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Case Competition Powerpoint Template Free

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Case Competition

Transcript: Cross Training Why should employees be cross trained? Cross Training as a form of recognition: Why? To increase overall knowledge Incentive Programs Prevent Undue Stress It is estimated that 75 to 90 percent of visits to health care providers are due to stress-related conditions, costing employers in increased health care costs. (Maxon) The company will also suffer do to the employee not working to his or her full potential, which will drive productivity down. Abrams, Carmen. & Berge, Zane. (2010). Workforce Cross training: a re-emerging trend in tough times. Emerald. 22 (8), Retrieved October 7, 2012 from Baldwin.Boomer.Rubin, (2008). Managing Organizational Behavior. 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Ebeling, A, C. & Lee, C, Y. (1994). Cross-training effectiveness and profitability. Int. J. Prod. 32 (12), 2843-2859. Retrieved October 7, 2012 from James, Keith. & Lahti, Ken. (2011). Organizational Vision and System Influences on Employee Inspiration and Organizational Performance. Creativity & Innovation Management. 20 (2), 108-120. Retrieved October 2012 from Marentette, Kenneth, A., Mills, Lisa., & Johnson, Alan, W. (2009). A measure of Cross-Training Benefit Versus Job Skill Specialization. Computers and Industrial Engineering. Sciendirect. Retrieved October 7, 2012 from Maxon, Rebecca (1999). Stress in the Workplace: A Costly Epidemic. Retrieved October 5, 2012 from McKeough, Anne. (Febuary 21, 2012). Four Tips for Structuring Employee Incentive Programs. Chief Marketer Home Page. Retrieve Web. 4 Oct. 2012. From Quast, Lisa. (September 19, 2011) Creating Incentive Plans That Actually Incent Employees. Retrieve October 4, 2012. From Quigley, Joseph, V.,(1994). Vision: How Leaders Develope it, Share it, and Sustain it. Business Horizons. 37-41. Retrieved October 7, 2012 from Schmidt, Steven, W., (2009). Employee Demographics and job training satisfaction: The Relationship Between Dimensions of Diversity and Satisfaction with Job Training. Human Resource Development International. 12 (3), 297-312. Retrieved October 7, 2012 from Segal, Jeanne (September 2012). Stress at Work. Retrieved October 5, 2012 from Slack, Frederick, J., Orife, John, N., & Anderson, Fred, P. (2010). Effects of Commitment to Corporate Vision on Employee Satisfaction with their Organizations: An Empirical Study in the United States. International Journal of Management. 27 (3), 421-436. Retrieved October 7, 2012 from Unk (September 2, 2002). Choosing an Employee Incentive Program. Entrepreneur. Retrieve October 4, 2012. From Unk (1995-2012). Employee/Retiree. Boeing: Employee Incentive Plan. N.p., n.d. Retrieve October 4, 2012. From Purpose for Incentive Programs - Cost 2... -Cross-training -Implement Incentive Programs -Recognize and Minimize Undue Stress Team 63 Interfere with productivity physical and emotional health(Segal) If stress at the workplace is High! Signs of unmanaged stress: Who to Cross-Train Purpose: Company objectives are aligned with business goals, of then which the employees are trying to achieve. The end result will be great production within the company and reward for the employee. Incentive Programs Recognizing and Preventing Undue Stress in the Workplace •Prioritize tasks. •Break projects into small steps. •Delegate responsibility. •Be willing to compromise.(Segal) 1.... Meetings that include all employees frequently Team 63 Cross Training Providing Programs Implementing Incentive Programs References Two rules for cross training efficiency Final Recommendations Flexible Hours: Breaks, Lunch time Extension, Creating Work Schedule Ways to Foster Growth and Maximize Potential How to minimize Stress Individual Interests -

Case Competition

Transcript: By: Perebotie Amughan , Andrew Pitts, Memo Nakour, & Sophie Shugarts Amazon Case Competition Background/ Vision History of Amazon (See Exhibit 2) "Get Big Fast" 2000 rose sales from $1.64 billion to $ 2.76 billion (See Exhibit 1) Growth also led to the loss of about $2.1 billion in 1999 and 2000 Vision=increasing customer satisfaction and revenue growth. Bezos unconcerned with "short-term" profitability, preferred long-term investments. In 1999, Amazon expanded their categories, but remained unprofitable In 2001, Amazon tried to cut cost by laying off 1,300 employees, 15% of the company Online retailers vs. in-person retailers; Selling books and CD's was thought to never be profitable Exhibit 1 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Expansion Expansion July 1995 Amazon expanded to 45 countries. ex: U.K, Germany, Japan, etc. In 1999 Amazon expanded their retail categories, building a network of distribution centers to support expansion. Tardemarked to slogan "Earth's biggest selection" in 1999. In 2000 Amazon made it a mission to add a more personalized expericence for consumers. Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Page 10-14 Customer Service Personalized web pages to satisfy customer experience. Helped move inventory Made customers feel important Went to the customer Bezos's believed price was not the only factor in customer purchasing Accessibility and variety Bundle's Item to item relevancy Amazon means different things to different people Exhibit 8 Exhibit 6 Competitors April 2001: Amazon buys out, and enhances the whole website Amazon receieved a one-time payment for this, and a shared revenue from the revenue. was a distant 3rd on the online book store market with $27 million sales in 2000, behind Amazon and Barnes and Noble with $320 million and $1.7 billion, respectively. Borders began in 1971 as a regular book store, and succeeded in that department. In the mid 90's; however, Borders was late to the internet book store party. Borders implemented an online store in 1998, a year after Barnes and Noble, and 3 years after Amazon. In 1999, Borders captured only 1% of the $1.6 billion dollar online book store market, compared to Amazon's 80% share and Barnes and Nobles' 15% share. - Competitors Graph (exhibit 12)

Case Competition

Transcript: Irene's Dilemma Maurice Courtez Carrissa Rodrick Finanical Assumptions Strength Negotiate contract with new name "Comfort Inn Zurich" Raise the room rates by 20% 140 CHF to 170 CHF Run specials on weekends and during slow travel seasons Without merger -Increase in total revenue due to raise in prices, improvements to the hotel, and additional marketing efforts -Reach more customers through marketing, brand name recognition (utility), and online reservation system -Will gain more resoucres and training through the merger Initial increase in revenue - 20% due to price change because of perceived value of brand name Yearly increase in revenue - 4% Yearly increase in salaries - 3% All customers booked Choice Hotels reservation systems Perceived utility less than or equal to par Location: proximity to city No brand image No competitive advantage No business during vacation Weakness Patnerships with companies at the convention centers Emerging markets (Asian/Russian) Zurich = Swiss banking capital Yearly increase in revenue - 4% Yearly increase in salaries - 3% And one more thing... Continue with the merge of Airotel Rumlang and Choice Hotels Europe Thank you for your attention! Competition with branded hotels Swiss Air's bankruptcy could cause less travel Our Decison Conclusion Current price is attractive Sound proof windows Location: Proximity to airport and convention center Breakfast buffet Reasons Opportunities Threats With merger Recommendations Agenda Our Decision Industry and Trends Recommendations Financial Analysis SWOT Analysis is here

Case Competition

Transcript: Questions...? Viewership Expanded! Kevin Wu (Kevjumba) 2.8 million total YoutTube subscribers "Charity of the Month" -Donates his YouTube revenue to a different charity each month and promotes the cause Christina Ling Nicole Allain-Stockton Proposal: Donors Expand viewer base Expand awareness of: -One Global Economy & -One Global Economy's mission Make individual donations a significant portion of revenue Start a chain effect Methods Many influential individuals online Avid viewers Target audience that supports the cause Chain effect of blogging Bloggers' natural incentive to broadast the cause But what about ...? Videos are engaging Infuential vloggers reach large audiences YouTube tailors to non-profit Lack of individual donors Limited general awareness of the cause Social Media for One Global Economy (The Case Foundation) Leverage influential internet figures to promote One Global Economy's cause... Join YouTube Non-Profits Make short and engaging videos that offer insight into the company Reach out to influential "vloggers" to bring attention to the channel The Influence of Blogs... Examples: Derek Embry Brian Saslow Methods... Tip Social Media Predicted Outcomes So... What About ? 8% of Internet users keep a blog (~12 million American adults) 39% of Internet users read blogs (~57 million American adults) 90 % of bloggers say they have read someone else's blog Potential Donors 2 Free Social Media Tools: Youtubers Ready to Help Youtube... Broadcast One Global Economy's mission to a larger target audience at a low cost Engage viewers with captivating web content to promote interest Problems Expand into the blogosphere - - - - - Estimated Cost? Quinn Hu Goals Blogs -


Transcript: Timeline Image by Tom Mooring - Stunning PowerPoint Presentation: team that took time and effort into creating a visually appealing PowerPoint. The PowerPoint aided the presentation well and left a lasting impression on the judges. To present a competition that brings value to the executives of the different sectors of Compass Group and in turn receive funding to make this competition a reality. Benefits for Students - Most Innovative Ideas: team that went outside their box and created an idea that is beyond our time Case Competition Overview A case competition is an event where students compete to create the best solution to a business case study, within the rules and guidelines set out by the organizer. Solutions designed by the teams are to be submitted for judging by a panel. Judges typically use a rubric to grade participants based on predefined criteria. Goal In conclusion, the purpose of the competition is to work as a learning tool for students and creating business opportunities for Compass Group Canada. The idea is to gather open-minded and creative post-secondary students from different programs and perspectives to make the idea as realistic and feasible as possible for our organization. Along all the benefits above, this competition has the potential to make a big impact in the community as well as in the industry. - Captivating Audience Presentation: presentation that leaves everyone unable to turn their heads away. The team spoke passionately and smoothly about what they had to offer. 2. To highlight potential candidates skills and ability to leaders in our organization and to attract candidates to our MIT program Leadership: students will showcase their professionalism and organization through decision making skills, team work, creativity, self-confidence, presentation skills for a high-level jury, working under pressure, and as a result, improve their resume for future positions; Networking: students will not only have an opportunity to mingle with teammates and exchange experiences but also network with senior executives and professionals in the field; Apply Knowledge and Experience: case competitions allow students to gain experience in their career, enabling them to apply knowledge learned in the class room in real-world situations. Making an Impact: as the case competition focuses on solving real industry problems, by providing innovative ideas and solutions for the problem, they might cause an immediate impact in the business world. 3. To bring the Compass employment brand to post-secondary schools while furthering our commitment to giving back to the community and building skills for future leaders. - Judges will have a copy of the case and the evaluation sheet for each presentation. “Individual we are one drop, together we are the ocean” Conclusion Evaluation Ryunosuke Satoro Case Competition Guidelines 1st Place - $TBD 2nd Place - $TBD 3rd Place - $TBD CASE COMPETITION - Lock down for 8 hours - 5 minutes set up, 20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes Q & A - Strategic and Implementation plan - Measurement of results Brand Awareness and Media Exposure: expand the Compass Group brand positively and promote the great quality of our services, creativity and innovation as well as getting potential new contracts, improving credibility and prestige; Talent Acquisition: through the case competition, Compass Group can potentially identify talented future team members even before the interview; Giving back: sends a vital message about academic support to all business, academic and educational future for students, helps raise the educational profile of our unique and diverse city; Business gaps: based on creative and innovative ideas presented, one or more business issues can be solved throughout the student's solutions and proposals. (include timeline) - Panel of judges will be comprised of senior management. - All judges are familiar with the case; therefore teams do not need to repeat the facts of the case during the presentation. 1. To obtain a competitive advantage of top talent at the post-secondary school level in advance of our competition Prizes Objectives Recognition Awards - The judging panel’s decision is final and cannot be re-evaluated Benefits for Compass Group

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

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