alcohol Energy drinks are fairly new so there is not much that we know about their health risks. Research on energy drinks is not extensive, but they have started to cause a health risk buzz with doctors and dentist causing concern about short term and long term health risks Category Expert Presentation Other dangers of energy drinks can be traced to the fact that they're also loaded with sugar, a particular health risk for children and people at risk for diabetes Even for non-diabetics, all the sugar causes a crash a few hours later, leaving the drinker more exhausted than before they had the drink Many energy drinks and other products feature very large amounts of caffeine -- approximately three times the amount found in a regular cup of coffee -- often along with other stimulants Acidic beverages increase the potential for dental erosion, loss of enamel and may contribute to tooth decay and cavities Recommendation: It is also better to drink an acidic drink at one sitting, rather than sipping on it all day and prolonging your teeth to exposure. Dentists also recommend rinsing your mouth out with water after you drink a beverage that is high in sugar and/or acid Energy drinks contain a substantial amount of caffeine, sugar and other ingredients that can sometimes lead to serious side effects such as insomnia, an increased or irregular heartbeat, agitation, irritability, seizure, and possibly even death Ingredients Health Effects Goal Ingredients (cont.) More RESEARCH More RESTRICTIONS More REGULATIONS The New Craze

bra category presentation

Transcript: Introduction Our Aim O B J E C T I V E Sustainable growth in accessory supply in women lingerie jacquard and bra tape Target Product Components B R A S T R A P Bra Strap B R A B O T T O M B A N D Bra Bottom Band W I R E C A S I N G Wire Casing H I G H Q U A L I T Y F O L D E D E L A S T I C S High Quality Folded Elastic Section Wise Team Members Our Strength Marlon Marketing Department Chamin Marketing Department Tharindu Testing Lab Thilini QA Department Dilrukshi Procurement Susil Dye Section Dimantha Lingerie Woven Section Chaminda Covering Hansa Lingerie Beam Warper Indika R&I Section Priyadarshana Dye Section Rohan Packing Tharindu QA Department Solaman Lingerie Woven Section Deahara R&I Department Dilantha Engineering Section S C E N A R I O A N A L Y S I S in the previous problems Issues Low color achievement Color variations Different color in face side and back side Color unevenness Dye Patches Low Luster Level C O L O U R I S S U E S C O L O R I S S U E S H A R S H E D G E S H A R S H E D G E S Huge reed gap Machine needle timing errors When trying to make elastic without facing yarn Gaps in the machine fine tune process H A N D F E E L H A N D F E E L Non suitable Raw materials Over heating Re- finishing Non-suitable chemicals when trying to avoid the run back issue E/M I S S U E S E/M I S S U E S Different Beam weight Dyeing and finishing changes Re-dyeing Re-finishing O P P O R T U N I T I E S Opportunities BLI Brands -PUMA, LBI, PVH BLI ( Brandix Lingerie Innovations ) L B I MGF & 'L' Brands MGF & "L" Brands Brands - La zensa, VS, Pink MAS Bodyline MAS BODYLINE Brands - Triumph, Duns Thank You !!

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